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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. I couldn't find it either. This is a bug in the documentation.
  2. The feature can be usefull and of course it should be toggleable with client side cvar. For an example cg_FTDrawIcons. I don't personally use those at all so I don't really have a view how it should look like. Probably something very similar with other mods so it's easy to use for those who are accustomed to it.
  3. No problem. The effort to ban myself from my server took little over minute from reading this thread so there wasn't much wasted time
  4. What was the server version? The userban is indeed supposed to also kick that player. Tested to myself and it also kicked me. Unfrotunately I didn't have anyone whos game I would have messed but I have a strong image in my mind that we have tested the feature. The request or bug report does not clearly state the conditions when it occurred. You say had to connect to the server, but the commands itself is an online command. So your saying that it was given remotely or..
  5. Mutes don't get cleared with reconnect at the present system either. However, the mutes must be rewritten anyway because they are not written to the shrubbot and no reasons are stored with them. The original etpub implementation stores the mute time to the xp saved data and in silEnT it got inherited to the user database. However, like in one earlier thread it was mentioned, it would be usefull for admins to see the mutes, reasons and by who.
  6. I don't like the idea. It will bring useless inside discussions to the open too. Increasing the spam that way. And for the worse, something nobody else probably wont even understand. It's hard enough to get players spam each others with private messages instead of global chat already. However, a different mute type could be usefull. Muting player ability to use private messages. It would not be bound to any levels and normal people could still chat with friends using private messages.
  7. Current implementation doesn't have the ability to automatically set levels. I'm thinking of a new command that would be done completely clientside and would output a nice print of the players on the server. Divided in teams and client numbers included. This would not use any flags either. All the information provided this command is already at every clients disposal so it wouldn't even need a flag. The same way the !time command is done, but fixing the console use bug/problem of course at the same time.
  8. Ok. The arguments are starting to sound convincing now. Everything is possible. Probably the best way is to edit the admin command. However, I don't see much harm with the information the !list currently prints, is it really necessary to restrict it. There is already a flag that hides the player's admin status.
  9. It can be done. Basically it is about extending the admin command to lower levels. The command /players does give the same information, playername and the client number. Also, without spamming it to the global chat. Howabout when someone without the i flag sends the admin command !list, the response would be to instruct the player to use the /players command? It would preserve one flag letter for later use without producing redundant code and also, the players after reading the server response wouldn't be spamming the global chat with the !list command anymore.
  10. Please explain with more detail what you mean.
  11. Sounds interesting with one exception. It should work in a way it would disable the map goals for that period of time. This can be very hard to determine by the mod which targets are the map winning targets. Maybe a less then perfect solution would be to just continue the map and check the exit rules first time when the time has passed. Dunno. Needs some thinking and another problem is that it would easily look like a bug when the map refuses to end
  12. The warns are bound to player guids already. I'm not sure how the finger command behave at this instant, but I'll check.
  13. gaoesa


    Sounds usefull to me. I'll take a look at it.
  14. There is already g_inactivity and g_spectatorInactivity cvars that will in combination kick afk players out when the server is full. Making broadcast prints for full server can be very annoying for players when they are on a full server. I would rather not recommend this, but it's only one opinion so far.
  15. You can give any commands in the chat box with silEnT. I didn't actually get what you ment with Jaymod thing. Yes, the Jaymod follow command requires full name or the slot number. With silEnT you can give partial names to the command. To quicly issue the command you can just open any chat window and write /follow to it and then your following. As long as your a spectator of course.
  16. gaoesa

    xp save

    Which reminds me that including the shutdown option into the mod would be far better the cron tasks. It would make sure the reboot is done safely that way and the logs would have good data, for the statistics parsers of course. We will look into making it a mod feature.
  17. gaoesa

    xp save

    I have daily automatic reboot also. The XP data is safe and will not get destroyed by the reboot.
  18. They do work together. EDIT: I have that setting on my server.
  19. gaoesa

    xp save

    Can you rephrase? I didn't understand.
  20. gaoesa

    xp save

    I don't see anything wrong with the settings. I use g_xpsave 9 on my server. The warning in the documentation of the flag 8 seems a bit outdated. The XP will not get lost if the client downloads new pk3s. I'll test is there some combination that causes a bug to happen with g_xpsave 23. I don't think there is, but I'll make sure.
  21. gaoesa


    The default.cfg will run after all map starts if the g_mapConfigs is set the value of that directory. If you are using the default installation, then it is already running it by default because the g_mapConfigs was set in it. You can also create a separate cfg file for each map by using mapname.cfg files. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_mapConfigs Execing from server.cfg will run it only once. To run it for each map, you will need to set the g_mapConfigs cvar.
  22. gaoesa

    xp save

    Yes, after "Existing database file is for wrong server version or corrupted." the mod will not try to overwrite the existing file because it can't be sure what file it is. I didn't want to make it destroy any files admins may think are valuable. The solution to this is to delete or rename that file so the mod can create a new one. The question still remains, why the file is not correct. If you like, I can take a look at whats inside it, but if you do give me the file and there's users in it, I suggest giving it to me secretly since there are the user guids. If it is just a new/empty file, then deleting it should be enough. Just to make sure, the userdb.db is a binary file and it is nothing like any other user files that other mods use. So copying any data to it by hand is very difficult and care must be taken to edit all the correct places.
  23. gaoesa

    xp save

    What is the g_dbUserMaxAge setting you have in use? If you set that one to small but not to 0, it will erase the users from the db after each map. Also, check from the logs that the user database is in use. Maybe it is failing to create one because of privileges issue. Please post the lines you have on map init regarding the database. There should be 4 lines that will tell what is the status of the database.
  24. Recommended server side binary update. This is recommended because it fixes bug in !userinfo command that can crash the server. Omnibots can crash the server in certain conditions. This update should fix the issue. Full list of changes: * The shrubbot chat speccing flag now includes the fireteam chats. * Fixed serious server crashing bug from the !userinfo command. * The !userinfo command now show more valuable information: the personal shrubbot settings (flags, gretting and greeting sound) * Should help with omnibots crashing problem. * Minor shrubbot printing bugs. Bugs that were missed: * The total kills and deaths for offline players is shown wrong. This is fixed in next release. Install the update by replacing the used (Linux or Windows) qagame binary on the server. Nothing else is needed. This update is already included in the package from the first post. To get this update just download the primary package from the first post in this thread. Also the silent.cfg has been updated to the proper one. The attachment to this post has been removed.
  25. I forgot to mention that there is also inbuilt dynamite counter and sudden death in the mod. You can set it with g_dyno options. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_dyno
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