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  1. palota

    Omni-bot ET

    Version 0.91


    Omni bot ET files
  2. Omni-bot ET View File Omni bot ET files Submitter palota Submitted 03/02/23 Category Mods  
  3. Version 0.9.0


    Enemy Territory modification. Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.
  4. My server is giving this error below please help me, thanks!! handle 1: etconsole.log ---------------------- 17606 files in pk3 files Sys_LoadDll(/usr/local/games/enemy-territory2/silent/qagame.mp.i386.so)... ok Sys_LoadDll(qagame) found **vmMain** at 0xef5c7800 Sys_LoadDll(qagame) succeeded! ------- Game Initialization ------- gamename: silEnT gamedate: Nov 22 2015 *=====Server Installation Check * Inspecting menu files ERROR: Modified file "ui/main.menu" found! File may not be modified. ** Found 1 errors. Please fix your modifications and try to start again. ----- Server Shutdown ----- Unloading Dynamic Server Modules Dynamic Server Modules Unloaded ShutdownGame: done. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Shutdown tty console
  5. silEnT mod version 0.8.0 is out! Information (Oct 06 2013 12:25 PM) Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version. Download attachment: silent_0.8.0_server_patch.zip It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack. All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already. We apologize for this small inconvenience. Download Change log: Version 0.8.0 Added: silEnT AntiCheat, this is an old feature existing several versions in the mod, that is now made public. Control the behaviour with g_silentac. Added: New read only cvar, sv_sac. When silEnT AC is set to autoban, this cvar is set. This cvar can be used by external server trackers to enable/disable server anti cheat status on their lists. Added: New Lua hook et_IntermissionStarts( round ). This hook is called right before the intermission. So that any changes to the cvars in the script, will take effect before the actual intermission. Do note that this will not run in the background and the script will need to exit fast just like always during the game. Added: New g_logOptions flag 16384. When this flag is set, the admin log will use new format. Added: minimizer, so far for linux only (minimize via menu or /minimize command). Added: new weapon for Soldier: Improvised Demolition Charge (g_enableDemolition cvar). Added: g_recognition cvar to enable/disable additional recognition notifications for players doing objective. Added: !country command that displays the country of the player. Added: g_muteRename cvar which, if enabled (set to 1), doesn't allow the muted player to change his name. Added: cg_debugBullets. In combination with g_debugBullets, it can be used to visually test the antilag. Improved: UI - items selected by keyboard (TAB, arrows) drawn as hovered, now we know which one has focus. Improved: danger zone marker size based on the map size. Fixed: Distorted player icon in map when in spectator and wide screen aspect ratio. Fixed: Player scoreboard no longer displays 0.000 to PRW or KR when server doesn't have those enabled but the client cg_scoreboard cvar is set to show those. Fixed: XP save doesn't need to be enabled to save mutes, weapon statistic, KR or PRW. Fixed: Wrong compass grid and map position with widescreen. Fixed: Antilag issue regarding Omni-bots. The Omni-bot hitboxes were not in the place where the players saw the bots while running. Fixed: Last blood message was not printed if the client number of the player who made the last kill was 0. Fixed: MG42 will not make headshots unless enabled. Fixed: Many typos regarding log prints on reading different config files. Fixed: Announcement positions for custom max values. Fixed: osp fight sound not played fully (if the sound is longer). Fixed: Memory leak in Lua et.trap_FS_Read. Fixed: panzerwar bugs: 1) g_maxPanzerScuicides behavior, 2) weapon charge bar behavior, 3) panzerfaust auto switching to nades after couple fires Fixed: giba minor bug (did not gib players that were protected by g_spawnInvul) Fixed: Panzerwar and sniperwar no longer lose original weapon values when map changes. Fixed: Missing head box when g_debugBullets is 3 or higher. Fixed: Fixed no_ammo icon shown for binoculars (g_weapons, flag 8192) Fixed: riflewar bug with animation of grenade being unloaded after each shot. Fixed: Very rare client crash. