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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Your help was invaluable. You gave us information we didn't have before and changed the way we thought about the wire shaders. This website gave the required information to proceed with the shaders http://www.exasm.net/wessel/sites/wolfenstein_mapping/downloads/shader_manual/shader_manual_1/section0.html
  2. My other server is 2.60b and it is using map voting without problems, though with TDM. Also, I know pure 2.60b servers that use objective map voting without problems. I don't see how that could be a problem. They come from the etmain folder. The mapvotecycle.cfg only creates some user cvars for the server to use. I would suggest deleting/moving elsewhere all the files you don't need. Especially all the custom packs if you have any. Then all the cfg files that you are not using, there are many. That is why the quick installation uses silent.cfg. We thought about the folder where to put the cfg. I prefer using the mod folder but it turned out, most admins place the files in the etmain folder. We don't provide file named the server.cfg for that exact reason. There is no such gametype as 16. That is what is weird.
  3. Sorry for late reply, but I don't know where the problem is or how to reproduce it. This sounds like a problem with the fonts used for the map list. Can you check what happens if you change the font settings in ESC/silEnT/Fonts. Changing the g_gametype value to 16 is indeed a weird one. Can't imagine a reason for it to have an effect like that and the g_gametype value is passed to all clients in the serverinfo. You can confirm the value with serverbrowser websites like TrackBase. Do note that all the values above 5 will display as mapvoting there. Gametype 7 is Team Death Match gametype, but that uses different cvar for enabling the map voting. These cvars do not collide no matter how they are set.
  4. These are settings on my server: set g_mapVoteFlags 21 set g_maxMapsVotedFor 19 set g_minMapAge 8 That sounds weird and so I assumed there was no maps in the etmain folder. Maps can be placed in the silent folder also where they can be loaded but that is problematic and forces the clients to download all the maps on connect.
  5. All the maps that are in the etmain folder will be read and used in the voting. Except those that are named in the g_excludedMaps cvar. Also, the g_minMapAge will have effect on the maps available for voting.
  6. We forgot to post this earlier. However, this is for admins that have used earlier versions of the silEnT mod. If you have following cvars in your server config, please remove them. They are no longer used. * g_ATB * g_ATB_diff * g_ATB_swap * g_ATB_offtime * g_ATB_rating * g_teamForceBalance_playerrating Also, you may be interested of the flag 8 of the g_identOptions. If you want to inform admins through adminchat of any drops based on client idents, set this.
  7. ETPub has the same commands as silEnT. So there is no "standard" way of doing it.
  8. How is that done in other mods? Certainly the feature can be added.
  9. There isn't actually any folders inside the pk3, so the command should be playsound pulp.wav And the file commands.pk3 belongs to the silent folder on the server.
  10. Just something that could easily be wrong, start the path from the fs_game folder. What I mean is, only put those folders in the path that are used inside the pk3. I don't know is that the case here, but I got suspicious because you have the silent as the first folder in the path.
  11. gaoesa

    Knife bug

    Confirmed. Thank you for reporting.
  12. First, we have removed all except the [banner] blocks from the settings.cfg. Having extra blocks in the settings.cfg may cause side effects, like displaying weird blocks mistakinly as banners. The server only needs to set the g_spreeOptions and the clients can configure all by themselves. Even disable any announcenment if they desire to do so. If more customization is needed for the announcements, there is a kspree.lua that can be used for this. In that case the mod inbuilt spree options should be disabled in the server side. There is a silEnT mod modified version in this thread. Also, I believe Dragon has a fully tested and working one with his server.
  13. gaoesa

    TDM mode?

