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Everything posted by TheSilencerPL

  1. Indeed, there are 2 files available to download, but the better one is the second one which includes the server patch: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/files/getdownload/180-silent-mod/ I apologize for the inconvenience, will fix that shortly.
  2. Nope, I will take a look at it, thanks. But as I've said, tomorrow
  3. Well, anyway, I am off tonight. Will get back to it tomorrow.
  4. You must have mangled with your files At least it looks like so. Just to remind you, don't modify original pk3 files, instead place additional pk3 files on your server. Please post your server IP so I could connect there and check on my own what is downloaded by the client. Please post the output of the "/silent_version" here so we know which version of server and client you have. From what you've posted I can't tell whether it's client or server that is 0.5.0.
  5. There's no 0.5.3 version of the silEnT mod!
  6. what's the output of /silent_version?
  7. Are you sure you have the same silEnT version on the server and client?
  8. Try changing cg_themedBars to 0 and tell us if it changed.
  9. Does it stay empty even when you disconnect and connect back?
  10. Thanks, we have applied the fix on the server. You have just confirmed that it works. We strongly encourage others to try connecting as well. That will be a great help for us.
  11. Just dropped by to laugh for a while
  12. Hey, it's nice to see the interest actually The main reason of no date is that we have some features planned but aside from all mod development we have our private life, job and so on, so it's really sometimes hard to tell the real date of the release because our personal life is sometimes (or pretty much always) unpredictable. However, we as a team would like to confirm that we are working on the new version of the mod and we want to kindly ask you for patience
  13. Well, I've have to admit that I used nade tossing underwater, but I didn't have any problems with adopting to the new fight style after we had changed it.
  14. I don't want to make it any worse but at the moment tossing a nade while swimming is requiring even more skills to fight like that. First of all you have to go above the water level to throw it otherwise you would die easily. The other thing is, why are you so serious about it? Underwater nade fights are not so often in this game.
  15. The thing is that the nade is the most visible physics breaking thing. We don't want to kill an elephant regarding the underwater fight The knife fight underwater won't be changed, it would break the whole thing.
  16. Sorry, I've forgotten to prepare it. For example like this, places where the avatars would be displayed marked in red:
  17. The goal of this poll and thread was to gather more opinions on the subject so we could consider more points of view. Thanks to you guys we are able to make up the decision which is: we won't implement avatars!
  18. In the next release you will be able to deactivate this by cvar, and have it like in the original game, that means: allies will be able to choose only Thompson and axis only MP40.
  19. If I remember correctly eteng was dropped and was not to be developed anymore, instead et.3.0 was to be developed. What is the situation now, Sol?
  20. Beck has my personal approval for defending silEnT style He can now be proudly called "The silEnT Defender" Very good arguments and there is nothing more to add to what Beck has said actually.
  21. Take a look here: readadmins
  22. I get it, you want to have commands to send custom information, the frames are not that important in this case, just the ui cmd that is missing, right?
  23. According to what zuy said, we have official support of silEnT mod on one of the game server hosting companies, pukawka.pl. It's not yet listed on their site, but as zuy said it's now supported (thanks to him), so soon I believe silEnT mod will be mentioned in the supported ET mods. Thanks zuy for your commitment to our case. EDIT1: Correction: silEnT mod is now listed on the pukawka.pl site Thx pukawka.
  24. In silEnT yes, but I've had the impression we've been talking in general. The screenshot has zeroes.
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