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  6. silEnT mod version 0.8.0 is out! Information (Oct 06 2013 12:25 PM) Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version. silent_0.8.0_server_patch.zip It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack. All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already. We apologize for this small inconvenience. Download Change log: Version 0.8.0 Added: silEnT AntiCheat, this is an old feature existing several versions in the mod, that is now made public. Control the behaviour with g_silentac. Added: New read only cvar, sv_sac. When silEnT AC is set to autoban, this cvar is set. This cvar can be used by external server trackers to enable/disable server anti cheat status on their lists. Added: New Lua hook et_IntermissionStarts( round ). This hook is called right before the intermission. So that any changes to the cvars in the script, will take effect before the actual intermission. Do note that this will not run in the background and the script will need to exit fast just like always during the game. Added: New g_logOptions flag 16384. When this flag is set, the admin log will use new format. Added: minimizer, so far for linux only (minimize via menu or /minimize command). Added: new weapon for Soldier: Improvised Demolition Charge (g_enableDemolition cvar). Added: g_recognition cvar to enable/disable additional recognition notifications for players doing objective. Added: !country command that displays the country of the player. Added: g_muteRename cvar which, if enabled (set to 1), doesn't allow the muted player to change his name. Added: cg_debugBullets. In combination with g_debugBullets, it can be used to visually test the antilag. Improved: UI - items selected by keyboard (TAB, arrows) drawn as hovered, now we know which one has focus. Improved: danger zone marker size based on the map size. Fixed: Distorted player icon in map when in spectator and wide screen aspect ratio. Fixed: Player scoreboard no longer displays 0.000 to PRW or KR when server doesn't have those enabled but the client cg_scoreboard cvar is set to show those. Fixed: XP save doesn't need to be enabled to save mutes, weapon statistic, KR or PRW. Fixed: Wrong compass grid and map position with widescreen. Fixed: Antilag issue regarding Omni-bots. The Omni-bot hitboxes were not in the place where the players saw the bots while running. Fixed: Last blood message was not printed if the client number of the player who made the last kill was 0. Fixed: MG42 will not make headshots unless enabled. Fixed: Many typos regarding log prints on reading different config files. Fixed: Announcement positions for custom max values. Fixed: osp fight sound not played fully (if the sound is longer). Fixed: Memory leak in Lua et.trap_FS_Read. Fixed: panzerwar bugs: 1) g_maxPanzerScuicides behavior, 2) weapon charge bar behavior, 3) panzerfaust auto switching to nades after couple fires Fixed: giba minor bug (did not gib players that were protected by g_spawnInvul) Fixed: Panzerwar and sniperwar no longer lose original weapon values when map changes. Fixed: Missing head box when g_debugBullets is 3 or higher. Fixed: Fixed no_ammo icon shown for binoculars (g_weapons, flag 8192) Fixed: riflewar bug with animation of grenade being unloaded after each shot. Fixed: Very rare client crash. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  7. Enter our Steam group's game giveaways for free: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nfservers
  8. Hello I'm try to rent Enemy Territory servers. these are very cheap Prices: 10£ - 20 player slots. 18£ - 40 player slots. 25£ - 60 player slots. Anyone who would like to buy one please contact me. [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script> or pm me on tb forums
  9. Hello I'm try to rent Enemy Territory servers. these are very cheap Prices: 10£ - 20 player slots. 18£ - 40 player slots. 25£ - 60 player slots. Anyone who would like to buy one please contact me. [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script> or pm me on tb forums
  10. TheSilencerPL and authors modification: Add the for modification silEnT "New Weapons" for better game. "New Weapons" - between others: - Venom Gun; http://iv.pl/images/47120610135795856780.jpg - Bar; http://iv.pl/images/49557278833138653401.jpg - Shotgun; http://iv.pl/images/03962499425263572481.jpg - Mobile Browning (MG42) - skin allies team; http://iv.pl/images/78528455787395690887.jpg - Sturmgewehr MP44; http://iv.pl/images/38423878991310355868.jpg - MP34; http://iv.pl/images/53970344691573859569.jpg - Bazooka - skin allies team (no panzerfaust);http://iv.pl/images/14179875655686374556.jpg - Tesla Gun; http://iv.pl/images/28423502968391989077.jpg Adding files weapons, sounds, weap and weaponscard03.tga. How something is missing please write. Please consider the idea. Thank you!!! =ZT= http://sendfile.pl/pokaz/464259---rOAh.html
