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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Moved the topic to appropriate section. Place "set g_tyranny 1" in the server config. In default installation this is the silent.cfg in the etmain folder. Make sure there aren't any other set commands for the g_tyranny.
  2. Yes. But that needs to be done using either online commands or with the help of the admins.cfg file. Example of an online command to directly edit user. !useredit "8 character PunkBuster GUID" sound sound/greeting/welcome.wav Example using admins.cfg 1. Create admins.cfg file in the database directory. 2. Insert admin block(s) in there. Example: [admin] name = guid = full 32 character PB GUID level = 1 flags = greeting = greeting_sound = sound/greeting/welcome.wav Note that even if you have an empty field in this block, it will overwrite the existing value in the database. For example leaving the level field to empty, will change the player admin level to 0 if it wasn't it before. However, the only required field is the 32 character PunkBuster GUID. 3. Issue !readamins command on the server.
  3. Sounds good enough. Will look into it. Probably not in the 0.3.1 which is just around the corner mainly to address client stability issue found in the 0.3.0.
  4. The tripmines are really not on my area. The line uses the railcore shader. The idea of making the arming 2 part operation is interesting. If you decide to test and find improvements using the shader. Please tell us about them. We can make a new shader for the tripmines of course if it is a usable approach.
  5. Sorry, I don't really understand the proposition. Are you proposing a feature that: 1. Doesn't allow a map to be in the intermission vote when the server configured minimum player count is not reached. 2. Doesn't allow a map to be in the intermission vote when the server configured maximum player count has been exceeded. With the addition that it uses the player average from the last 3 rounds to allow voting for maps that don't fit in the requirements during the intermission but it is possible the server will be populated for the required player count during the map?
  6. You can add a sound for it in the shrubbot.cfg level block or if the greeting concerns only single player, using !useredit command. [level] level = 1 name = Player flags = CiEhaPMt greeting = Welcome Player [n]^7! greeting_sound = sound/greeting/welcome.wav This is an example of a level block that adds the sound to the greeting. The actual wav file needs to be added in an additional pk3 file you make yourself. The silEnT mod does not provide any greeting sounds. Note that the path must be given also. The path is the directory structure inside the pk3 file you make.
  7. I think the issue was that voted mute has no expiration time. Default time for !mute command could be good also.
  8. gaoesa

    2 bugs

    Couldn't confirm the cancel thing. Selfkill and teamchange count as deaths on server settings.
  9. The voting ability was removed from the muted players because they were constantly calling unmute votes and polls instead of being silent. However, it could be a good idea that the voted mutes would have a defined mute time instead of lasting until someone unmutes or unmute vote passes.
  10. My point was that the line doesn't look like a laser except maybe in a cartoon kind of way. I agree on that. But also anyone for players who finally reaches the objective just to explode into pieces because of a hidden tripmine. We actually did attempt making the lines thinner for the version 0.3.0, but we ended up noticing it was not possible without making them also random. Also, like mentioned before, it would create very hard obstacle if it could not be clearly seen by an attacking player. For normal landmines it is the norm that they are easy to spot. For tripmines it is the norm that you have hard time getting the mine into the direct view.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. However, this would be the opposite. Removing the wires would make them laser like. They are tripwires. The reason why the wires are visible to the teams is to make them easily spottable by enemy and own team. It will allow the teams to fast adapt the tactics to the situation, most commonly at the objective or important passages. Also, because of the way the mines are commonly used, it would be usually impossible to spot the mines by coverts. If the wires would have the same color for both teams, it would create problems for the players as they wouldn't be able to recognise which mine is their own and which is the enemys. Players usually attempt to place the mines behind corners so that the running enemy doesn't have time to react on them. We welcome all discussion in this matter. Maybe there are other ways to fix the confusion of the time period. And of course other options for the mines.
  12. The OK button thing. It is also very annoying when you think about changing the class and then change your mind. However, yu will spawn as the new class anyway because it's sending the changes when not yet decided. I think the /class command is good for changing fast. Write in chat /class e to quickly change to engineer with their default weapon. Or add the preferred weapon number in the command. I need to test the covert bug. Yes, there seems to be a problem. Private slots have nothing to do with the mod and the configs get loaded normally when connecting to private slots. I think your ET installation has some weirdnessess. You have so many weird bug reports. Also, please include the Client system when reporting client bugs.
  13. Indeed, we got the idea of implementing weapon banks display from testing the Chaos mod. Thanks to scenna for it.
  14. It is great you have found interest in the silEnT mod. I would like to remind that we add weapons to the mod very sparingly. I just want to warn that models don't get into the mod unless they add something to the game. That decision is made by the whole dev team. However, I'm very happy that you like the mod and I'm very interested what they will be. I'm sure that in the ET world, good models never go to waste as server admins may like them and use them as replacements for other weapons (I have seen that done on few servers) and maybe other mod makers too.
  15. I agree. This is one of the biggest bugs in the ET. Configurability is a good thing, but there is no control over it (or privileges either) and all the custom contents will eventually overlap or some server will dominate the content. There should be yes/no question asked, in the game itself of course, will the player want to install the custom menus of some server or not. That would not prevent the player from playing on the server.
  16. That is somehow related to server settings. I noticed it too at the FA silEnT server. EDIT: Could it be that g_coverts flag 8 is set. Disguised coverts take only half damage. And because the disguised coverts do not give hitsounds, if the friendly fire is not enabled. It gave the illusion he was not getting hurt. When he actually was getting hurt, but really little.
  17. The bullets cannot be stopped in the air.
  18. g_campaignFile also needs the path to the file.
  19. Setting g_campaignFile http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_campaignFile will fix the issue. You're correct, it will force the clients to download it.
  20. Haven't noticed it before. So, there wasn't even bodyshots?
  21. The mod is just about to be finished. Hopefully the final 0.3.0 will be on server during this night. The public download will be available after we update the documents to have all that is new. I believe that unless it suddenly would show to be unstable, it wont be many days until we announce the full package.
  22. Crash reports are possible only with debug builds.
  23. Fixed in next version.
  24. I would go with the coordinates only. Because the place names won't tell much anyway.
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