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Everything posted by Chuckun

  1. Couldn't have put it better myself. Keep it up guys! Long live silEnT Mod!
  2. I like that idea sol, but like you said, it's a lot to render and I don't really think it would be worth it.
  3. ^This. That tool is epic - so much better than using any fail wallhack, and no risk of accidently connecting to a server with it and/or getting viruses
  4. Shrubbot is pretty solid, and as long as you could not join a team whilst using it (just like shoutcasters can't), it would be fine I just don't think the engine would allow it
  5. A possibility for allowing shownormals to certain admin levels whilst in spec would be good, but I believe this was prevented by the engine itsself after it was abused before?
  6. A massive +1 vote from me. First reaction from a trouble player when !muted is to start giving abuse via their alias instead..
  7. If you did want to remove them, I'm sure you can simply not include them in the flagged commands in any of your preset admin levels.
  8. Oh, I was unaware I don't host any servers so I've never experienced it server-side Nevermind then!
  9. If you mean PB Commands as in pb_xxxxxxx commands then they simply wont be there with PB turned off.. If you mean remove !ban because it acts on PB GUID - no need, in silent, anything related to PB GUIDs now works on Silent GUIDs - with added commands such as !userbanPB and other forms of 'pbguid' alternatives, if you'd like to act upon individual PB GUIDs.. But in short - silEnT is equipt to deal with no PB - and is currently the only MOD kept updated enough to boast such a thing It's ready to go, completely independant of PB
  10. I didnt mean like that.. I meant comparing the text contents of the two files, and merging them (ignoring / removing any duplicates), then overwriting both dbs with the new 'merged' one.
  11. Silent has its own GUID.. >_<
  12. ^ This. The revive 'freeze' also allows the 3rd person model to actually move from lying down to standing up seamlessly, as opposed to running around the map whilst still getting up off the floor
  13. ^ You could probably run a script on a 1hr cron job to sync the two databases though Not really sure of the best way to do this but it's doable
  14. This looks awesome =D
  15. For that there is an LUA script which denies certain names if the user doesnt have a certain level.. For example on our servers, anyone below level 11 (trial member), gets warned then kicked if they don't remove =F|A= from their name. But this rename suggestion is definitely useful either way - for people with very abusive names etc.
  16. Sounds like a good addition for the future then I'm definitely in no hurry, but it would save me banning people for abusive names if I could 'force' their real and clean alias.
  17. It would be good in future to maybe add a parameter to 'save' the !rename into the database so that GUID is stuck with that name...? (undoable)
  18. Oh sorry I thought you were talking about creating a new one
  19. As far as I know you can't serve different PK3s to different people.. But it may be possible for you to offer this file to your members via your website etc.. My question is - why limit it to members only? I would consider it an advantage for everyone to be able to state the rules via quick commands You'd be surprised how many regular players like to remind people of the rules - after all, they dont want rulebreakers either!
  20. I think it's !subnets to show all subnet bans
  21. With shrubbot - !rmsubnetban [ban number]
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