  11. File Name: silEnT File Submitter: TheSilencerPL File Submitted: 05 Oct 2013 File Category: Mods Enemy Territory modification. Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client. Click here to download this file
  12. silEnT mod version 0.7.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.1 Fixed: Spawning with non selected class bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Enemy player positions seen by covert ops in the compass. Version 0.7.0 Added: New rcon command dbcleanup that can be used to clean up the database records. The command includes removing duplicated or unusable records and GUID checks. Added: New shrubbot command !teamstats that can be used to see the player kill and ratings statistics from one team. Added: Shrubbot flags 6(does not need to specify a reason) and 8(does not need to specify a duration) now work with the !mute command. Added: g_maxIgnoresPerMap server cvar. This controls how many times one player can ignore another player during one map and stops players from spamming others with the ignore command. Added: g_killRating flag 8. With this flag admins can disable kill rating from the scoreboards. This does not have effect on the flag 2. Added: Full body prediction from ETPub. g_misc flag 512. Same as ETPub g_misc 32+256. This makes it harder to get inside walls etc, but can also cause problems when proning through windows etc. Added: Danger zones - new covert ops function/ability (read more in the documentation or here: http://mygamingtalk....silent-mod-r105) Added: icons for popup messages (ammo, medpacks, danger zones). Added: new flag 32768 to g_weapons cvar - causes the player that shot the tripmine (and by this killed other player) to score the kill Improved: timerset and resettimer commands can be used during warmup Improved: some improvements to the screen resolutions chooser. Improved: !finger command now also displays warnings issued to the player if there are any. Improved: compass command map drawing. Improved: crazygravity and crazyspeed commands can be tuned by additional cvars if default values are not enough (g_min_crazyspeed, g_max_crazyspeed, g_min_crazygravity, g_max_crazygravity). Fixed: When banning from team damage, only using shrubbot bans without specifying the kick time. Fixed: Some command map icons were missing when in spectator team. Fixed: When switching from rifle to another weapon too fast after firing the grenade and switching back to the rifle, the weapon was in the alternate mode but without loaded grenade. Fixed: Many prediction errors. Including double dropping the panzer shell after shot. Fixed: Players can no longer select classes that are not available in the limbo menu. Fixed: Only real characters allowed in names. Fixed: If the selected weapon is not available for next spawn, the class command will not change the class. Fixed: The condition with g_classWeapons settings and weapon limitations that caused players to get kicked from the server when clicking the team button. Fixed: Bug in the handling of g_spectator flag 1. Players were able to enter opponent players after all teammates were dead. Fixed: Client crashes related to cg_gun_frame being set. Fixed: !subnets command was printing itself as showsbans instead of subnets. Fixed: Reading subnet bans with full octets and treating them as partial. Also writing them as partial on next shrubbot write. Fixed: g_classWeapons too restrictive, couldn't pick up enemy SMGs from the ground. Fixed: g_classWeapons with g_mode. When g_mode was set to 8 Thompson and MP40 couldn't be picked up by coverts. Fixed: command map entities were not removed on team switch/disconnect. Concerned: landmines, trip mines, danger zone markers. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  13. silEnT mod version 0.7.