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  1. Powered by http://www.igcn.mu/assets/images/logo.png Server that promises and fulfills, long trajectory Server free of bugs and errors, passed by tests and balances is clean to inaugurate it officially, with improvements for this version (Opening date in the web) Web Site Slow: News HadesMu Season 12 WebMain: HadesMu NETWORK Forum: Forum HadesMu Powered by Vbulletin Season: 12 Ep 2 Offlevel : On Server Slow Exp & Drop: 20 x 40% - Master x10 Server Slow Lvl reset: 400 Erase Stats and leave 400 cumulative. Web Site Fast: News HadesMu Season 12 WebMain: HadesMu NETWORK Forum: Forum HadesMu Powered by Vbulletin Season: 12 Ep 2 Offlevel : On Server Fast Exp & Drop: 500 x 40% - Master x100 Server Fast Lvl reset: 400 Erase Stats and leave 600 cumulative. Max Stats: Support 65,000 Points (65k). Points By LVL: 5/7 (Normal). Availability: 24/7 CLIENTE : Official downloads - server Slow & Fast Code:New S12 Features New Map Nixies Lake new! Holyangel Mastery Set new! Darkangel Weapons new! Maze of Dimensions new! Class Improvement new! New S11 Features New Map Ferea new! Darkangel Mastery Set new! Bloodangel Weapon new! Upgraded Divine Archangel Weapon new! Character information Window Improvements new! New Skills new! Elemental System Update new! New Socket Items new! Socket System Expansion new! New&Upgraded Pentagrams new! Hunting Log new! General Features Server Emulator based on 7 executables only Minimum CPU & RAM usage control resources usage from configuration Enhanced Speed and Performance of Server applications Hyper-threading optimized files multi-core processors are no longer a problem Packets Queue System Easy Configurable Environment minimalist configuration required to up and run server Detailed Logs System now you can keep an eye on what your players are doing Client Side Features HD Resolution Support Auto Reconnect System Glow System shinny your items in own colours Custom Items System add own items up to 512 per group Possible Item Combinations Ancient, Excellent Ancient, Excellent, Socket with up to 5 Spheres Support, JoH Items, 380 Items, Harmony Items System up to +13 Support of high attack speed for all Skills and Classes (no speed bug) Server and Game Features New Character - Grow Lancer Master Equipment: Blood Angel Sets New Currency: Ruud Skill Imprint Event Entrance Icon New Map: Nars MuunSystem Party & Guild Matching Pandora Jewel and Mining System News and Notices System display global messages to your players on specified interval Advanced VIP System award your players with a range of benefits of being VIP Bonus Event System Adjust Exp rates for specified maps Cash Shop System award with cash or coin for every event type and Play Time Chaos Box System configure the rates the way you want Character Settings System get your character balanced, no matter of your server configuration Skill Settings System configure skills formula of each class and special mobs skills Buffer Bot System Customize the Bots to award your players with selection of Buffs Event Reward System Customize events (Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Chaos and more) reward type and count Prohibited Words limit your players with the words that are not elegant ChaosCard Bag Custom Reward from Chaos Card - that can be done Custom Socket Manage Custom Socket Item? Yes, this is truth Lucky Items Manager want a Custom Lucky Item? Nothing easier Reset Item Manager required item to perform reset? Configure it here Item Bag Manager allows you to add New Event Bags yourself for and item or monster Drop Manager Configure drop the way you want, with no limits Game Master Shop Off-Trade System sell the Stuff for any type of coin or cash Off-Levelling gain exp being offline Auto Party System Leave an open door for your friends to join party while being AFK Configurable PVP Damage Reduction increases the PVP duration without changing the characters balance Configurable Castle Siege damage reduction increases the Castle Siege PVP duration without changing the characters balance Full Customizable Elemental System with pentagram, mithril and Errtel drop rates and mix rates Map Attribute System enabling or disabling PVP, Pk Penalty, Exp Bonus and Drop Rate for each map Zen Configuration customize the zen drop of each map Gens System configurable and with all features (Quests, Ranking, PVP and more) Multi-ware System which allows to use more then one vault per account InGame Quests