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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. gaoesa


    Lua script can do this. et_ClientSpawn callback should work for this http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_ClientSpawn Remove the Lua scripts you have enabled and keep on investigating. Somewhere in the configs you are enabling the cvars. Also, check that you have only one server instance running.
  2. gaoesa


    Medics will spawn with adrenaline needle if either g_medics flag 256 is set or g_mode flag 2 is set. Other players will spawn with adrenaline needle, if they have medic skill 4 level star and g_skill flag 2 is set, or g_mode flag 2 is set. EDIT: Exception is that when you play any of the war modes, the adrenaline is given unconditionally to medics with the level 4 star.
  3. gaoesa


    If the g_medics flag 256 is not set and the g_mode flag 2 is not set, the players don't spawn with adrenalines. Only possibility would be some sort of Lua, such as those used at trickjump servers, that will add the adrenaline.
  4. gaoesa


    Have you checked the real values using rcon from a running server? Please check values from all of these three cvars from a running server using rcon, after you have confirmed there is adrenaline enabled. It could be some mapconfig too that is overlapping.
  5. gaoesa


    One more cvar is g_medics http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_medics Disable flags 128 and 256.
  6. gaoesa

    Admin level

    I think you have admin level protection enabled and because they don't have confirmations, they can't use the commands. One thing to note is that the admin levels are not confirmed during the warmup period. This was made this way because otherwise there could be false alarms with incomplete authentications when the warm up ends and the map starts. Another thing is, if you look at them with the !list command, do they have any flags set. If I remember correctly, there is a 'C' flag set for the players who need confirmation. One more thing, if they have for some reason lost their stored confirmation keys in the clientside, then !setlevel is required to set both their level again and creating new confirmation keys. However, the admin chat will report these players if enabled. The confirmation is done with !confirm command. Or alternatively, with !setlevel.
  7. If I understand correctly what you meant with the messages when players are connecting, that is possible using Lua scripts. I don't know any such script though.
  8. gaoesa

    Map limit

    You can use config files in the mapconfigs directory. For that particular example, adding file eages_2ways_b3.cfg to that directory with content: set timelimit 20 http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_mapConfigs You can look inside the default.cfg for more example use. The map specific configs are run after the default.cfg overriding any overlapping settings possibly set in it.
  9. That kick is not a silEnT mod feature.
  10. The crash log is printed into the server log. And in console log of the server.
  11. gaoesa


    Confirmed. Thank you for reporting. I added it to the tracker, in here http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-242-client-game-crashes-in-menu/
  12. I couldn't reproduce the missing gun sound with cg_effectDistance 0. We didn't stand on 1700 units distance, but far enough anyway for the cg_effectDistance 0 to kick in. The bullet impact sounds were missing completely as they are part of the impact effects. But I don't think the impact sounds should be played, despite of the document, if the impact markers are not drawn. EDIT: But the sound is indeed little thinner. It could be that it fades away faster because of this. It should impact every weapon though.
  13. What is the sound that you don't hear? I was first thought about gun sounds, but those are not behind this cvar. There are some impact sounds. Could mean that the PPSh is not forming proper bullet hit events. If in addition this bug concerns only the PPSh.
  14. I have never experienced this and on this part, the weapons are not different from each others. There is a sound that is played, and the intensity is a calculation on distance. We will need to test if there is something on this. Can you please define what the long range means more accurately, for testing purposes. Two points in a map would work well.
  15. gaoesa

    2 things

    About the number 2. As an admin you can use !usersearch name command. Also there is the !aliassearch available. For regular players, there is no equivalent for the seen.
  16. You can try setting sv_wwwDlDisconnected to 1.
  17. We are not making new builds of old version. But we need to support the old configuration files with new versions. And this wasn't even the point of my post. What I said is that it takes a lot of work to add relatively small amount of flexibility.
  18. One problem with that change would be the existing configurations. However, we could have the command names parallel with the flags and that might provide better flexibility then what we have now. But the real problem, with the implementation, is the amount of refactoring that is needed. The original system was designed only the flags in mind. So the costs of refactoring the shrubbot is high. And it would probably introduce some bugs with it as well. Meaning, it would span over several releases to be done. We can keep thinking about the least painfull way to add the possibility, though.
  19. We have extended shrubbot(adminsystem) to much further then any other mod. We also use database to store data of the players. Please explain more accurately what you mean?
  20. The resolution list in the menu doesn't depend on any cfg files. The available resolutions are fetched from the Operating System when the menu is opened. It shouldn't depend at all of the server you are playing. You can indeed use seta r_mode -1, r_customWidth and r_customHeight if you want. That is the same way the mod sets the resolution when it is selected from the list. If you constantly have to set the resolution, you can try to set them in the etmain also. Before joining the server. Or in any mod that the game loads first when you start it. EDIT: I was thinking too complicated about this. Yes it can depend of the server. If the server is adding custom menus, like some servers do, and the custom menu pack doesn't have the proper menu files in it. Then it can be the reason for your problem.
  21. gaoesa


    I took a quick look at their forum and loos like they are dodging these kind of questions a bit. Here is one tutorial on how to setup ET server in a Linux jail: http://tjw.org/etded/
  22. gaoesa


    I'm not familiar with the game panel. Unless someone here is familiar with it, the best support comes from their forums.
  23. gaoesa


    The files are in binary form so they look like that with text editors. You can access the data with shrubbot commands such as !useredit. Just an additional note, you should not run the ET as root. Or at least not unless it is not completely isolated from the actual system. There can be bugs that we don't know about that could compromise your server.
  24. gaoesa


    Could you please post the server log from the map start and the map end. There are sections that are specific to the database. If you find those, they are enough. EDIT: One possible reason is that the mod is trying to use the database inside a hidden .etwolf folder in the user home. Please take a look at these http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Installation#Important_Command_Line_Parameters
  25. gaoesa


    Don't create empty files to write to. The mod will not overwrite database files it doesn't recognize. Just make sure the ET process has the privileges to write and create files in the database folder.
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