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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Please don't put your money on paid cheats.
  2. Yes. I didn't find it from the wiki, but you can use the same sv_cvars and forcecvars as with N!tmod. Look at the default.cfg in mapconfigs directory for an example. The mapconfigs system explained, without the cvar forcing commands unfortunately, http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_mapConfigs.
  3. Unfortunately, the weapon scripting possibility was an addition made by the NQ team. This is not possible in silEnT mod. In silEnT mod you can only change damage, splash radius and such things using cvars http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#Weapon_Damage_and_Radius_Settings.
  4. This should be fixed in 0.8.2 in which all the sounds should be played. There is indeed a quiet pushing effect that feels weird when getting hit from far distances. This is caused by not having the impact sounds on yourself on these occations. That was unintended. Thank you for reporting this bug.
  5. I said that I think the smarter way to implement it is with a Lua script. I didn't say who should be writing it. If people think this feature could be usefull, there may be those who are willing to write the script for it.
  6. This is so specialized command that probably a Lua script would be a better way to implement. I can imagine admins could want to use a lot of different kind of variations that would fit best for their servers and players. E.g. disabling vsays, disabling global chat, disabling all chat, disabling unmute votes for these players and so on. A lot of different cases and Lua can be used to implement all of these.
  7. You could make a custom command that sends you a private message. As an alternative.
  8. I got the corrupted aliases db from NoGood and I'm investigating it with a verbose debug build. I can see how it is corrupted, though I don't know why. I doubt it is caused by names. If you get a corrupted aliases database, please send it to us if you can, so it will be possible to compare and possibly find a pattern from them.
  9. The aliases db holds only names. Deleting it doesn't affect anything else. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#useradb.db
  10. Ok, sorry for getting you confused with someone else. The config looks ok. I can think of couple reasons why it wouldn't work. If the server.cfg is not getting executed. Please check the command line for that. Or the mapvotecycle.cfg is in two folders and the one in the other folder is not working and is higher in precedence.
  11. 1. These are normal and they are backups of the old databases when we change it. I.e. when you first time launch the server with a new silEnT version which is not compatible with the old database, it converts the old database to new files and keeps the old files around with those prefixes. They are not needed by the server and if you are sure you don't want to keep backups from older times, you can delete them. 2. Aliases database is very tricky to fix. I wouldn't even try it by hand. 3. This sounds like a config issue. So, to get aliases work again, you can move the aliases database file outside of the database directory. If you want, you can post it to me for checking what is the error in it. If you would happen to have serverlog data from the exact area when it became corrupt, it could help further. Then, please check you have only one mapvotecycle.cfg either in etmain or in silent folder. If I remember correctly, you have enhanced mod accompanied with the silent. It may or may not have something to do with the name database corruption. But I think good approach in this case is to start removing the easiest problems first. I.e. the map rotation.
  12. I think I now know why it didn't work. You had this in your campaigncycle.cfg set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" While it indeed needs to have the map command to start the game. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" Like in the original campaigncycle.cfg.
  13. Like solar and Dragonji already pointed out, ETPro sourcecode is not available. But I will add as a representative of the silEnT mod team, that even if ETPro source code would be available, there would be no motivation for the silEnT mod team to add features to it. If we would do anything with it, we would just look for things we could use to improve our mod.
  14. Can you post the pk3 file you're using, with the *.campaign files?
  15. Do note that the nextcampaign is what gets executed after the current campaign. This cvar may also have something to do with your issue. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_campaignFile
  16. For reference, here is the full campaigncycle.cfg that comes with the game and works. set d1 "campaign cmpgn_northafrica ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" set d2 "campaign cmpgn_centraleurope ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" // server doesn't recognise the campaign command when the gamecode isn't running yet. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" vstr d_initial
  17. And the cmpgn_blitzkrieg starts with oasis? It's been a while since I used campaigns, but if I remember correctly, the started map had to be the one that is first in the campaign.
  18. Weapon types have no direct influence to the calculation. With different weapons the distances are different so they can have indirect effect.
  19. No, that is from a working campaigncycle.cfg that comes with the game and it works. He didn't post his own capaigncycle.cfg yet.
  20. I couldn't reproduce this with flag !. Are you sure this is not about the flag '@'? With this flag, it didn't use any personal settings, neither greeting text or sound. But the ones from the level 0.
  21. The goat sound will depend on g_goatSound [0|1] cvar from version 0.8.2 onwards.
  22. I tested with campaigncycle.cfg that is found from etmain and I didn't have any problems. Do you have this kind of entry in your campaign file? // server doesn't recognise the campaign command when the gamecode isn't running yet. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" vstr d_initial
  23. The current implementation is equivalent to ETPro's b_goatsound 1. We can add the option to disable the sound. I.e. make the feature enabled by a cvar.
  24. The log is usually in the fs_basepath/fs_game folder. But why do you need the !readadmins command? This is relevant only when you had old server from where you copy admins without them visiting the new server. For a new server, first set yourself to the highest admin level by doing !setlevel as rcon to yourself. After that, you can continue with !setlevel to all the admins when they come. Or if they are not online, but have already visited the server, using the !useredit command. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21setlevel http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21useredit
  25. Does it show the greeting text without the sound?
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