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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Indeed. It is initializing etmain. You need to have the "+set fs_game silent" on the server command for the silEnT mod to load. Also, you need to have the qagame dll file for the server in the silent folder.
  2. Have you tried to copy the pak2.pk3 from the light installation to the main installation? Also, have you tried moving all the suspicous looking files outside of the tree. But first, please try moving all the .dll files outside of the silent folder. Additionally dll files out from the etmain folder too, if you start the game to the etmain (without the +set fs_game silent).
  3. Does this happen if you set up your own server? NQ is also ETPub based. It reall doesn't make much sense that it happens in ETPub and in silEnT but not with other mods. You should install the game outside of the "Program Files (x86)" and not run it as an admin, it would give you at least a little better security. Overall, you shouldn't run programs as admin unless they really do have some serious reason they would need it. Please try to set up your own server locally and test connecting to it. Server: ...\etded.exe +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +map oasis Client: ...\et.exe +connect
  4. There was a good post from some time ago about creating sound pack for this. I hope this helps http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2675-need-revive-spree-clarification/?do=findComment&comment=11413
  5. It stores some values that would otherwise be lost on the server when it closes. Similar to silent.dat at the client end. You can delete server.dat if you want and nothing will break.
  6. I have seen and (experienced myself) players being in an coneection interrupt state for a long time from time to time. Never consistently and it doesn't usually affect every player the same way. Having red bars with an external tool does suggest it is stuck on something or the connection is getting refused for a while. I don't think there is anything programmatic with the database handling that can take so long. Handling the records at the end game does actually less than !usersearch command. Unless the command "/rcon dboptimize" is given. That one should perform exponentially worse when the database grows. But it also needs to be triggered with an rcon command every time. I can think of three areas where to look further, some sort of issues with file system when actually writing the data to a file, networking/firewall issue, or, game is for some reason resending the game state to player(s) for a while. The last one is what I have seen happen a few times, but I don't know what triggers it. Gamestate is automatically resent if the server thinks the player is still in the previous map. It could be caused by the mod somehow.
  7. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_identOptions We used to use MAC addresses with this, but they were not good at all, so we have since improved it. Yes, it still doesn't work for everyone and it will never stop all of the people who want to circumvent bans no matter what kind of information we would use to create the ident. But I hope this will end the talk of the MAC addresses to be any good for banning.
  8. It is not currently possible to have different vote weights based on different admin levels. You can disable voting based on level or player though.
  9. I needed to correct my post a bit, I wrote "sess.skill", but the correct array is "sess.skillpoints". The "sess.skill" is the stars level of the player in each of the areas.
  10. Additionally, the "ps.persistant" is probably not a good way to get the score. The better way to get the XP should be to calculate "sess.skillpoints" array values together. This way it won't be necessary to check if the player is in a team, dead or if he is speccing and the returned result will be correct. The ps (playerstate) values depend a lot on what the player is doing.
  11. Here is our documentation of Lua http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#gentity_get. If following it doesn't result correct output, there is a bug. The index 0 is indeed correct index for the score within the ps.persistant. Please provide a full test case script that is able to reproduce the issue as a bug report. Include only what is relevant to the issue.
  12. This is fixed in the next version.Thank you for the report.
  13. I was able to reproduce this in a very special case. The second page is not shown if the first 20 players were connected. Even after they disconnected until the next map started. I used bots to test this.
  14. Yes. The cvar that controls this g_skills. By default it is not enabled for other classes. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_skills
  15. Yes. I don't know if you want the intercept option only for client actions. If that is the case, then this callback might not be the best option.
  16. Thank you for the report. We will look into it.
  17. function et_TeamCange( clientNum, fromTeam, toTeam ) et.trap_SendServerCommand( -1, "chat \"Team change, client "..clientNum.." from team "..fromTeam.." to team "..toTeam.."\"") -- return 0 -- allow change -- return 1 -- disallow change -- no return value at all or any other value then 1 equals returning 0 end This kind of hook is possible. It catches all team changes, but the called hook does not know why it is happening. It can quietly intercept and stop the team change. In case of inactivity, it could cause bad repetiting attempt to move the player to spectators. The inactivity timers can be seen using gentity_get though. Thoughts about this? This is the time to change the behaviour if needed, before any existing Lua depends on it.
  18. I don't know if et_clientUserinfoChanged could work as a trigger to check if the team has changed. I don't see a reason why we couldn't add it, but I'm saying that before investigating the issue at all. The callback would be probably called for all team changes though. However, as the single point for them all could be after forced team change information is printed to the game, there could be prints that seem wrong if the team change was cancelled. We will look into this. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_ClientUserinfoChanged
  19. I think this would be easiest to implement with a Lua script. You could make a custom command to shrubbot.cfg such as "ml". This command would then get directed to Lua script, which would send private message to all connected players with level higher then what you have specified. Excluding the player who issued the command. Or you could exclude the level from the command and have something like "mm", which would send it to all connected players having some specified member level and above. Specified in the script. Related links http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#G_shrubbot_level About implementing this in the shrubbot, it is rather server specific and I would rather see something more generic.
  20. They are guaranteed to be correct. They have been 100 percent correct as long as the AC has existed. If you however suspect there has been a false positive. You need to provide us a method to reproduce it. It is easy for a cheater to claim that a ban was a false, but give them a chance to prove it. You don't need to decide such things based on discussions.
  21. I don't know where you got the original. So far I haven't had any problems with the updates. But please keep the original safe just in case.
  22. The GeoIP data is not included in the downloads from this site because of the licensing. However, there is a direct link to the donwload in the wiki http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_countryFlags There is the license as well.
  23. @clan DIABOLIK Please read his post again. There was information not only about the map cycle but also how specific maps can cause this issue.
  24. I understood what you meant. I didn't express myself the right way, because I don't want to comment too much on the subject. But what I meant was that it would be mostly just wasted money. We appreciate the offer though.
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