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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. !crazygravity - Turning this option on will set the gravity to a random value in 30 second intervals. !crazyspeed - Turning this option on will set the speed to a random value in 30 second intervals. fast shooting - Fast shooting for Thompson, MP40, PPSh and Sten. 110 ms between shots.
  2. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#vote_allow_putspec Set it to 0.
  3. You can also do this with a custom command. The [g] shortcut is replaced with 8 character silEnT GUID. [command] command = incognito exec = !useredit [g] add @ desc = Hide admin level syntax = levels = 5 Removing the incognito would be: !useredit [g] remove @
  4. Adding full checksum would make the adminchat harder to read. This is not possible. The server game reloads after warmup and therefore loses old information. I have never encountered this myself. I don't know what might be causing it. Maybe the player in question does a lot of reconnecting and downloads the maps during warmup? Adding Lua callback is ok and probably a good addition at the current state of the game. How about notifying in the adminchat more clearly of the known cheat binaries? If they are known to be cheat versions, the Lua callback would not be called?
  5. We will not implement global ban lists. There are many reasons for not doing it. Here are few: - First of all it needs GUID authentication to prevent GUID spoofing client side. Do note that all GUIDs are spoofable. The way silEnT protect admin leves is separate technique, see g_adminProtection. - Second, it all needs to be done between the client and the "ban" server to avoid game server influence and admins generating bans for people they don't like. This might also need user consent. - Third, measures must be taken to ensure the client does not block all or selectively messages to the "ban" server. - Fourth, even PunkBuster has had problems with intentionally made false bans filling ban lists. This is a typical problem for ban lists when ever people figure out a way to do it. In other words, it is not practical to implement for it's possible value. For couple binary checksums and few cvars that associate with cheats.
  6. That is indeed a checksum of a famous and a fairly common wallhack binary.
  7. gaoesa