and Events Arca War Battle Acheron Guardian Event Chaos Castle Survival Event Illusion Temple Renewal Imperial Fort Event Double Goer (Doppelganger) Castle Siege Loren Deep CryWolf Devil Square (1-7) Blood Castle (1-8) Chaos Castle (1-7) Swamp of Peace (Medusa) Rabbits Invasion Pouch of Blessing Invasion Golden Monster Invasion White Wizard Invasion Battle Soccer Kalima (1-7) Event Kanturu Event LaCleon Event Last Man Stating Event (Custom) Bonus events Event (Custom) Santa Village Event Halloween Event New Year Day Event Lottery Events Lucky Items System Rena Event Chaos Card Moss The Gambler Box and Sepcial Item Events Chocolate Box (Blue, Red, Pink) Heart of Love Candy Box (Lilac, Vermilion, Deep Blue) Firecracker Ribbon Box (Blue, Green, Red) Golden and Silver Medals Start of Sacred Rebirth GM Box Cherry Blossom (Gold) Sealed Silver and Sealed Golden Boxes Side Features Cash Shop System with gifting and Goblin points options Loren Market Location Duel System and Duel Arena located on Vulcanus Map Original Mini Maps Gens System with Gens Chat Support Quest System (Tutorial, Gens Quest System, Cherry Blossom Quest and more) Pentagram system (including new Pentagrams) Elemental Damage System Full completed skill tree for all races (including extended skill tree for Fist Master) Fruits System Expansion of Inventory and Warehouse New Trade Feature move items to and from the trade with right click of the mouse Mu Helper BOT System Marry System advanced Marry System to get a wonderful wedding with your love Fenrir - Red, Blue, Black, Golden combination & Pets Ring of Warrior for level 40 and 80Copyright © 2016 HADESMUONLINE NETWORKS http://hades-network.com/logo.jpg
  2. Welcome to the official thread of Liquid Five Gaming Group. We are a community of gamers who aspire to have fun and play competitive games such as PUBG, CS:GO, RUST ETC. Everyone is invited to come play, have a laugh or just come chat.Our Admin's/Moderator's/Owner's are extremely helpful and will settle you right in! Just come say hello. Counter Strike : Global Offensive Semi - Pro TeamEntry Fragger : Tandarra (HP) Refragger : JWSkillz Strategy 'Strat' Caller : TXC Lurker : Datpenguindoe AWPer : JFlix Liquid Five Discord Server:Invite Link : https://discord.gg/chrsSG
  3. New group just starting up with not too many members. We play whatever games we fell like at the time and will play almost any game. Recently we have been playing a lot of counter strike but we are interested in anything.We don't allow kids with high voices, bad mics, or people who are easily angered or offended. Other than that, Anyone is welcome to join and have some fun with us. The chat program we use is called Discord. It is similar to teamspeak but better in a lot of ways. You can join our Discord Here.
  4. MIA Clan ​Here at the MIA Clan we pride ourselves in sustaining an enjoyable gaming environment. MIA was founded in 2005 by Undertaker. He wanted gamers from all over the world to have a fun social gaming community to come to. In creating the MIA Clan he created a functioning system that promotes a fun gaming experience. With our code of ethics we strive to ensure that we continue to have the best reputation in the gaming world. We have dedicated council members whom have been members of MIA for many years. They appoint Division Leaders & those Division Leaders appoint Assistant Division Leaders. Divisions, Sub Divisions & Leaders Division Division Leader Ark: Survival Evolved JackalopeHunter ArmA 3 Morgue2903 BF3, 4, Hardline MrClicks CS: GO Scorpion World of Tanks Raptor Console (PS4, XB1) Tidaslam We are always open to other games so let us know what you play! Council Members UNDERTAKER WRXS*** Andrea VMAX6 MURFTHESURF A_LUCKY_HIT MrClicks Recruit Department Kato Snowman Scorpion KILLSWITCH314 MIA Clan is a family oriented gaming community. We expect people who play on our servers to be respectful. This includes no cursing in TeamSpeak or in-game chat. Our head of security, VMAX6, works diligently to ensure that cheaters of any kind are prohibited from joining our clan. Know that when you join the MIA Clan you are joining a fair & balanced gaming community that puts a focus of having the most fun possible. If you have any questions about becoming a member of the MIA Clan feel free to join our TeamSpeak channel @ You can also get more information by visiting our website at http://miaclan.net. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Look forward to seeing you!
