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Everything posted by Chuckun

  1. I actually just changed my vote to NO. As cool as it sounds I don't think stuff like this is a good idea - In my opinion (of course it's just an opinion since it's really not my place to say) SilEnT should be optimised for performance over things like this
  2. Excellent! Thank you so much guys! <3
  3. Unfortunately for my argument I agree with Beck and the others too.. I really do like how SilEnT feels and have no personal desire to change it, it suits me just perfectly.. I just desperately want to get rid of Jaymod but it's not possible unless there was a way to make silent feel SOMETHING closer to jaymod 'cause we'd end up just shutting the servers cause they'd be dead.. I'd rather just wish for jaybird to actually live up to his promises OR make Jaymod opensource.. It's faulty as hell and doesn't even have safeguards in place for no etkeys.. It's a POS that needs fixing or ditching.
  4. I certainly dont mean weapons etc, just the general gameplay style
  5. You misunderstood me.. I am well aware SilEnT experience is better - thats why I refuse to play any other MOD But there are people out there who will ONLY play jaymod because they are used to it and cant play with realistic hitboxes etc that you find in etpub / silent / even NQ.. I am not saying to make silent more like Jaymod.. that would be hell.. But it would be a very useful function to be able to tweak certain settings so that it 'feels' similar to jaymod. And I'm also not saying to recode silent or make another MOD like jaymod (and I know it's closed source or I wouldn't really be making this post 'cause we could fix the bugs ourselves ) - Just the ability to cater for the die-hard jaymod fans would be good.. because F|A clan for example has 3 SilEnT servers, 1 ETPro Server, 4 Jaymod Servers, 3 NQ servers.. (I may have forgotten some..) - Those who play Jaymod are VERY loyal to jaymod and HATE how any other mod feels.. Simply because jaymod is SO different to others.. So I just want to know if it's possible to tweak settings so that it feels sort of like jaymod in terms of hitboxes etc, so that Jaymod can finally die.
  6. I really want to encourage the supercedure of other MODs with silEnT MOD.. Not just because I love silEnT MOD but because it has an active development team and you are actually striving to perfect all functionality and fix any issues raised.. The most important in my opinion is to supercede JAYMOD - Jaybird goes AWOL 99% of the time and support is dismal. The user.db bugs in Jaymod are a nightmare but some people just love jaymod.. So I guess I just want to know if it's possible to create a jaymod experience, through use of SilEnT MOD.. I know the hitboxes etc are very different.. How feasible is it to make a silent server feel just like Jaymod, for those diehard jaymod lovers? Chuck
  7. ReCAPTCHA was cracked probably roughly since MyGamingTalk was opened SolveMedia seems pretty good as an alternative
  8. This usually happens when your forum URL gets put on a list that is given or sold to spammers.. Source: My long history of battling spammers xD
  9. I think just a flag in admin.db to allow avatars would be fine.. That way you can restrict it to certain level players only, AND just make a command (maybe LUA?) which removes (or adds) that flag from the user specifically - such as !plavatar [player] [1/0]. Ok I hoped that would be the case
  10. Sounds good - I don't think it should ever replace the player's name though, only be an addition.. My only concern is if this would cause even bigger database sizes for largely populated servers.. But of course I'm sure it would be up to the server manager / owner to determine whether or not to use the feature. How would we chose the image? Would it be an image on the clients machines, where the path to the image is defined by a client-side cvar? Not sure how you'd implement it but it'd be good to know.. All in all it's a nice idea though And I think it would be a very popular thing.. Suggestions: I may suggest having a command to remove avatars, and even a ACL option to allow/disallow avatars per-user. Some people might abuse it, or put hateful imagery up such as swastikas etc, which my clan for example, would not tollerate. Chuck
  11. +1 - or at least if you try to !mute a player, it says "Player already muted by <admin> for <duration> - reason: <reason>"... !finger showing warn info is probably the only thing I like about Jaymod lol
  12. I don't believe it's possible by looking at g_weapons in the silEnT wiki. From my understanding, for the most part the developers of silEnT want to keep things fairly realistic.. In which case firing guns underwater is fairly unrealistic Hence there's options for needles underwater and pliers underwater but not guns
  13. Great suggestion! I already use good old etmin.exe but an in-game option would be good for others who dont know
  14. Cancel that, I just found out about resetpls.. Going to try get that enabled for higher admins on our servers so we can deal with these trolls.
  15. Dragon, he just said that the guy has earnt 12+kd by using panzer and tapping out.. And I know who he's talking about too.. The guy has the skill of a 0.05kd player but he /kills even after ONE kill, so he boosts his KD to 12 and it sits around there permanently. He doesn't fluctuate much. It means his team gets absolutely slaughtered because shuffle stacks up high KD players on the opposing team.. He also does it on purpose.. He's a long-time trouble player. I think a better idea would be a !resetKD command.. Because some players use /kill as a legitimate teamplay function, and shouldn't be punished for it.. But hey, whatever is easiest suits me.. This is a highly exploitable hole..
  16. This is excellent! So many AMAZING new features, and so many fixes that will please a lot of people.. Thank you! (also extra thanks for taking a few of my suggestions on board ) Nice work guys!
  17. *eager wide eyes* Awesome.
  18. +1 Engi's definitely deserve more recognition and encouragement
  19. I've often considered requesting this too, but I thought;- it's not a 'revive' if they're not 'waiting to be revived'.. So I never bothered to ask.. But I guess as long as it is held togglable under a variable then it can be left up to the server owners if they turn it on or not.. I personally would use it providing it didnt cause people to insist on dealing teamdamage then needling rather than using medpacks on them..
  20. +1 on what dd said.. For me, one of the things I still go back to ET for is the teamplay.. I like CoD but it is a very selfish game.. ET requires teamwork so I'd rather not discourage it in any way..
  21. Hi 1 - rcon.. 2 - yeah I like that announcement too Would be nice! Chuck
  22. Indeed, this is a good suggestion but is probably fairly redundant if the !alist command I requested is indeed implemented.. Aliases are definitely something that needs storing somewhere in Silent
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