silent mod ofc you have to play with g_mapConfigs and g_mapScriptDirectory and custom commands thx to silent mod guys example: i'd like to setup a tj mod via shrubbot: [command] command = tj exec = set lua_modules "nextmap.lua autopromo.lua TJmod.lua adrenaline.lua" ; set g_mapConfigs "tj_cfg"; restart; desc = ^7!^3tj^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP MODE ^1on syntax = levels = 11 [command] command = tjoff exec = set lua_modules "nextmap.lua autopromo.lua" ; set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"; restart; desc = ^7!^3tjoff^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP MODE ^1off syntax = levels = 11 well, do NOT set lua modules via your server.cfg, and you can find the above lua modules searching via google it's just a sample, have fun