    silEnT includes Team Death Match game type. There is no plans to add plain Death Match.
  8. I'm still not sure. But here is 2 different alternate examples. This limits all the listed vsays with one time variable. -- List of vsays that are limited vsaylist = { [0] = "hi", [1] = "bye", -- insert newvalues here in lower case [2] = nil } -- The time when the previous vsay was execed exectime = 0 -- Minimum interval in milliseconds mininterval = 10000 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("vsay spam limit script") end function VsayLimits(vsay) vsay = vsay:lower() -- all comparisons in lower case or the players start circumventing local i = 0 while vsaylist[i] do if vsaylist[i] == vsay then local levelTime = et.trap_Milliseconds() if exectime > (levelTime - mininterval) then return 1 end exectime = levelTime return 0 end i = i + 1 end return 0 end -- Returns 1 if the command is intercepted. Note, do not use true or false. function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, cmd ) cmd = cmd:lower() -- lower case or players start circumventing if cmd == "vsay" then return VsayLimits(et.trap_Argv(1)) end return 0 end This limits personal spam per client -- List of vsays that are limited vsaylist = { [0] = "hi", [1] = "bye", -- insert newvalues here in lower case [2] = nil } -- The time when the previous vsay was execed, per player exectimes = {} -- Minimum interval in milliseconds mininterval = 10000 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("vsay spam limit script") end function VsayLimits(clientNum, vsay) vsay = vsay:lower() -- all comparisons in lower case or the players start circumventing local i = 0 while vsaylist[i] do if vsaylist[i] == vsay then local levelTime = et.trap_Milliseconds() if exectimes[clientNum] and exectimes[clientNum] > (levelTime - mininterval) then return 1 end exectimes[clientNum] = levelTime return 0 end i = i + 1 end return 0 end -- Returns 1 if the command is intercepted. Note, do not use true or false. function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, cmd ) cmd = cmd:lower() -- lower case or players start circumventing if cmd == "vsay" then return VsayLimits(clientNum, et.trap_Argv(1)) end return 0 end I also moved the et.trap_Milliseconds() to inside the matching condition, but it doesn't change the functionality in any way.
  9. I'm not sure if I understood the question. If you mean one person can vsay certain vsays only with specific interval? That is possible too. The et_ClientCommand has the client number as a parameter that can be used as the index to the exectimes instead of the i.
  10. Limiting vsay spamming is also possible with Lua scripting. -- List of vsays that are limited vsaylist = { [0] = "hi", [1] = "bye", -- insert new values here in lower case, edit nil element index too [2] = nil } -- The time when the previous vsay was execed exectimes = {} -- Minimum interval in milliseconds mininterval = 10000 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("vsay spam limit script") end function VsayLimits(vsay) local levelTime = et.trap_Milliseconds() vsay = vsay:lower() -- all comparisons in lower case or players start circumventing local i = 0 while vsaylist[i] do if vsaylist[i] == vsay then if exectimes[i] and exectimes[i] > (levelTime - mininterval) then return 1 end exectimes[i] = levelTime return 0 end i = i + 1 end return 0 end -- Returns 1 if the command is intercepted. Note, do not use true or false. function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, cmd ) cmd = cmd:lower() -- lower case or players start circumventing if cmd == "vsay" then return VsayLimits(et.trap_Argv(1)) end return 0 end That is just an example how to intercept vsays. It is not exactly what was asked in the topic. This script instead limits each vsay separately. So that 10 seconds must pass before it can be played next time. However, it is simple to change the exectimes table of integer values to a single integer value. A better script would read the vsay list from some external file.
  11. In the next version it is possible to query client cvars with Lua. It works 2 parts. First API function to issue query, when the result is ready, a hook funtion in the Lua script is called with the client number, cvar name and cvar value. There is also option for logging these to the g_cheatLog.
  12. Thank you and same back to you.
  13. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Sounds We certainly do support adding these sounds. But I don't know of already made sound packs for these either.
  14. Cvar restrictions are completely client side. Server only tells what cvars are restricted. The server is always, except during intermission, time critical. This is handled by the engine. Mods can define cvars to be included into it. However, it's not practically good thing to add cvars that are not relevant to it. There are ways, but not simple solutions. At the moment I can not say if there will be anything made for this purpose.
  15. It's not as simple as a Lua script asking the client for cvar value and then stop waiting to get the answer for it.
  16. We are thinking of the server filtering possibilities. Nothing can be confirmed yet.
  17. Implemented g_includedMaps It is a string of maps that are always included to the map vote list, regardless of any other restrictions. Including g_excludedMaps. E.g. g_includedMaps ":oasis:radar:"
  18. We will consider adding the feature. If added, it will work like the g_exludedMaps as a string of maps.
  19. Have you made sure you have only one mod pk3 file in the silent folder of the server? Also, what does server log say?
  20. Also, the download rate directly from the game server is controlled with sv_dl_maxRate If you have download redirect, then you should set set sv_wwwDownload "1" set sv_wwwBaseURL "" set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1" where you fill the sv_wwwBaseURL with the address where all the downloads are.
  21. Looks like your client is missing official pk3 file. This could be an issue with your ET installer. Did you use the installer found at SplashDamage? http://www.splashdamage.com/content/download-wolfenstein-enemy-territory Servers that allow older client binaries typically remove those and that would be why you were able to play on another server. In Windows, if you used installer for 2.55, then you must use the patch for 2.60 and only after that, you can copy any new binaries over the old exe. If I remember right, the Linux installers for 2.60 do everything correctly without patching tricks.
  22. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Banners
  23. gaoesa


    I was just thinking a situation when noone is in the teams and the map doesn't start. The server would then practically sleep waiting for something to happen.
  24. gaoesa


    Is there activity between those times? There are no settings that would prevent the logs getting written in a time period.
  25. It is possible that the killer is not a player. You should check that the killer is not 1022, or more safely that the value is below 64.
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