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.1 Fixed: Spawning with non selected class bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Enemy player positions seen by covert ops in the compass. Version 0.7.0 Added: New rcon command dbcleanup that can be used to clean up the database records. The command includes removing duplicated or unusable records and GUID checks. Added: New shrubbot command !teamstats that can be used to see the player kill and ratings statistics from one team. Added: Shrubbot flags 6(does not need to specify a reason) and 8(does not need to specify a duration) now work with the !mute command. Added: g_maxIgnoresPerMap server cvar. This controls how many times one player can ignore another player during one map and stops players from spamming others with the ignore command. Added: g_killRating flag 8. With this flag admins can disable kill rating from the scoreboards. This does not have effect on the flag 2. Added: Full body prediction from ETPub. g_misc flag 512. Same as ETPub g_misc 32+256. This makes it harder to get inside walls etc, but can also cause problems when proning through windows etc. Added: Danger zones - new covert ops function/ability (read more in the documentation or here: http://mygamingtalk.com/_/news/pcgames/danger-zones-in-silent-mod-r105) Added: icons for popup messages (ammo, medpacks, danger zones). Added: new flag 32768 to g_weapons cvar - causes the player that shot the tripmine (and by this killed other player) to score the kill Improved: timerset and resettimer commands can be used during warmup Improved: some improvements to the screen resolutions chooser. Improved: !finger command now also displays warnings issued to the player if there are any. Improved: compass command map drawing. Improved: crazygravity and crazyspeed commands can be tuned by additional cvars if default values are not enough (g_min_crazyspeed, g_max_crazyspeed, g_min_crazygravity, g_max_crazygravity). Fixed: When banning from team damage, only using shrubbot bans without specifying the kick time. Fixed: Some command map icons were missing when in spectator team. Fixed: When switching from rifle to another weapon too fast after firing the grenade and switching back to the rifle, the weapon was in the alternate mode but without loaded grenade. Fixed: Many prediction errors. Including double dropping the panzer shell after shot. Fixed: Players can no longer select classes that are not available in the limbo menu. Fixed: Only real characters allowed in names. Fixed: If the selected weapon is not available for next spawn, the class command will not change the class. Fixed: The condition with g_classWeapons settings and weapon limitations that caused players to get kicked from the server when clicking the team button. Fixed: Bug in the handling of g_spectator flag 1. Players were able to enter opponent players after all teammates were dead. Fixed: Client crashes related to cg_gun_frame being set. Fixed: !subnets command was printing itself as showsbans instead of subnets. Fixed: Reading subnet bans with full octets and treating them as partial. Also writing them as partial on next shrubbot write. Fixed: g_classWeapons too restrictive, couldn't pick up enemy SMGs from the ground. Fixed: g_classWeapons with g_mode. When g_mode was set to 8 Thompson and MP40 couldn't be picked up by coverts. Fixed: command map entities were not removed on team switch/disconnect. Concerned: landmines, trip mines, danger zone markers. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  14. silent_0.5.2_server_patch.zip Download We have found couple of issues which required new build of server binaries. Since your server stability matters to us we are releasing new server side binaries. Admins who are currently running 0.5.2 version need to just upload contents of the silent directory from the attached silent_0.5.2_server_patch.zip file in their silent mod folder. For new admins who plan to use our mod they just need to download the 0.5.2 package and upload it on server as we have updated our 0.5.2 official download package. Patch is only needed for servers who are using 0.5.2 server files before July 08. Things fixed in the patch: Fixed: It was not possible to set level higher then 32 as rcon. Fixed: thrown knife dodging with the haft after bounce. Fixed: FS_HandleForFile error. Fatal error introduced in the 0.5.2. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  15. Download attachment: silent_0.5.2_server_patch.zip Download We have found couple of issues which required new build of server binaries. Since your server stability matters to us we are releasing new server side binaries. Admins who are currently running 0.5.2 version need to just upload contents of the silent directory from the attached silent_0.5.2_server_patch.zip file in their silent mod folder. For new admins who plan to use our mod they just need to download the 0.5.2 package and upload it on server as we have updated our 0.5.2 official download package. Patch is only needed for servers who are using 0.5.2 server files before July 08. Things fixed in the patch: Fixed: It was not possible to set level higher then 32 as rcon.Fixed: thrown knife dodging with the haft after bounce.Fixed: FS_HandleForFile error. Fatal error introduced in the 0.5.2.Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  16. Changelog: Added: g_playerCounting server cvar. This is used with optional player blocks. Added: Optional [player] blocks to the map configs. Map config commands can be executed based on the player amount on the server. Added: g_clientBinaries server cvar. Server admins may choose to refuse players with unknown binaries. List of known binaries in the documentation. Added: tripmines ids, check g_mineid cvar for details. Now tripmines get ids as well, so we can see who planted them. Added: all game types shown in server browser (Map Voting - MV, Team Death Match - TDM). Filters handling new types as well. Added: restriction to g_skills 1, non covert players can spot mines for the team only if they are close enough (http://mygamingtalk....lose-landmines/) Added: ammo of the weapon is shown for the weapon we want to pickup from the ground (http://mygamingtalk....-be-identified/). Set server side with g_weapons cvar (flag 8192) Added: stance indicator (can be enabled in the HUD editor, disabled by default) Added: themed HUD bars (health, stamina, weap recharge). cg_themedBars cvar to turn it on/off. Avalable also in silent THEMES menu. Added: multiple recipient private messages command and multiple selecting for Private Messages in PM list window (http://mygamingtalk....-recipients-pm/) Added: Possibility for new announcement sounds for death sprees and spree ends. Added: New shrubbot command !updatepbguid which can be used to manually update the stored PB GUID to the current one of the player. Added: New shrubbot command !levlist which lists all the server admin levels. Added: New shrubbot command !levinfo which displays all the information about the admin level. Improvement: Possible FPS improvement for players that have low FPS performance. Fixed: Potential crash bug with subnet bans. Fixed: The Admin Level Protection was not giving authentication with !setlevel to the lowest protected level. Fixed: stamina changes not visible in spec (http://mygamingtalk....hen-spectating/) Fixed: !finger command now shows the current PB GUID. This was supposed to be changed in 0.5.1 but was not. The !finger command is now properly verbose about PB GUID differences and displays the player admin level as well. Also, the command no longer displays non relevant information of the server bots but only the name, the slot number and the admin level of the bot. Fixed: Ban escalation printed garbage short GUIDs in the ban messages itself (8 character GUID) when the previous ban did not have PB GUID associated with it. Fixed: Added N!trox's teamchat height fix during intermission. Fixed: HUD editor help window position and themed it. Fixed: Player positions were sometimes wrong in the command map. Fixed: Aspect ratio issues with command map entities. Fixed: Boosting (pushing) team players by shooting at them when FF is off. Fixed: silEnT GUIDs were not always recognzed correctly. Bug was introduced in the 0.5.1. Fixed: ETPro behaviour, et_ClientBegin Lua is called only once for player and not for every team change. Fixed: !baninfo command was displaying bad short GUIDs for bans without GUIDs. Fixed: When FF was not enabled, the disguised friendly covert op health was displayed incorrectly. Fixed: team_maxSoldiers restriction was not enforced. Changed: The default value of cg_gun_fovscale changed to "0". No longer the need for admins to force it to players. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  17. Changelog: Added: g_playerCounting server cvar. This is used with optional player blocks. Added: Optional [player] blocks to the map configs. Map config commands can be executed based on the player amount on the server. Added: g_clientBinaries server cvar. Server admins may choose to refuse players with unknown binaries. List of known binaries in the documentation. Added: tripmines ids, check g_mineid cvar for details. Now tripmines get ids as well, so we can see who planted them. Added: all game types shown in server browser (Map Voting - MV, Team Death Match - TDM). Filters handling new types as well. Added: restriction to g_skills 1, non covert players can spot mines for the team only if they are close enough (http://mygamingtalk....lose-landmines/) Added: ammo of the weapon is shown for the weapon we want to pickup from the ground (http://mygamingtalk....-be-identified/). Set server side with g_weapons cvar (flag 8192) Added: stance indicator (can be enabled in the HUD editor, disabled by default) Added: themed HUD bars (health, stamina, weap recharge). cg_themedBars cvar to turn it on/off. Avalable also in silent THEMES menu. Added: multiple recipient private messages command and multiple selecting for Private Messages in PM list window (http://mygamingtalk....