    Only server needs to be set up for the TDM to be used. The clients can configure only the possibility to hide the score seen on top of the screen. Optionally clients can bind any key and the score is displayed in a similar way as topshots for an example. One thing that didn't come apparent in the post above is that do you have the g_gametype set to 7? To use the TDM game type you need to set the TDM gametype in the map rotation cfg: set d1 "set g_gametype 7 ; map baserace ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 7 ; map bremen_final ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 7 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 7 ; map frostbite ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 7 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 7 ; map warbell ; set nextmap vstr d7" set d7 "set g_gametype 7 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d8" set d8 "set g_gametype 7 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 That is an example. You can then enable map voting with the TDM gametype using the g_TDMOptions flag 1.
  14. You only need silent-0.3.1.pk3 at the redirect.
  15. Own GUID is a valid option when it happens that PunkBuster stops functioning. However, there are several constraints with the GUIDs. They must be unique in time and space and they must work with all supported platform. Also, they need to be reliably sent to the server. None of these constraints are hard or easy. But all of them need time and effort. The alternative is just to issue /pb_cl_enable in client. Which will solve the whole current problem with a perfectly working solution for all platforms. When the need to replace the PunkBuster method comes around, we will reconsider. Although true enough, using 2.55+ patch renders the PunkBuster practically useless. My personal opinion is that since at these days there are virtually no 2.55 servers, if all servers would now convert to 2.60b over night, it would force all players updating their clients to the 2.60 (there is really no reason for anyone playing with 2.55) and it would solve many problems with players playing with undetected cheats. Not going to happen though, I'm sure of it. I haven't really noticed it going worse at all. Furthermore, when the server Punkbuster is not enabled, there is no negative effects at all.
  16. Few days ago noone was getting new GUIDs. This happened about the same time the master server list was down. They are getting them now. It doesn't have significant effect on the CPU to have PunkBusterA and B processess running idle. I doubt very much the memory effect can be at MB level. Even if so, the impact is insignificant compared to overall amount of memory ET uses and with the amounts of memory comuters have these days. Like said, there is no negative effects with PunkBuster being enabled on the client side when the server is not requiring it to do anything. I'm against this because it is using time and efforts to achieve something that all the players already have and what always works well on each platform. I don't see how it can be too much of an effort for players to enable PunkBuster. Afterall, it is only one mouse click that should have been already done when the profile was first created. However, for that purpose the g_punkbuster server cvar was created and it has worked very well since it was introduced. Before there used to be a lot of players without GUIDs, but these days with few exceptions, all have one. There is one fault though. If the player doesn't have the guid in the connecting userinfo, the XP will not be loaded for him. This is an implementation detail that can be fixed. However, whatever XP he collects during the map, will be stored to the database at the end of the map. The same thing concerns the admin levels. The admin level/privileges are never elevated during the map unless some admin makes explicit !setlevel command for that player. The reason why players are getting kicked for dublicated GUIDs even though the XP is not saved is because ETPub XPsave was not designed to work with servers that don't have PunkBuster enabled. However, in silEnT the XP save and admin system works even if not everyone has a GUID. The enforcing the disconnect of previous clients with same GUID was originally designed to make sure the player will get the formerly collected XP in cases when the client gets disconnected from the server for any reason without the server getting proper disconnect message. It can be added to the conditions that disconnects are not enforced to players who are not storing XP. I'm actually not sure there is need to have this option at all anymore.
  17. In silEnT starting from 0.3.0, there is a server side option that can enable PunkBuster on the client side that was made because of this reason. This has proven to be very reliable and the cases when this fails are very rare. It is not possible to install ET without PunkBuster, therefore the facility is already installed to all players. Also, every version of PunkBuster is capable in getting the GUID. Therefore the client doesn't need fully updated PB client. It is true that disabling the PunkBuster on server side will get rid of the annoying kicks for legitimate players. However, there is no valid reason for anyone to tamper ET installation by making something to prevent PunkBuster operating at all. The facility that PunkBuster provides is the most reliable way for identifying individual players. There is no need to reinvent the wheel just to get something that already exists. The dublicated GUId kicks can be disabled with a server option as well. Removing the flag 8 from g_XPSave will remove the dublicated GUID kicks.
  18. Adding commands to a level happens through srhubbot.cfg file. Put desired flags to desired levels and then issue !readconfig on the server. Or start/restart server. You need to add the custom commands into the shrubbot cfg. Just like with editing the levels. Here is 2 examples of custom commands. [command] command = rofl exec = playsound sound/teasing/rofl.wav; chat ^7[n]^7 is rofl what you want as text! desc = You rofl levels = 2 3 4 5 [command] command = crybaby exec = playsound sound/teasing/crybaby.wav; chat ^7[1?]^7 is crying like a little baby! desc = Make someone cry. levels = 2 3 4 5 The latter one is using the silEnT mod specific place holder. If a partial name is given to the command, it will be replaced by a real player name if there is one and only one player to whos name it matches. Also, read documentation here.
  19. I know what you're talking. We will look into it at some point. There are some bugs we need to address also so this has little lower priority. Will look if it is an easy fix/addition though or not.
  20. The easiest way is to download and the just replace old silent pk3 file with the new one and then old qagame(dll/so) with the new one. Between 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 there is only one new server cvar g_votedMuteLength which has the default value of 3 hours so if that is ok, theres no need to edit the configs.
  21. Windows binaries in all older versions were built without optimizations. These settings were enabled in 0.3.1. Code cleaning and few programmatic improvements were applied in client side binaries in 0.3.1, for all platforms. Algorithmic improvements were not made for the 0.3.1. Performance can be better but we don't have any benchmarks of it.
  22. Admins can now define the lengths of the mutes in the version 0.3.1.
  23. The g_tyranny is set twice in that config. However, both set it to 1 so that shouldn't be a problem. I would make sure the command line doesn't have a typo in the cfg name. Also, make sure you don't have the same named config file in both etmain and in silent folders.
  24. I have confirmed that the g_tyranny can't be changed after the server has started. Can you provide the cfg you are using.
  25. Indeed, if it must be set before the server starts, it means it must be given in the command line. The command line means also any cfg file that is invoked from the command line with exec command. Also, any cfg file that is invoked from any invoked cfg file by using exec in them will work. I can only think there is another command that is giving it the opposite value somewhere later in the cfg chain you have. The tyranny must be set before the server starts so that the players will not end up becoming victims of tyrannic admins while they are playing. I.e. if they care about it before connecting to a server.
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