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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. It sounds like you might have g_XPSave 0 when the mod starts and the setting is changed after. It is important that the g_XPSave cvar has it's value before the map command is executed. As admin levels stay and the XP is not reset between maps, that sounds like the reason for the server start XP reset. Make sure you don't have duplicated config files. One in etmain and one in silent folder.
  2. You can ask the player about his system so it can be tested. If it can't be reproduced, it would mean it is done on purpose. Though, I don't understand why someone would bother doing it.
  3. 1. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_friendlyFireOpts combination of 4 + 32 will make the tripmines triggered only by the engineer that planted them. This is necessary so that he can disarm them. 2. I'm not sure I understand the issue completely. Is this some sort of team lock issue or forcing team balance issue. 3 & 4. These are possible with Lua but not with mod settings. If I understand correctly that you meant spawning with 30 + 120 bullets in SMG for example.
  4. It is the slot number, starting from 0. Fixed in the docs.
  5. Maybe it is morsik with and his ET Legacy hack for the checksum. EDIT: Another note, there are no known cases when this checksum would be missing without intentionally doing something to cause it.
  6. Unfortunately, there is no inbuilt option for that.
  7. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely remove them. An ugly work around could be to use Lua script for emptying the clips on these weapons.
  8. Edit the silent.cfg file for all the options. Since you are home hosting, you shouldn't need to download files. Just make sure the same map files are in the server etmain and in the client etmain folders. EDIT: The double jump questions, http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_misc You should read http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Installation and especially the Config Files section to understand how to edit your server.
  9. Open the silent.cfg file and put any password to the rconpassword setting. And if you will, to the referee password. Then on the server, use /rcon !setlevel 5.
  10. If you want to use the shrubbot, you must set your initial level using /rcon for the setlevel shrubbot command. If you don't have edited level structure, the highest level is 5.
  11. Ident field is used to identify players that circumvent bans. The format and data changes from version to version as we see improvements or changes must be made. You can leave this field empty so it won't cause ban copying. Also, in history we have found some cases when this data was not good and caused some innocent players getting banned. However, silEnT will automatically remove such values from bans in new mod versions, if those are known. If these bans are very old and the ident fields were empty, this might be the case on these bans.
  12. You must move the player in the specator team (!putteam should work fine), then using Lua to set sess.spectatorClient to be the slot number of the player he wants to spec. In the same function, the sess.spectatorState must be set to the value 2. I don't know if it will work. You can ignore (pass any value you want) the last parameter in the gentity_set function as both of the edited values are integers. The new value is passed in the arrayindex.
  13. The !spec command is not possible through regular commands that the server can execute. I'm not sure if editing the sess.spectatorClient with http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#gentity_set will work. You can try but there are risks when editing these fields so proper testing should be done before adding the script to your public server. Also, the sess.spectatorState must be set to the value 2 at the same time. The second question, it is partly possible with Lua. In Jaymod, the announcements are announced to all the players, which is different form silEnT announcements. However, the animation is not possible. Only options are the usual chat line, popup, center print and the top of the screen.
  14. Unfortunately it is not possible. The !rename command only changes the name on the server end. The client cvars remain untouched. There isn't any other methods either. If the name needs to be something specific only on your server, then you could make a Lua script that would always, automatically, edit the userinfo of that player.
  15. silEnT will run on Mac OS X if it is Intel version. However, there is one inconvenience. The player must manually place the silent-0.6.3.pk3 file to the silent folder. Other downloads will work ok. Alternatively, if the server allows direct dowloads (opposed to disconneting for download), the mod download should work ok.
  16. This crash is not inside the mod. Which ET version is he using? (e.g. 2.60b, 2.60, ...) You can see the version if you make !finger on him.
  17. Fixed in next version. Versions affected by the bug: very likely all up to the version 0.6.3
  18. High ping players don't have a real advantage. Even with uneven movement (due to an uneven distribution of packets), the low pingers have a lot of time to react first. In fact, dieing against a low pinger very often feels like getting shot by a bot. Unfortunately, there is no way to even the play field in this. At this point, I will remind that if players cry for unhittability, there is no such thing. The position you see someone is the exact position where the hitboxes are. There is no two origins, different for the player model and for the hitboxes. They are the same and the server stores them. Also, there is no way to "fool" the server in this. The players in your screen are in the positions where the server says they are and those positions are stored for the bullet traces. The g_skipCorrection and g_antiwarp are mutually exclusive. If g_antiwarp is set, the g_skipCorrection is ignored. You can try setting the g_antiwarp to 0. They both attempt to address the same issue and even the movements. Though, it has been sometimes said, that the g_skipCorrection is nicer to high pingers then the g_antiwarp. There is no harm testing both to see if the other fits better. The g_antilag is not a culprit for anything. All antilag does is it stores player positions and thus allows making traces with positions the players saw the others were when they shot. Well, antilag is the culprit for the "shot around the corner" effect, when the escaping player might already think being safe. This is one example where it is easy to see the disadvantage of high ping. The escaping player would have had a lot of time to shoot the high pinger even in this situation as the server processes all the shots in the order they arrive to the server. Dead players don't make hits. The g_antilagDelay adds time to the client command times. This will screw the antilag so 0 is the correct value for this.
  19. It is our intention to fix everything we find. Bugs that cause crashes have, of course, high priority to get fixed.
  20. It is now confirmed that this crash is caused by the cg_gun_frame cvar having value when the map changes.
  21. I suspect this might be caused by cg_gun_frame cvar being set. Can you please test if it has any effect.
  22. Thank you for the repot. We will look into this.
  23. It is 100 percent accurate. Only way for anyone to get it without having one is to intentionally spoof it. That wouldn't make sense though.
  24. That file is automatically created by the engine. It is the cvar profile of the server. In the server it can be usually ignored. In the client it would be written into the profile directory.
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