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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. The majority of the punkbuster kicks won't show up in sv_viol log because they are not exactly violations.
  2. Added new flag '/' that will prevent level or individual player from sending private messages. Players without guids have this flag set automatically. Implemented in version 0.2.2.
  3. I made a search because I remembered some talks about the YCN hosting. I found this http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/284-ycn-hosting/page__p__1281__fromsearch__1#entry1281 So there might be an option in the YCN control panel to install the mod already
  4. You may need to ask them to make the required changes. You can probably use FTP to put the files or you could ask them to install the hole mod for you. They should have given you detailed description how the FTP access to your server works. You need silent and etmain folders there. Upload the files you find from the silent folder inside the silent.zip to the server silent folder and the files you find from the etmain folder into the etmain folder in your server. The liblua goes next to the etded. I have no experiences from gameserver hosters but if you ask them, they should tell you how to edit the command line or possibly they want to do it themself.
  5. Here it is http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/270-silent-release-021/ Note that in the last post there is a fixed version of the server side binary. Just replace the qagame.dll in your server with the file you find from it. I also tested the download here and it opened correctly with my Vista. Can you give me the link to the broken download?
  6. Sure. We will help you. But first we need to know few things. Do you have shell access to your server? Are you using windows or linux. If you have, upload the silent.zip you find from inside the silent-0.2.1.zip to the root of the ET. This is where the etded.exe or etded.x86 is. Then unzip it there. It will install all the files and folders in the correct places. If you don't have shell access or other means to unzip the package, then you need to unzip the silent.zip locally and upload all the files in the same places as if you would be unzipping it at your server. Finally, just start the server with +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +exec silent.cfg on the command line. You mentioned silEnT 0.2.0, however, I strongly recommend using the 0.2.1 version. I'm not even sure we have the 0.2.0 version on public download anymore.
  7. The weapon order is a bug and it is fixed in the 0.2.2. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-34-soldat-weapon-slot/ The bug that makes player spawn with lugers when the smg would be possible, is still not fixed. It can happen when player gets skill upgrades or map changes.
  8. gaoesa


    These files are located in the mapconfigs folder under the mod folder. The "default.cfg" will take effect with all maps and optionally an additional .cfg can be used. The map specific forcecvars and sv_cvars are executed after the default ones. Example of a cfg file for Fueldump: fueldump.cfg. The file name must be the same as the bsp file name or what you put in the map rotations for example.
  9. This is a bug. Sorry about it. We have fixed it to the version 0.2.2.
  10. Sorry I misunderstood the namechange thing. Yes, the namechanges are limited for all players per map unless they have the shrubbot flag the excludes them from the limit. Yep, it could be usefull to single out players who do those and issue their namechange limit to full. I will think how this can be done effectively with the current database and shrubbot.cfg and can it be implemented in the 0.2.2 version. The limit would of course need to continue over map changes and therefore it needs to be a stored state. Also, I don't think it is completely fair to set it automatically to all the players who are muted. The players can be renamed by their name but not by their client number. And they can then change their name again. The rename and locked name using client number is worth implementing I think. I don't think it needs to continue stored over map changes though.
  11. 1. The etpub offers natively the option to limit name changes. 2. The mute is extended starting from version 0.2.1 to all chats, including private messages and adminchat.
  12. !readamins command added to the 0.2.2. It will read the admins from a specific file that has admin blocks. The blocks are exactly the same format what is used in the ETPub. The may not have other blocks but admin blocks. It is not shrubbot.cfg that is read everytime level starts but this file is read only when admins need to be added to the database. Existing admins are overwritten with the values specified in the file and not previously existing admins are added.
  13. The menus will be edited to the next version. However, since the weapon selection with the class command depends from the team (1 is always the primary weapon for the team Thompson or MP40) and the menu is generic to both teams, the selection of the opposing team primary weapon can't be exactly named. Pretty confusingly said. For an example, /class m 1 in console will make the player medic with the team primary SMG. For allies it is thompson and for axis it is MP40. /class m 2 will select the primary weapon of the enemy team. The SMG part is the same for all classes that can select the opposing team primary weapon from the limbo. The other new weapon numbers (PPSh) can be named exactly in the menu, however. So I'm saying the menus use the class command to change the class and the weapon and therefore it is rather simple to edit the menus to include new weapons. Only that the possible selection of the enemy SMG makes it a little more messy for some classes. There is one more caveat to this problem. We are planning to make it server configurable to enable the PPSh with classes soldiers, engineers and fieldopses independently. The menus are static and can't be changed at runtime. I suppose it won't hurt the players if they see the weapon selection in the menu even though they get denied by the server if they try to select disabled weapon.
