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Posts posted by Zelly

  1. Are there any luas?

    I know my lua can block people that are not on an actual team, or other conditions, from voting.

    It  is possible another lua is doing something similar.

  2. Just curious as it wasn't mentioned, unless i skimmed over it. What version did the server / client have.


    And if its 0.9.0 are you sure you upgraded both server and client correctly. (As in using correct qagame/cgame and not mistakenly using the binary from the old version)

    Also if 0.9.0 does it work on 0.8.x fine? (Trying to isolate which version is affected.)

  3. Sorry was away for the day :P


    That version may not even work with silent 0.9.0 or at least some things may not work. I am working on the next version to be compatible with silent 0.9.0, but I am a slow worker now I lose interest pretty fast.

    If you wish to track progress in the version compatible with 0.9.0 then follow this topic: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/6720-progress-on-next-version/


    Ignoring that it probably will not work on silent 0.9.0...

    What the current problem seems to be is that it can't find the save path though.


    There is probably 1 of 3 things happening.

    1. Is you don't have permission to write in your save path, I have never had this issue but it could possibly cause this.

    2. (The Most likely) Is the folder structure isn't properly setup in your save path.

    3. Some other error is preventing it from saving/reading files in save path, don't think so though since it would show in log.

    What I would do is make sure you have the proper folders created in your save path.

    Since lua can't make directories by itself, if your homepath is different than your base path then you have to manually create the directories.

    Like said in the wiki, you need in your /fs_homepath/silent/ a folder called LESM and inside that folder you need a save folder.

    So you would need to make a folder inside the silent mod homepath folder with LESM, and inside LESM you would need to create save,extra, and logs folder.

    It is kind of a pain but lua has it's limits when accessing directories and files and the such.


    Hope that is somewhat helpful...

  4. Hey all! I am still here.


    I am kind of working on the next version a little more lately since silent 0.9.0 is out and it has lua 5.3.


    I kind of already had a developmental build on a separate branch because et legacy runs lua 5.3 as well.

    So I just went #YOLO and am going to work on making it a main release.


    I still have to go and test a lot of stuff.

    I went and wrote up a make shift change log of what is currently in the new release.




