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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. They need their own silent.dat files inside the silent folder. Also, if they use PunkBuster, they both need their own etkey files. However, this requires manually changing the files every time they switch the player. So two installations is very likely the easiest method.
  2. Yes. Also remember to add the commands g_misc 0 for the maps that don't have it. For example to the default.cfg file.
  3. Yes. With mapconfigs. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#Mapconfigs_and_Mapscripts
  4. gaoesa

    PM bug

    This happens because there is a limit to the length that is sent in the command. Using the pm dialog this limit is automatically stopping from writing too long messages. However, when writing the messages in the console, there is no way to limit the input string length.
  5. Sorry. I probably spoke little bit too soon. If you mean that a shrubbot command that would print your current cycle, then that would be difficult. Because that cycle is all in a script. I thought of printing all the maps from the etmain folder. The best way to do this feature is to make a Lua script that parses your map cycle cfg. Unfortunately I haven't seen one yet.
  6. Certainly would be a nice feature. I'm not really familiar with camtrace though.
  7. We haven't changed g_knockback default value (1000). Or other parameters either.
  8. gaoesa

    weird bugs

    1. Set g_dmg flag 64 http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_dmg 2. This requires more investigation.He should be kicked with "Invalid silEnT GUID" message. What's your server IP?
  9. There are 2 ways to avoid this bug. Removing mg restrictions for the soldier class or adding flags 16 and 32 to the g_classWeapons.
  10. It's not just engineers. Whenever you take a grenade into your hand and press the right mouse button it will say that in the team chat. This is not a new thing but I know it can surprise people. Including me when I first time encountered it.
  11. Thanks for reporting. We will add restriction in the future version. For now, only solution is to add Lua that will catch the ignore command.
  12. If you have an unstable connection it is perfectly natural for the packets to arrive in an uneven interval.
  13. In future version we can be more restrictive about the names, meaning replacing illegal characters with dots. This is already done to the extended characters. For now, the only possibility is to use Lua. For example in the ClientConnect callback you could check the name string and edit the players userinfo.
  14. They are both saved in the same place and will show in the userinfo if enabled. However, it appears that the player you checked did not have any XP.
  15. 1. The commands are divided between levels and personal. In other words you can define the commands to a level and hen apply that level to a player. Additionally, you can define shrubbot flags that influence only one player. This is what you see in the userinfo. Same for personal greeting etc. To edit individual players you can use !useredit command. 2. The XP save and KD rating are different things and have different settings for them. It seems that you don't have XP save enabled or it is reset often.
  16. Is this bug related to http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_mode flag 8?
  17. Go to ESC menu options and check if you have http downloads allowed. First thing that comes to mind. If you already have silent binary pk3, then check this from your silent profile. If not, then from the etmain profile.
  18. It is on the TrackBase side, but it seems to be already reported http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/984-Report-all-the-MODS-which-aren-t-rated-on-Trackbase-HERE?p=18752#post18752
  19. Did you use the new 0.6.3 Lua feature to check that is the case? If you find such players I would recommend banning them rather then worrying how to enforce something that can't be enforced.
  20. It is not possible to execute commands in the client. The only options are sv_cvar and forcecvar. With both of them, it is sufficent to execute once per map as the values are placed in config strings.
  21. You will get disconnected if you start connecting during warmup and finish it during the map. You don't get disconnected if you finish connecting during the warmup. This is a bug in the engine that is claiming the player has finished connecting even though that is not true.
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