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Everything posted by TheSilencerPL

  1. In that case it would be even more disturbing especially when considering the team size which can be pretty big. Maybe the list of dead team members that would be showing only the dead team mates. If one dies it would show on the list. It sounds interesting however it's repeating something that is already available, the TAB scoreboard. I don't know if cluttering the HUD with something like that would bring much value. I would like to hear other voices in this discussion.
  2. interesting request but wouldn't the fireteam window take too much space in the HUD then?
  3. will take a look at it, but don't promise anything as the console is only invoked from the mod code and is handled externally by the engine. At least that's how I see it now. Maybe after some research I will change my point of view.
  4. Forgot to mark it as completed. Fast shooting was implemented in 0.6.2. Use g_weapons flag 16384 to enable it.
  5. Just to get rid of the silly things first Are you sure the qagame.mp.i386.so in silent folder is from the silEnT release zip package? Maybe you copied the one from the etmain?
  6. Glad you solved it. I've been following this thread since the 1st post and at the end I was puzzled pretty much
  7. There is a file size limit. Limited is the size of the voice chat script. I once hit it too, don't remember the size now but I will check it and post it here soon. EDIT1: voice chat file limit: 32768 Bytes (32KB) you can't have more than 272 voice chat definitions inside the file. This is the 2nd restriction. EDIT2: All of the sounds defined after that size won't work.
  8. What issues? "Issues" is not precise, could you elaborate on this, please?
  9. Could you please explain what you mean by "big 5"? Maybe I think of something different than you do.
  10. Plus the icon to show the vent type, as I can see.
  11. what is his OS name when you do !finger on him?
  12. Copy and paste the contents of the file into the code tag or directly into the post. EDIT1: or use http://tny.cz/ to share the contents
  13. The link does not work. EDIT1: both links don't work.
  14. You can post the screenshots, but I believe it would be announced by popup message or in the chat area. Or is it done differently in etnam? BTW. moving to feature requests.
  15. You need to redirect it to http download. If you don't do it it will be downloaded directly from the server, thus the speed.
  16. Thx, we are aware of this already: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2527-class-weapon-0-is-disabled/
  17. nothing I know of. EDIT1: I mean that I don't reckon anything about us changing anything about that
  18. @H2o-Clan, please remove the watermark modification from you pk3 file and place it in the separate pk3 file. That's how it should be done, so that you don't pollute the game with modified silent client packages. That's the 1st thing. The 2nd thing is that you modified our logo, which is not fair towards us. Please use some other watermark that does not change our logo in anyway, which means think something out yourself.
  19. To be 100% sure I would advice to run your local server for that, so that you don't experience any lags at all.
  20. What's your server IP, so we could connect there and check?
  21. Does this problem happen just before the intermission ends? In such situation the list might not get refreshed because of the transfer time as @gaoesa stated, to the server and back. Apart from that I can't see any other issue why the problem exists. Only connection issues come to my mind. The strange thing is the chat problem. Is the game stalled? Can you press other buttons? You said that you can't write in the console so I assume that you could open it so it's not that keyboard handling by the game is a problem here. Please upgrade to 0.6.3 and tell us if the problem still exists. We support only the latest release.
  22. Generally it all should work after you unzip the silent.zip. After that it's only a matter of tuning. However it all depends on the service provider and integration of their scripts. I don't know clanforge and how they handle mod installation and what you have available. Please tell them that you need the directory structure as in the silent.zip file from our release package. Anyone here has any experience with clanforge?
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