    Seperated many functions into seperate classes to make a little more sense.
    config-option-add: "AutoLevel.Message" Customizable message when reaching autolevel rank
    	<xp> is the xp they reached to get the new level
    	<newlevel> is the level they were promoted to
    config-option-add: "AutoLevel.Location" Location for AutoLevel.Message
    New guid validator will validate a guid before allowing a player to do any client commands or anything else.
    	This vary's between mods the three main mods supported:
    	etpro: It will wait until the etpro guid is active ususally takes about 2 seconds after connect.
    	silent: Waits until silent guid is available to be read, takes less than a second.
    	legacy-mod: Waits until cl_guid is avaiable to be read, takes less than a second.
    		I think* if client's arent using the etlegacy client and they do not have pb enabled, then they may not be able to join.
    	Other mods untested.
    Started work on a kill spree/multi kill system.
    config-option-add: "Profile.GreetingsFormat" and "Profile.FarewellFormat" so you can customize how the messages display
    	<message> is the user's custom message (They can customize their message with things as well)
    config-option-add: "ConnectPrint.Message" and "ConnectPrint.MessageBots" message format for the connect print(replaes the like 6 values before)
    Completely re did connect / greeting / farewell messages
    	They now work with the message replace system:
    	(Bots and Humans)
    		<players> Total players on server
    		<axisplayers> Total players on axis
    		<alliesplayers> Total players on allies
    		<specplayers> Total players on spectator
    		<playingplayers> Total players on axis + allies
    	(Bots only)
    		<bots> Total bots on server
    		<axisbots> Total bots on axis
    		<alliesbots> Total bots on allies
    		<specbots> Total bots on spectator
    		<playingbots> Total bots on axis + allies
    	(Humans only)
    		<clients> Total clients on server
    		<axisclients> Total clients on axis
    		<alliesclients> Total clients on allies
    		<specclients> Total clients on spectator
    		<playingclients> Total clients on axis + allies
    	<c1> Color.Primary
    	<c2> Color.Secondary
    	<c3> Color.Tertiary
    	<cvar(cvarname)> Get server cvar value
    		Example: <cvar(sv_hostname)> would be replaced by the value of sv_hostname (Your server name)
    	(Client specific - Meaning the message has to have an associated client, like deathprint,connectprint,farewell,greeting,motd and most others)
    		<clientname> Name with colors
    		<clientcleanname> Name without colors
    		<clientcountry> GeoIP Country name
    		<etkeyguid> ...
    		<shortetkeyguid> Last 8 letters of etkey guid
    		<silentguid> ...
    		<shortsilentguid> Last 8 letters of silent guid
    		<etproguid> ...
    		<shortetproguidguid> Last 8 letters of etproguid guid
    		<ip> Full client ip
    		<ip1>,<ip2>,<ip3>,<ip4> each section of the ip
    		<clientclass> Class title
    		<clientclassnum> Class number
    		<clientteam> Team titles
    		<clientteamnum> Team number
    		<clientnum> Current client slot number
    		<clientversion> Client ET Version
    		<clientprotocol> Client protocol (ET 2.55,ET 2.60b, etc..)
    		<clientping> ping on the server
    		<cliententity(fieldname)> Advanced entity get
    			Example: <cliententity(sess.kstreak)> would output the current client's kill streak.
    		<clientuserkey(key)> Output a key value
    			Client has to be logged in for this to work.
    			Example: "My real name is <clientuserkey(realname)>" would output something like "My real name is bob"
    Added message of the day
    	Can use replace text above
    Worked on xpsave a little more, needs more testing though to verify it works on lua 5.3
    Added the ability to use one of 3 distance units.
    	units: is the ET(quake3) game units
    	imperial: is feet and inches
    	Users have the option to choose server default or one of the 3
    	Server can set the default to any of the 3
    Added max rows user options
    Added ability to configure if you want the server to lookup your console width.
    	Server has an option for how often it checks (if at all)
    config-option-add: "Profile.AutoWidth" Time between checking r_mode,r_customwidth on silent mod
    	if 0 then it will not check
    Removed scandirectory, will now warn when no Commands.json is found
    config-option-add: "DeathPrint.Global" if true would spam deathprints to everyone after each death, not recommended
    config-option-add: "DeathPrint.Message" format for death print message
    	<killername> name of killer
    	<teamkilled> "killed" or "teamkilled"
    config-option-add: "Distance.Measurement" 
    	0 quake units
    	1 imperial
    	2 metric
    config-option-add: "Distance.ImperialFeet" message format for the feet
    	<feet> = # of feet
    config-option-add: "Distance.ImperialInches" message format for the inches
    	<inches> = # of inches
    config-option-add: "Distance.Metric" message format for metric units
    config-option-change: "FreezeStart" and "FreezeStartTime" are just "FreezeStart" if 0 or lower then won't activate
    config-option-add: "ConMaxChars" Number of characters that will output in server console per line.
    	Useful for rcon and stuff
    Lots of small changes to commands
    Entire lua has a error wrapper around it now
    	Which means errors will not be caught and logged to /fs_homepath/fs_game/LESM_Errors.log
    	Errors still will cause problems, it will just be easier to identify them this way.
    added /prune rud time <days> command for auth
    	Will delete all RegularUserDataUser's that have not played in the past <days> days.


  5. Are you sure you updated the server correctly? I would verify that first.


    qagame.so/dll replaced and the silent-0.8.2.pk3 replaced by silent-0.9.0.pk3?


    Also check server logs and client console logs see if it says anything else.


    Hopefully the issue is with how you updated mod and not an issue with clients updating normally. (If it is silent dev will have to chime in :P)


    Might be the way I have my et setup but I have not had any issues joining 0.9.0 or 0.8.0 servers like I expected.



    I was tired okay.. leave me alone :P


    The point is in short "you" being the server manager are forcing what you think is "ugly" on other people that may think your menus are ugly. It should be up to the player what he thinks.



    @silent dev:


    Can client's make a client pk3 for themselves now then?

    I think the answer is no, or only partially yes(Client's can create a menu for when they are not connected to a server)


    I think the direction you are heading is a good one(despite unfortunate backwards compatibility glitches) giving more control to the client.

    It would be nice to have like a cvar like:


    0 would load default silent mod ui.

    1 would load custom client mod ui files when present

    2 would load  server mod menus when present


    Sorry if it kind of already works like this, just kind of thinking of ideas. I can make a proper feature request if needed.

  7. Not sure if I fully understand, so correct me if I misunderstand.


    If I connect to a plain 090 server and then I try to connect to a 082 server, I would get an error? And to fix it I would have to manually delete the dll/so ?


    If so I understand you wanting everyone to upgrade but like purple said people are not going to upgrade right away for various reasons.

    I also don't recall this being a problem in other mods, in the past(has been a while though).


    If this is the case then this puts a lot of unneeded stress on the small amount of remaining players, most people just simply will not understand why they can't play.


    I am not talking about supporting an old version am just saying they should still be able to load the old version.


    EDIT: a word, a sentence

  8. could make a makeshift version of this in lua I think.



    if has shrubbotflag somerandomshrubbotflagthatisntbeingusedyet and playerlevel < targetlevel and targetlevel not equal highest_level and not target_is_bot then

      do shrubbot command from console



    also could only allow this for a specific list of whitelisted commands like throw, gib, burn, etc. (So they would not be able to ban or kick)

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