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Posts posted by hellreturn

  1. Try below setting for 45 days. If you keep to long it will generate lot's of files under XPSave which isn't worth it. 

    set g_XPSaveMaxAge 3888000

    Integer value is supported for that variable. Looks like while changing config you might have changed the value or it was set to wrong since beginning. 


    Give this one a shot and let us know. 

  2. What's the progress on silEnT 0.8.3? Does it have improved HW ban feature? I added the whole list of proxies from the 1st post but there's a guy called Arcade that keeps coming back every day and completely ruins the game and make normal players abandoning ET because of frustration.


    Share the new IP's here and we can add in subnet IP range. There would be no silEnT 0.8.3. It would be 0.9.0. Beta is ready for testing in public soon. Currently testing one. 


    Technically everything from hardware can be spoofed so banning proxies is the only way out. In 0.9.0 subnet ban range has been increased to 512. So more people share proxies more proxies will get exhausted. 

  3. 1. Check under database folder. File name: mapvoteinfo.cfg


    Example of map vote data:

    name             = warbell
    times_played     = 376
    last_played      = 44
    total_votes      = 20706
    vote_eligible    = 51698

    2. Empty out that file and all vote info stored would be gone. So you will start from fresh. 

  4. one of our bot men is looking in to it, not sure what's wrong though as it works running et as ominbot and etmain, it just seems not to like silent at the moment.


    Thanks for the update and keep us updated so that other admins don't face the similar issue and if we could fix something on our side before next release we will gladly fix it.


    Is this problem can occur when I don't have some maps on server right now (from list above)??


    I have this problem from some time and it can't fix itself :)


    If it happens on specific maps then check the mapconfigs for those maps and see if the rotation cycle has an issue around that map. 


    if it happens on all map then something is odd. Do this:


    Create a map rotation based on map voting i.e. game type with only 6 maps in config. Sure you can keep 30 maps on server but in config all 6 maps. See if that works first. Then keep adding maps one by one. If with 6 standard maps if you don't notice any issue then it's total number of maps in config is an issue.


    Just give it a try and let us know how it works out.

  6. ETPUB !balance was mostly broken. I would suggest doing !howfair and if teams are off, admins can !put to balance the teams or do !shuffle based on K/D. K/D shuffle is not perfect but way better then shuffle based on XP. 


    In future release we have plans to enhance !balance function or provide something better but nothing is set in stone. If you have good ideas, feel free to share.


    On our servers we just shuffle every 2 maps based on K/D before map starts. Keep things even. 

  7. He got busted for cheating again on many servers. Oxy guy is old player known as impulsive or whatever.... who flooded servers with fake player DDoS on many servers. I wouldn't trust any busted cheaters multiple times claiming "AC" work in progress and the person who is known to cause issues on other clan servers for fun. 


    Every admin runs server so players can enjoy but those who try to cause trouble by hacking and DDoS'ing are never trust worthy. Chaplja was cheat coder but never server hacker or DDoS'r. 

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