-recipients-pm/) Added: Possibility for new announcement sounds for death sprees and spree ends. Added: New shrubbot command !updatepbguid which can be used to manually update the stored PB GUID to the current one of the player. Added: New shrubbot command !levlist which lists all the server admin levels. Added: New shrubbot command !levinfo which displays all the information about the admin level. Improvement: Possible FPS improvement for players that have low FPS performance. Fixed: Potential crash bug with subnet bans. Fixed: The Admin Level Protection was not giving authentication with !setlevel to the lowest protected level. Fixed: stamina changes not visible in spec (http://mygamingtalk....hen-spectating/) Fixed: !finger command now shows the current PB GUID. This was supposed to be changed in 0.5.1 but was not. The !finger command is now properly verbose about PB GUID differences and displays the player admin level as well. Also, the command no longer displays non relevant information of the server bots but only the name, the slot number and the admin level of the bot. Fixed: Ban escalation printed garbage short GUIDs in the ban messages itself (8 character GUID) when the previous ban did not have PB GUID associated with it. Fixed: Added N!trox's teamchat height fix during intermission. Fixed: HUD editor help window position and themed it. Fixed: Player positions were sometimes wrong in the command map. Fixed: Aspect ratio issues with command map entities. Fixed: Boosting (pushing) team players by shooting at them when FF is off. Fixed: silEnT GUIDs were not always recognzed correctly. Bug was introduced in the 0.5.1. Fixed: ETPro behaviour, et_ClientBegin Lua is called only once for player and not for every team change. Fixed: !baninfo command was displaying bad short GUIDs for bans without GUIDs. Fixed: When FF was not enabled, the disguised friendly covert op health was displayed incorrectly. Fixed: team_maxSoldiers restriction was not enforced. Changed: The default value of cg_gun_fovscale changed to "0". No longer the need for admins to force it to players. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  18. New version of silEnT mod 0.5.1 is available. Download Main things in this version, briefly: New !hstats command which will display the hitregions players are hitting. New flag (512) for g_medics cvar, which makes adrenaline take only half charge. Admins are given the possibility to control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit. Check g_adrendmgreduction cvar. Want smaller body hitboxes? No problem, just use g_realbody cvar. Long-awaited landmine bahaviour: only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it. New flag (12) to g_friendlyFireOpts cvar added for this purpose. Themed time, fps, timer, speedometer, K/D/S display and lagometer. We also made Lua interpreter built into the server binary. This should make installing easier. What else? Bug fixes and some reworks. Just check the change log below: Added: !hstats, command will display the hitregions players are hitting. Added: g_medics flag 512, adrenaline takes only half charge. Added: g_adrendmgreduction, admins can control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit. Added: themed Draws (time, fps, timer, speedometer), K/D/S display and lagometer. New cvar for this: cg_themedDraws {0,1}: 0-use the old style, 1- themed style Added: new flag to g_friendlyFireOpts: 32. Only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it. Added: g_realbody, possibility for server admins to set up smaller body hitboxes Fixed: !userlist command was not working if noone was online on the server. Fixed: In certain cases same player was displayed multiple times on the userlist output. Fixed: SP_team_WOLF_objective: exceeded MAX_MULTI_SPAWNTARGETS (16), fix from flms of ETPub Fixed: !showbans didn't always display bans properly when the banned player didn't have PB GUID. Also, silEnT ID is now included in the list. Fixed: Warmup was not dislayed to players before the warmup countdown started. Fixed: Proned players moving when others were standing on their backs. Fixed: vid_restart crash Fixed: Temp Ban System didn't handle silEnT GUIDs Fixed: Passed nextmap vote will now correctly go into intermission when map voting is enabled. Fixed: maps not listed in the vote menu when game type is mapvoting or TDM Fixed: not themed fireteam menus