  14. If there were smileys to put in the posts, not he usual ones, I would make a post full of them. Happy New Year. May it be prosperous.
  15. We agree gladly and thank you. Be sure to use the server binary that has the fix for the bug 30. I'm not sure Silencer has added it to the full download package. One way to be sure is the build date of the server with the /silent_version command. The original had around 13/14 of December and the bugfixed is 22/23 of December. With Windows server binaries, the build dates are the same. Merry Christmas
  16. This is server side binary update (Windows/Linux) that addresses the bug #30. Command !useredit was not saving. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-30-useredit-not-saving/ Update is not critical but with this update, the userdata can be edited without implementing any tricks to get it saved. Version number remains unchanged and there are no other changes in the binary in addition to the bug fix. qagame.mp.i386.so.zip
  17. This supplemental pk3 file contains female spree announcements and male multikill announcements. It also has the etpro body hitsound that replaces the mod's default, much quieter, body hit sound. To install the sounds, place the z_silent_s_2.1.pk3 file into the mod folder or preferably, combine any of the contents with your own custom pack if you have one. z_silent_s_2.1.pk3.zip
  18. Th document provided with the download has a bug regrading multikill sounds. There is no '_' characters with the multikill file names. Please refer to the online documentation in that regard. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#sounds
  19. The cvar doesn't exist. We are making the 0.2.1 package and we checked for this cvar and it doesn't exist in the mod or in the docs or in the provided cfg. We checked things about it and it seems the last time it has existed was in the 0.1.5. Which means you probably have 0.1.4 cfg files also. those are not needed at all and may contain even more cvars that are not used. Also, we no longer pack Example folder into the zip so you can safely remove that folder. All the files are in the places where they are actually used in an installed server.
  20. The settings file pointed by g_settings can only contain banners. The mod inbuilt spree system is unmodifiable, but it can be controlled by the g_spreeOptions. The good thing is that all the sprees from kspree.lua are supported only text have been neutralised in some of them and the network isn't used to transmit normal text to players. Also, in the 0.2.1 you can install soundpack that can have sounds for the killing sprees and multikills. Indeed, if you have those sprees in the settings file, it may print them quite randomly as banners. The parser will fail the same way it fails with the shrubbot.cfg.
  21. The functionality you ask is indeed usefull enough to take a look at. It would, in my opinion, be best served with a separate program that can insert userdata from text files to the db. As long as the server is not running of course. Double access would work sometimes with current implementation and sometimes it wouldn't work. More accurately, I'm thinking of a program that can convert ETPub [admin] blocks to the silEnT database. It will take a moment though because I'm currently working on adding some functionality to the online commands and also we have a critical update due to come. Ps. Of course, why not make a new shrubbot command !readadmins or something. It wouldn't be anymore work then outside program would be and it could work on live servers. With some limits maybe.
  22. About the multikill spamming, I would like to ask to make sure you don't have any spree settings in the server.cfg. Those will not work. The multikill settings are rather little tested feature and there indeed is possiblity that there are bugs. The shortcuts usable with custom commands are documented in the http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#shrubbot shrubbot documentation. They would deserve their own paragraph though. Also, factually, all shortcuts work to some extent with custom commands since the commands are driven through the same function that replaces the shortcuts in the normal chats. In addition, I will mention in here that in the next version(0.2.1) the numerical parameter may include '?' parameter which will replace any given text in the parameters place with the player network name if one and only one player name matches it. For an example: [command] command = crybaby exec = chat ^7[1?] is crying like a baby! desc = Make him cry. levels = 1 2 3 4 5 6 And when executed, !cry gao results server output to chat "gaoesa is crying like a baby!". This allows creating custom commands that can be addressed to single players similar to Jaymod's crybaby and chicken. However, note that what we have now will replace only when there is only single match amongst the players.
  23. Ok. It is fixed now (0.2.1). In the closer inspection, I found out that the bug could have caused other formatting errors too. Nothing that could have harmed the server or crash clients though.
  24. It looks like you have [admin] blocks in your shrubbot.cfg. By removing these the problem should be solved. The problem with the shrubbot.cfg parser is that it will fail if there are any blocks that are not supported. The admin levels are now in the database and there are no special admin blocks in the shrubbot.cfg anymore.
  25. The problem is that with rcon commands there are no newlines in the results. This was accidental and will be fixed back in the next version.
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