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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Ok, I found it. Thanks. It is in the ESC->Serverinfo.
  2. When using /serverstatus in the console, the URL is full. Could you be more specific what server info you mean?
  3. I don't think it would be worth the effort. Making it would mean that the prone box would be kept smaller, though the box height is pretty good now in my opinion, and when ever someone uses the needle all the proned boxes of players would get adjusted to taller and returned smaller after the trace. I personally haven't seen too much cases when players hide behind players who wait for revives. They can't shoot through those player either, so it evens out a bit in that. Also, the standing player, if close enough, has advantage to move to a different angle faster to hit the target player.
  4. "The name of the command" can have color codes.
  5. The prone hitbox is already lower then what it is in ETPub or ETPro. Sometimes players already whine that hitting with needle is harder because they need to aim at the body when reviving. I don't think it would be accepted well if it was even smaller.
  6. These error messages are not from the posted shrubbot config. Also, they are in the wrong place in the log. The shrubbot was already loaded. There seems to be so much messes in the server it would be better if you could let hellreturn access your server. Or if possible, delete old installation and do a clean install. Then adding the old configuration files one by one and see if you get it to work, or if it breaks with some specific file.
  7. Yes. This "Obsolete cgame system trap 173" is an additional print ET Legacy team added for debuggin purposes. Luckily, since ET legacy is open source, you can comment it out and build the client without it. Or build a release version of ET Legacy. If I remember correctly, it is behind defines. The 0.6.1 version will be having this trap call. It may even happen that some engine modification will use the trap to pump event loop during the map loads.
  8. We knew those are empy in the open sourced version of the game engine. However, they were kept to ensure compatibility just in case.
  9. gaoesa

    6.0 wiki

    If you have it in the config file, then the server console will show it's value. It isn't in the mod however. Indeed this is from the ETPub. I found it after some searching and we removed it in some very early version because it creates randomness to the game. It essentially effects the damage when the engineer is near the player or far from him. Or even if the team doesn't have an engineer. While I think I understand the idea in this, it is still making the damage inconsistent. It feels like random from a player who doesn't know it. I do think players should plan their efforts based on consistent mechanics. Also to avoid player quits/rage for not understanding what is going on. Response became longer then the question required, but maybe some explanation was good at this point.
  10. The another problem is that the class command uses dynamic weapon numbers. The menus use the class command. So if we would have all weapons that are possible, the commands would have wrong numbers.
  11. gaoesa

    6.0 wiki

    Fixed the Wiki for the g_realBody and for the g_realHead. Where did you get the g_damageBonusOpts? It is not in the mod.
  12. This is generic thing with Omni-bots.
  13. It didn't come clear to me, do you use some modification on the client side too? 10-15 second mark is a weird moment for the client to crash in the mod and it does look like that the crash happens outside of the silent code because of the empty information.
  14. gaoesa


    Player amount shouldn't have effect on this. Was this one time incident, or more frequent?
  15. gaoesa


    We reduced the amount of some network transmission, which seems to have improved the smoothness in real world cases. This feature is one of the effected ones. However, it should still come in a very short time and I haven't personally yet found it to take long time. Though a small delay is often noticeable.
  16. It will be fixed in 0.6.1. The missing parameters are stripped from the command line if not given in the command.
  17. Indeed that is buggy. Will look into fixing it.
  18. gaoesa


    They should come within 1 second. Did you send other commands at the same time?
  19. You need to find the Omni-bot waypoints for the map and install them to the et/nav/ folder. You can find mostly all from the Omni-bot assembla repository http://svn.assembla.com/svn/omnibot/Enemy-Territory/ Oni-bot forums to get any help related to the bots http://www.omni-bot.com/forum/forum.php
  20. There is a bug in the ban enforcement using the client idents. Please use g_identOptions 0 with the version 0.6.0. We are working on 0.6.1 and we will release it as soon as possible. It includes also other, less critical, fixes.
  21. There is a problem in the cg_idents which can cause this frequently.
  22. More fitting approach could be to allow color codes in the custom commands. Custom commands are not fun commands by definition and the inbuilt commands also include fun commands.
  23. There is a replacement for the client number. I couldn't find it documented, but I remembered there was a bug report about it. [command] command = sayname exec = sayname [1] [i] desc = Say a player's name levels = 2 4 5 The is replaced with the client number of the calling client. EDIT: Now added into the Wiki documentation.
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