Fixed: additional space behind location in fireteam window Reworked: The K/D in the scores is renamed to KR to reduce confusion about it. Reworked: The !finger output prints the current PB GUID of the player. Not the one that is stored in the database. Reworked: The silEnT GUID handling is changed a little. This prevents certain types of copy paste spoofings. Note, players that are not stored to the database with valid PB GUIDs will create new player records. Also, from the old ban lists, at least the silEnT GUID (sguid) fields must be cleared to prevent false bans. Reworked: Lua interpreter is now built into the server binary. This will make installing easier. Removed: g_realHead realistic hitboxes from ETPub/zinx are now used always Removed: g_mapVoteFlags no longer has flag 16. If admin needs a command to get next map in rotation when map voting is enabled, he can easily create one executing "vstr nextmap". Removed: g_spoofOptions, the spoofing is now checked unconditionally. Removed: g_punkbuster, the PunkBuster is no longer supported by EvenBalance and this cvar is no longer needed. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  19. New version of silEnT mod 0.5.1 is available. Download Main things in this version, briefly: New !hstats command which will display the hitregions players are hitting. New flag (512) for g_medics cvar, which makes adrenaline take only half charge. Admins are given the possibility to control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit. Check g_adrendmgreduction cvar. Want smaller body hitboxes? No problem, just use g_realbody cvar. Long-awaited landmine bahaviour: only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it. New flag (12) to g_friendlyFireOpts cvar added for this purpose. Themed time, fps, timer, speedometer, K/D/S display and lagometer. We also made Lua interpreter built into the server binary. This should make installing easier. What else? Bug fixes and some reworks. Just check the change log below: Added: !hstats, command will display the hitregions players are hitting. Added: g_medics flag 512, adrenaline takes only half charge. Added: g_adrendmgreduction, admins can control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit. Added: themed Draws (time, fps, timer, speedometer), K/D/S display and lagometer. New cvar for this: cg_themedDraws {0,1}: 0-use the old style, 1- themed style Added: new flag to g_friendlyFireOpts: 32. Only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it. Added: g_realbody, possibility for server admins to set up smaller body hitboxes Fixed: !userlist command was not working if noone was online on the server. Fixed: In certain cases same player was displayed multiple times on the userlist output. Fixed: SP_team_WOLF_objective: exceeded MAX_MULTI_SPAWNTARGETS (16), fix from flms of ETPub Fixed: !showbans didn't always display bans properly when the banned player didn't have PB GUID. Also, silEnT ID is now included in the list. Fixed: Warmup was not dislayed to players before the warmup countdown started. Fixed: Proned players moving when others were standing on their backs. Fixed: vid_restart crash Fixed: Temp Ban System didn't handle silEnT GUIDs Fixed: Passed nextmap vote will now correctly go into intermission when map voting is enabled. Fixed: maps not listed in the vote menu when game type is mapvoting or TDM Fixed: not themed fireteam menus Fixed: additional space behind location in fireteam window Reworked: The K/D in the scores is renamed to KR to reduce confusion about it. Reworked: The !finger output prints the current PB GUID of the player. Not the one that is stored in the database. Reworked: The silEnT GUID handling is changed a little. This prevents certain types of copy paste spoofings. Note, players that are not stored to the database with valid PB GUIDs will create new player records. Also, from the old ban lists, at least the silEnT GUID (sguid) fields must be cleared to prevent false bans. Reworked: Lua interpreter is now built into the server binary. This will make installing easier. Removed: g_realHead realistic hitboxes from ETPub/zinx are now used always Removed: g_mapVoteFlags no longer has flag 16. If admin needs a command to get next map in rotation when map voting is enabled, he can easily create one executing "vstr nextmap". Removed: g_spoofOptions, the spoofing is now checked unconditionally. Removed: g_punkbuster, the PunkBuster is no longer supported by EvenBalance and this cvar is no longer needed. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
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