  5. Brief Info: We are a Arma 3 community that like to play a mod called Arma 3 Life. This is a addon to Arma 3 that you need to roleplay on this mod is serious fun and we want you guys to come and join in the fun with us. If you wish to contact us in anyway come and join our website or talk to us in teamspeak. You dont like any of those options come and say Hi on our steam community group. We hope to see some of you soon on Cyrex so that you can come and roleplay with us and hopefully become a long term member Contact Info: Website - http://cyrexroleplay.co.uk/Teamspeak - NSGTS3.COMSteam Group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CyrexGamingRPOnce again we hope to see you guys soon. Thanks CyrexGaming
  6. Purple


    Version 0.3


    A fun crazymod with multiple features allowing users to just go crazy and have a blast spamming and spraying everything in sight! @Originally nnlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter PM me for help or requests!
  7. Hello All! I'm posting on here to find out wether anyone is interested in joining a fairly new Arma 2 MSO community. MSO is a mod for arma 2 OA which adds a very tactical, immersive and realistic perspective to the game, and is also alot of fun when played properly (as we do). We currently have about 10 members, which is enough for 2 squads of 5. We are hoping that people will see this post and be interested, and can help us make 3 squads of 4, which is more ideal. We only require that you have a legit copy of Arma 2 OA/CO, are mature enough to play realisticly/tactically, can speak/understand English, and can run Arma smoothly. If you are interested, please come in to our Teamspeak: zulu.ts3dns.com - you may poke a member and ask whatever questions you want, and you can also request an interview from there. The interviews are quick, and you can be downloading the mods and playing within the same day! We run on a dedicated game server based in Paris, so good ping for almost everyone, which as high enough specs to run the many mods MSO requires. We will guide you through all aspects of getting the mods working, and will make sure you are running everything properly so your experience is as good as possible Please reply an questions, I'll try and answer them all! Website: www.zuluservers.weebly.com
  8. Website URL: http://www.venomenterprisegaming.com Community HUB URL: http://www.venomenterpisegaming.com/Community _____________________________________________________ About us: Enterprise Gaming was formed on the basis of providing the best gaming experience the internet has to offer. We affiliate ourselves with other gaming communities so to provide a wide array of options. We have our own staff and gamers aswell as the support from many other communities. From our Community HUB you can check out and join any of the communities that Enterprise Gaming is affiliated with. We hope you enjoy your time on our HUB and that you consider join one if not all of the communities their. -Venom (Owner of Enterprise Gaming) Email: venom@venomenterprisegaming.com
  9. Welcome to the shit! Just a group of laid back guys. Got about 10-15 active members. A really family type gaming community, extremely close knit. We love to just hangout and play some vidya's. We play about every game under the sun. If you're interested, contact General Sideburns on steam - (Username is : usmcgrunt12 ) or come hang out in TS. If nobody's on. Just leave Sideburns a note with a poke, I'll try my best to hunt you down. TS ip is : apgc.leetskeet.info
  10. http://i.imgur.com/4b5QIjA.png Hello ladies and gentlemen! Our community is a gaming community which is a great community to spend some time with! The community hosts several tournaments for the community members, some examples are Grand Theft Auto V Online and League of Legends tournaments. The winners will get a great reward and it's worth it to spend some time with this community. The community people are nice and kindful. This community is for everyone, we don't care if you're a boy, girl, fat, ugly, lesbian or gay, we accept any kind of people. You can get help from other community members too, like games or computers. You can get help with anything. You can also view others players reviews about games if you're not sure which game you want to buy. The community people has a lot of giveaways too. For the home page: http://www.intergaming.net/ For the forums: http://www.intergaming.net/forum/ For some reviews: http://www.intergaming.net/index.php/review/viewall/1/date_posted/DESC You can view more reviews on the forums. http://i.imgur.com/Q8yMuHH.png Created & Designed by Intergaming.
  11. Welcome to Zonisto hosting. one of the best Minecraft hosts I have tried. their server's run fast, and mostly lag free. There starter plan gives you 15 slots with 512 mb ram. seemingly not enough to run a minecraft server, but zonisto pulls it off with flying colors. If your lookin for a minecraft host, Zonisto is your best choice http://zonisto.com
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