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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. Oh that's just rich - as if they didn't have anything to do with it, they "became aware of it" lol.
  2. Any way to update this automatically for players when they connect to a server without it getting misinterpreted as a malicious hack? Also it is a shame that they have shut down the list, it's not as if there wasn't anybody playing anymore (like RTCW). There were 1000s of ET servers still.
  3. That's great Avery. What exactly did he update? And what OS is he running now?
  4. Well I'm not sure what is going on then. For me I only see this bug when I attempted to run a non-dedicated silent mod server on my laptop at home using Win7. So it is non-issue for me unless I am playing around with maps or pk3 files. I wouldn't attempt to host a game from Win7 anyway. A professional gaming host should be using a server OS not Win7. Maybe you could try again and post the logs so the developers here can see it.
  5. So your host is running on a desktop in his home? I was confused about why you needed to run on Win 7 now I think I see what's going on. You could just run your server from your own house then, and use linux instead. Debian is probably the best version of linux for running stable servers, and it is free. Ubuntu is more for end-users. You might need more bandwidth though to host a big server, but you could run 10-20 players from home with a decent modern high-speed connection with good upload (not just download).
  6. I tried it again just now after disabling the UAC (msconfig -> tools -> change UAC settings -> launch). I still got the same error. So it is not a user permission thing after all. I am using Win 7 Home Premium on my laptop when I get this error. My old XP computers can host a non-dedictated silent server with no problems though. @Avery what version of Win 7 are you running? You are aware that they don't have a windows 7 for dedicated "real" servers? Probably Windows Server 2008 actually.
  7. Might be possible with enhanced mod, you could disable panzers in the silent mod cfg and then add them back for one class for one team only through the weapon entities in ModEnhCfg.xml. I have never tried it though.
  8. Good to know that. I thought it was 30 or 32. 48 is better if you have the server muscle to handle all those extra pk3s. Try putting 48 maps in etmain and you will lag, and players with slow internet or old computers will leave to find less lag. That is the risk. Of course other players will simultaneously tell you that you should host more maps because they are bored lol. Better to have two smaller sets of maps to vote on and then rotate them every week. I find using more than 16 maps in etmain makes the server lag, your mileage will vary.
  9. I get this same exact error if I start a home server from a computer running Windows 7. I have to run it from XP (yeah XP I know) if I want to run a local silent mod server. I didn't have the problem from a hosted server running Windows though. Not sure what version the host was running (it was hosted by ems so Hellreturn would know). I didn't report it because I thought it must have been something unique to Windows 7, like a user account permission error preventing it from accessing the needed pk3 or qagame file containing the PPSH animation file. Hope this could get looked at. Thanks.
  10. Yes you can change your cg_fov like normal, but the gun does not change shape. So it does not look like you did anything at first. You can adjust whether or not the weapon rescales at different cg_fov values through the in-game player menu. @Dr Jekyll - enhanced mod does not always work well on a non-dedicated home server, but it should run fine on a dedicated server, either from home or hosted. Also, test it on a fresh install of ET with silent. I sent you a pm with more details.
  11. Download it from here: "Download binaries (All-In-One-Pack) - enhmod.zip" When you unzip it you will see a big mess of folders and files. The folders all contain jaymod qagame files that you don't need. Ignore the folders completely. You only need some of the files for silent. Next go into your silent folder on your server and rename your "qagame_mp_x86.dll" (Windows) or "qagame.mp.i386.so" (Linux) to either "enhmod_qagame_mp_x86.dll" or "enhmod_qagame.mp.i386.so". Now copy all the files except these to your silent mod folder: enhmod_qagame_mp_x86.dll enhmod_qagame.mp.i386.so jaymod_enh.dll jaymod_enh.so You are replacing your original silent mod qagame file with the one from enhanced mod, and the silent mod one becomes "enhmod_qagame...". When you restart the server it should now be running enhanced mod. You can modify weapons with the ModEnhCfg.xml file. This is somewhat controversial, so I will not go into details. But you should be able to figure it out if you look through this file in Notepad or Notepad Plus (free software).
  12. I used enhanced mod v109e on silent 0.5.0 and it works OK. Also, my custom commands in shrubbot.cfg show up when I use !help.
  13. With a custom lua mod you may be able to do it, but it is not a standard feature. The developers really prefer that server operators do not make the bots look like real players. If you really want omnibots with fake ping you could run other mods that allow this (ECMOD for example). Best not to do it with silent mod though. Thanks.
  14. Everything should save properly now. Earlier versions of the mod had a few issues but they were addressed. It sounds like you are having multiple issues, which is very common when learning a new ET mod. Perhaps you could post your silent.cfg file, without your passwords or IP addresses or redirect server addresses. You may have many settings misconfigured.
  15. Chaplja actually expected to make a huge profit writing anticheat code for a free game?
  16. Some other pk3 file is probably overwriting the normal graphic rendering of that feature of fueldump. If this is happening to all players on your server, then you have a bad pk3 somewhere. Maybe a custom map that someone modified but did not properly document.
  17. Since punkbuster is no longer needed anymore, I would like to disable it for players so they have less lag. I have been using this in the default.cfg: forcecvar pb_sleep 500 Now, I am thinking about just turning it off for clients with this: forcecvar cl_punkbuster 0 I am wondering if there are any problems with this approach, or strong opinions against doing this. Or if it would work properly for all players. I am aware that this could be controversial, and I want to check first. Also, do the forcecvars have to be in the default.cfg? Can they just be put in the silent.cfg instead? I am wondering if the forcecvars would be run on every player if they are loaded once when the server starts, instead of running them over and over at the beginning of every map (and causing some players to get disconnected). Thanks
  18. You can dig the body.wav file out of the soundpack here: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/files/file/13-silentsoundpack1pk3/ Or you can dig the file yourself out of the official jaymod pk3. Same file. Just make sure the folder structure is the same in your custom pk3.
  19. Version 1


    This file changes the PPSh-41 into a venom gun. It does not change the underlying settings of the PPSh-41. This file also contains the same jaymod body hitsound as the silentsoundpack1.pk3 file. Do not use the silentsoundpack1.pk3 on the same server as this file. They will conflict with each other. To use, download the zip file and change the extension from "zip" to "pk3". You don't have to open it or anything. Then add this silentvenom1.pk3 file to your "silent" folder on your server. If you have a redirect server, be sure to add a copy there too. You may modify this file for your own server. No warranty or claim of ownership is implied. phantasm
  20. What is the difference between sv_cvar and forcecvar? I see both of these are used in the default.cfg file.
  21. user.db is a jaymod file. You cannot copy the user.db from jaymod to silent mod. userdb.db (and userxdb.db) are the silent mod files.
  22. My XP save problems seem to have been fixed with this new version. Thanks.
  23. I remember November 2001 when RTCW came out. It was right after September 11th, and everyone in the US was scared and angry. Very diferent time than now. Anyway, a guy from work was telling me about this new game that just came out. So I watched him play this new game called "Return to Castle Wolfenstein". It was awesome. A couple days later, I bought it for my old Compaq Presario (running Windows 98 on 40MB on RAM lol). I lagged like a fat kid in a bike race. I got a new computer, and I joined the "Ballz Clan", with my buddy from work, and we played RTCW on "Ark's Michigan Server" every night for about a year. Then Ark left the Ballz Clan, and we stopped playing on his server. Then I switched over to the "ECG Beach" server and played there until ET came out in May 2003. I loved RTCW, glad to see people care about it after all these years.
  24. Thanks for focusing on the etkey and xp save issues.
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