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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Map? EDIT: This setting: +set fs_homepath "/home/stocken/games/et" defines where the liblua5.1.so needs to be placed.
  2. Yes that exactly. From that command, the liblua5.1.so included in the 0.1.4 zip should be placed at the folder "/home/stocken/games/et" and it will load it then.
  3. No, I meant fs_homepath. There are three directory settings you can give to the ET server from the command line: fs_basepath, fs_homepath and fs_game. The fs_game is the mod folder. Fs_homepath is where the process home directory will be set. This is equivalent to "." from the processess viewpoint. The fs_basepath is where the etded.x86 file is located. If you don't change any of the paths, except the fs_game since that is the mod folder, from the command line the fs_basepath and fs_homepath will be set to where the etded.x86 is. Take not that pk3 directory paths start from the view that fs_game is the "." when your making configurations to custom sound files or alike. The installation regarding Lua libraries is the same with ETPub. Jaymod doesn't use Lua at all and as far as I know, NQ requires you to place the library where the etded.x86 is located.
  4. If you have partial FTP access to your server folders you can try putting the file your self to various folders in your server. I would try placing it to the topmost folder you can access first. It may be that that is the folder your provider is setting the fs_homepath to be. If it fails, you can try placing the file to even lower in the folder hierarchy right down to where the qagame so file is.
  5. It still cannot find the liblua5.1.so file. Try setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the users local environment variables just before executing the etded command. May I ask in which folder the liblua5.1.so has been placed and what is the actual command to start the ET server.
  6. I'm not taking a stand on the matter. But I personally have never understood the Jaymod idea of the separate chat box for private messages. It only saves one keypress. Furthermore, you can't reuse parts of the old messages. For adminchat this sounds more interesting, to me I mean. We need to wait the others to give opinions about this though. If it would be implemented I would rather have it functionally more complete then the Jaymod version. I mean I think some sort of automatic recipient selection that could perhaps work with arrow keys. Not a dropdown list or anything alike which would require mouse use. EDIT: Though of course the mouse inputs would need to be equally accepted.
  7. You can rename it to any name that doesn't conflict with your existing files. You can also put the file into any folder you wish (under the fs_game) as long as the path to the file is valid in the command line. (e.g. etded.x86 +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +exec silent/server.cfg ) Personally I like to put the mod specific settings in one file and the generic server settings to another file. Then exec the mod specific settings from the generic server settings cfg. Remember, that any cfg file that you exec from the file you exec in the command line, has equal value in the server init with the file that is execed in the command line. It is just a simple way to organise different types of settings into different groups. You could just as well put everything in only one file that you exec from the actual command line. Hope this helps
  8. pb_sv_enable exec etconfig.cfg exec mapcycle.cfg This looks ok to me. You may also want to add the watchdog command. It is optional but if the server hangs for some reason, it will execute the command specified. It would then be like this: pb_sv_enable exec etconfig.cfg set com_watchdog_cmd "exec mapcycle.cfg" exec mapcycle.cfg
  9. Answering to your second question. Which you posted while I was replying to your first question. The server.cfg is common name for the init cfg file with several mods. This does not relate to Jaymod at all. In case you place any sensitive settings like your rconpassword in it, you should rename it to something unguessable. This is a common security advise against known and future unknown game engine exploits. The file itself contains settings that are used by silEnT mod. It is in a way example config but it may be that you don't like the configuration so it is advised you go the settings through and edit them to your likings. There should be a file named index.html that will have the setting variables explained. In future there will be wiki and online cvar reference for the mod. The documentation in the internet may change according the what is the current silEnT mod version so I advise you use the html file that come with the installation zip so you have the correct cvar reference document always at hand. I admit. I haven't thoroughly looked at what the cfg files that are in the docs/examples folder that came with the zip. I'm sure hellreturn will be able to help you more with the configuration issues. I can say though that we are going to make the installation as easy as possible and we are cleaning cvars that are not very usefull or have redundant or confusing meanings. Hope this helps
  10. The error is that the liblua5.1.so is not found and loaded. The liblua5.1.so will need to be placed at the fs_homepath. Or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable will need to include the folder where it is placed. An example of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export that will add the folder to the end of the list: (this assumes the liblua5.1.so is placed at the et folder) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/stocken/games/et/ This is the standard way to handle dynamically loaded libraries in Linux. (I assume the system is Linux based on the printed error.) If you want to install the Lua to the silent folder. Just add silent/ to the end of the path. However, the module will search for the Lua library also from the fs_homepath. So you can place the liblua5.1.so to where ever the fs_homepath is set in the startup script/command line. Hope this helps
  11. Not really the place to advertise your mod. Are you saying that the ETPub stole the tripmines from your mod? Because thats where the original tripmine code is from. Can you be more specific and maybe you could even contact the silEnT team in a proper manner before starting spam/advertisement campaign about your mod on public forum that is about silEnT mod. EDIT: I did some checking of the tripmines and found out that you should probably try posting here also: http://www.etpub.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?29223
  12. gaoesa


    Hi I will answer to your questions one by one. 1. silEnT mod is compatible with Omni-bot 0.8 2. NoQuarter 1.2.7 bots are not compatible with silEnT mod. NoQuarter 1.2.7 uses bot version 0.71. 3. Here is the link to the omni-bor downloads http://www.omni-bot.com/forum/downloads.php on the right you see links to the full install packages. For new waypoints that are not yet in the full install packages, you can download them directly from their repository http://svn.assembla.com/svn/omnibot/Enemy-Territory/0.8/et/nav/ I hope this was helpfull
  13. You can find our latest test server from this address: Himalia [silEnT] Your very welcome to test the mod there. Please, also report any bugs you may find here to the bug tracker.
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