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Everything posted by Purple

  1. I think hes just wanting a total spreed sheet of everyone on his server, not just specifics. but in the case he is. you could just do something like !usersearch LEVEL 2 !usersearch LEVEL 3 !usersearch LEVEL 4 etc
  2. Purple

    RIP XFire

    Steam from what i see, I have a small steam app i made just for the chatting purposes, maybe i'll post it later.
  3. These options are there. When you first install LESM it will generate a file called ConfigDefaults.json with settings in them. You will need to rename ConfigDefaults.json to Config.json. Then restart your server the next time it loads up you will now see it has loaded the config without any errors. Now you can go into that config.json file and edit the settings. It's pretty straight forward and if you have any hard times feel free to ask! Hope I helped.
  4. Sorry for shit quality but yeah, https://youtu.be/iZXQNaxuchs
  5. yeah after his last bust he disappeared and i was warned before hand. Oh well back to me and zelly <3
  6. oxy up and disappeared and removed everything. I could continue it but to much work to solo it, and really dont have the time to take on a full project atm.
  7. Could do it give me a bit just gotta look up gamestate info ( forgot it zzz )
  8. Purple


    back up silent->database and all your configuration files such as silent.cfg/banners.cfg etc that should be all.
  9. +net_ip will accept localhost/ipv4 parameters regardless if your hosting online or locally.
  10. My bad, will update it somewhat to free alternative tools. but this was a more or less guide for low end pcs and people who can't really afford to go buy that SSD
  11. Copy pasta from my clan forums. So I recently turned lilly's toaster into something thats playable from 20fps to averaging around 100. There were a few members who were interesting in knowing what i done and how they could improve theirs. Spring Cleaning If you are capable of taking your computer apart and giving it a nice little cleaning it could make a huge difference. Opening up your Desktop or Laptop PC and cleaning the dust out and all the airways so that air has proper airflow can allow your pc to stay cool and give you the maxium performance it has. If you use a laptop I would recommend buying a laptop cooling mount or simply prop up the back of your laptop with a few books. If you're using a desktop give it some leverage off the ground or put it near a nice open area so the heat has room to escape and allow fresh air to come in. Software cccleaner - Used for removing junk and optimizing performance. http://i.imgur.com/KO1GM26.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/gKBGGPJ.png - cccleaner is a nice tool optimizing computer performance.It removes temp files, cleans cache, and many more options. You are also able to edit your start up programs in this application so if you don't know how to do it in windows (Windows key + r -> msconfig -> startup tab) then this is the perfect little tool for you. (recommend running every 2-3 weeks) O&O Defrag - Used for defragging your harddrive and removing out bad fragmented files. http://i.imgur.com/8R03l9x.png - o&o defrag is a nice little tool for cleaning and optimizing your computers harddrive there are many settings and options I won't go fully into them, but for the most part we will be using it to just defrag our computer(recommend using every 2 weeks) Malwarebytes - anti malware scanner. http://i.imgur.com/kt2BC5q.png - Malewarebytes is a nice tool for scanning for maleware on your comuter its quick efficiante and accurate over other anti malwareware scanners I have been using it for years and also support them with a paid subscription. Although for you guys I do have a key that you guys can use to fully activate it. You will use this to scan your computer and clean out the maleware.(recommend using every 2-3 weeks) These are just some of the solutions and tasks you can take to improve your computer speed and your FPS I'll continue to add to this post at a later date and update it with more information. You should be able to just google the DL links if not i can provide you with them soon Regards, VJ*
  12. i beg to differ pretty sure you could do this with lua :> did it in etpub anyways.
  13. not that it should make a difference or anything but isn't silents default server cfg name silent.cfg?
  14. Could help and you know I will. Hit me up on xfire.
  15. Might help and be easie for people if you posted the IP. ☺
  16. Purple

    Chrome Cache

    What does zelly and chrome catch have to do with each other lol.
  17. if you'd like you can contact me on xfire:kyle26189 and i could help you put a fresh install it etc, and see what we can't get working.
  18. There are countless times I'd like to be able to just edit a level remove/add permissions ingame. so.. !levedit LEVEL ADD/REMOVE *permission flag* Thanks!
  19. here is a open sourced one for php, be sure to read the readme so you can get a full understanding of how things work. https://github.com/BulldogDrummond/etkey Credits: bulldogDrummond
  20. I used to have a php script for it (ask schnoog? (dont remember his name)) that was given to me. anyways if you look inside the etlegacy source you can see how its done. Go here https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/master/src/client/cl_main.c and you'll see this /** * @brief Update cl_guid using #ETKEY_FILE */ static void CL_UpdateGUID(void) { fileHandle_t f; int len; len = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead(BASEGAME "/" ETKEY_FILE, &f); FS_FCloseFile(f); if (len < ETKEY_SIZE) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Could not set etkey (size mismatch).\n"); Cvar_Set("cl_guid", ""); } else { char *guid = Com_MD5FileETCompat(ETKEY_FILE); if (guid) { Cvar_Set("cl_guid", guid); } } } Here you can see how they check for a guid in the dir and if its not there generate one. also information in the header where the size and name is defined https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/master/src/client/client.h #define ETKEY_FILE "etkey" #define ETKEY_SIZE 28 but where most of the real magic happens for the acutal generating part is in md5.c https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/159c4169fdcd6a2f80317a796514eb7d43c1b3c5/src/qcommon/md5.c and if i'm correct this is the main peice where the actual generating happens ofc there is more to it then just this but you should get the point. char *Com_MD5FileETCompat(const char *filename) { char key[19] = { 0 }; char *buffer; int len; len = FS_ReadFile(filename, ( void ** ) &buffer); if (buffer) { if (len >= 28) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { key[i] = buffer[i + 10]; } FS_FreeFile(buffer); return CalculateGUID(key); } } return NULL; } and if you don't understand the language just backtrack it afaik next stop > CalcluateGUID() and so on I know this isn't the exact answer you wanted (sorry) but it should give you a understanding of something
  21. Did you also have an etkey? even though PB doesn't support ET anymore most mods are still compatible with ETkeys, as the post by hellreturn is just stating silent mod has its own method of generating "etkeys" and yes the data is stored in silent.dat (hence when you reinstall et backup silent.dat for your admin/xp).
  22. sorry for spam post but couldn't edit my other one, I uploaded the updated file in the download section called "CrazyMod".
  23. File Name: CrazyMod File Submitter: Purple File Submitted: 31 Mar 2015 File Category: LUA A fun crazymod with multiple features allowing users to just go crazy and have a blast spamming and spraying everything in sight! @Originally nnlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter PM me for help or requests! Click here to download this file
  24. Purple


    Version 0.3


    A fun crazymod with multiple features allowing users to just go crazy and have a blast spamming and spraying everything in sight! @Originally nnlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter PM me for help or requests!
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