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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Might be related to the PunkBuster protected flag. But I don't know how it works with trackbase. Does splatterladder show correctly?
  2. If you previously had an ETPub server, you can add the old admins to the silEnT database usig this method. You need to copy the admin blocks from the ETPub shrubbot.cfg to a file named admins.cfg and place that file to the database folder. When you issue the !readadmins command, the admin blocks are read from the admins.cfg file and added to the silEnT database. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21readadmins
  3. The documentation was/is slightly incorrect. It said that the g_silentac cvar is a bitmask. However, it is actually integer with possible values 0,1 and 2. It works the same if the value is 3 though, as the implementation was originally intended to be a bitmask. But the cvar that tracking websites read is set only if the value of g_silentac is set to 2. Do note that there is no additional value from flag 1 if the players get banned automatically.
  4. You're right. KR does not provide accurate information. There are lot of ways how to play to get cheap kills and high KR. Also, players are inconsistent on how they perform in the game even if they are just playing. What I meant in that quote though, was that in my opinion, making kills is the most important thing in an FPS game, if the players in both teams are doing the killing to attack and defend the objectives i.e. to win the map and not for personal stats.
  5. If the neither XP or admin levels get saved, it could be because the database files are not written. Could you check please what the server log says regarding the database when the map starts and ends?
  6. I think the terms are little mixed here. The PRW doesn't count kills at all. It is counted from winning the matches and the player playtimes in the teams. KR is the only method that rates the kills. From these two, I have found that KR is much more accurate. The PRW seems to give a lot of weird results. Though the theory sounds good. But there seem to be too many variables that affect the outcome of the maps for this to become accurate in this specific implementation. It's not surprising that the KR is giving reasonable results. All of the game revolves around kills afterall. Of course, both of these methods require that the teams are playing for the objective and try to win the map.
  7. KR is calculation uses distance between the players,the average distance between players on the server and the old KR values of the players. The PRW is more complicated and that is better explained by the pdf. But I don't find it right now. Do note that both the implementation and the documenation is from the ETPub which was the base we started. But the documentation of the KR is wrong about taking weapons into account.
  8. The callbacks remain the same. But the round number might need changing. Maybe remove the "if (round == 1)" condition. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_InitGame http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_IntermissionStarts
  9. Unfortunately there isn't any real tutorial for it. The information is scattered around but I think we should have one tutorial that gathers all the ways how to make those. It should include what is found from the shrubbot documentation http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg, the shortcuts http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#Shortcuts accompanied with how to further complicate the commands with Lua scripts.
  10. It happens if the GUID is changed while connected to the server.
  11. I have never encountered this problem. There was someone else who had this issue as well though. I don't know if it was completely resolved but I suspect the server engine about this. I didn't encounter this problem with my server when I had it running. Are you sure it doesn't play the first round again? If it does play the first round again, I think it could be an issue with the Lua script. Can you make the server run normal as plain map voting. If that is succesfull, then I would remove the map rotation and start the server in stopwatch mode with a single map and add the Lua script. The XP save is trickier, but I think it might be possible by adjusting the g_XPSave cvar in the Lua script. I don't understand why you would want that though, as usually people want to play the stopwatch rounds with completely equal starting position. Unless of course, you have locked the levels, in which case there doesn't need to be a reset at all. Also, you could add rcon xpreset command to the Lua script.
  12. Setting the g_serverInfo to 0 is a mistake. The TrackBase needs the flag 1 to be set to get the team info. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_serverInfo
  13. You need to just start the server with one map without rotation and with the g_gametype set to 3. This is how it worked on my server. I don't know if it would be possible to modify the Lua in a way that it would work with a rotation. Storing the nextmap cvar is the problem in this.
  14. Usually the stopwatch and map voting is combined with a Lua script. I don't know about storing XP. Here is a typical script for combining stopwatch and mapvoting. function et_InitGame(leveltime, randomseed, restart) if( tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("g_gametype")) == 6 ) then et.trap_Cvar_Set("g_gametype", "3") et.trap_Cvar_Set("nextmap", "map_restart 0"); end end function et_IntermissionStarts(round) if (round == 1) then et.trap_Cvar_Set("g_gametype", "6") end end
  15. You need to disable the options from the g_spreeOptions http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_spreeOptions
  16. gaoesa

    vote maps...

    You can create custom votes for that.
  17. I can see that there can be uses for the added configurability. Adding limited configuration options to ammotable data is not out of the question. Currently, I think that a Lua script might be able to help with the ammo issue. Similar script to what trickjump servers use to add adrenalines to players could be used to adjust starting ammo lower. There is also the option to disable the PPSh if it becomes troublesome. Here is one adrenaline script I found from antman.info -- -- More Adrenaline for Medics 0.1 -- by nano <nano@fooo.org> -- -- This is a small module for trickjump servers. It gives -- medics on spawn a specified amount of adrenaline needles. -- -- To add adrenaline needles you have to use the ammoindex -- 11 (WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE) and not 46 (WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE) -- since they belong together just like WP_LUGER and WP_MP40 -- (line 1396-1419 in game/bg_misc.c). -- AMOUNT = 500 et.CS_PLAYERS = 689 function et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, key) local cs = et.trap_GetConfigstring(et.CS_PLAYERS + clientNum) return et.Info_ValueForKey(cs, key) end function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived) if tonumber(et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, "c")) == 1 then et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammoclip", 11, AMOUNT) et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 11, AMOUNT) end end With these changes, it might work to reduce the ammos (39 is the index for the PPSh). I didn't test this at all and it might not be enough for all circumstances. More elegant solution might be found from someone who uses Lua more. function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived) if revived == 0 then if et.gentity_get(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 39) > 0 then et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammoclip", 39, 30) et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 39, 60) end end end http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#gentity_get
  18. If both players are equally bad at aiming, then probably neither one can win even though PPSh has 10 more bullets. I've seen some myths about the PPSh weapon before too, such that it would be more accurate or something. This is not true. With two equally good aimers (who can hit the target) in equal positioning and equal movement skills, the one who shoots first wins. What is unfortunate, is that the PPSh is not strong enough to improve the challenge for a good aiming medic for example, and we can't make it so either. P.S.I play medic most often. I'm not into making even medics less powerfull to complete their tasks if that is what it sounded like. The problem is that if the weapons are equal to both the engineer and the medic, the medic has a huge, not a little, advantage. This can result boring gameplay. Fortunately, defensive engineers can make some equalisation by placing mines in a smart way and rifle grenades can be very effective as well.
  19. g_shove is not the one to change. Setting it to 0 would disable pushing. I'm not currently sure how to disable the knock back from weapons when it is friendly fire, that is disabled.
  20. This is caused by an incorrect attempt to fix the issue of players disconnecting if they haven't connected through by the end of the warmup. The issue is that the engine is calling ClientBEgin on them, while they still haven't supplied the server their true info. This disconnect can happen only on the first connect to the server. Not between maps. Warmup time may reduce the issue as more players get through before the warmup ends. But it is not a real fix. I don't know if the incorrect fix attempt can cause the problem to escalate in the form of the freeze.
  21. gaoesa

    Lost XP

    If you had the etkey file or silent.dat file restoring the old data would be trivial. In fact, if you had the etkey, you would only notice it reading from the g_cheatlog file reporting that your silEnT GUID has changed. Unfortunately, if you have neither, the most practical method is to use compare the two records and use !givexp command to add XP to the newer record. However, this does not work for rating values etc. Maybe in a future version we could add a command to copy other data but levels and custom values to another record.
  22. Thank you 1. The spree recods are enabled with g_spreeOptions cvar flag 512. The ratings are enabled with g_killRating and g_playerRating 2 on both cases. 2. This is probably related to the server engine. The simpler (the not working one that I also initially posted on this forum) attempt to fix the GUID problem from connecting players at the end of the warmup, would result this behaviour.
  23. For information to anyone else searching for this. The bot commands are not different. The commands are implemented by the Omni-bot library and the silEnT mod does not influence them. This is generally true for any mod.
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