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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Unfortunately, as long as the bots fill the slots whenever player joins the spce team, it is not possible to force balance. There is an option in the Omni-bot, which name I don't remember, that will disconnect bots before the player joins the team. This might be a good chance of doing it. The scripting in Omni-bot is not hard and you could try implementing custom behaviours in there too. If the already included scripting does not fill the requirements.
  2. Unfortunately there isn't options to specify which weapons can be picked by which classes. If the field opses can't pick PPSh when the g_mode is set to 8, then that would be a bug. You could try to use Lua to remove ammo from picked up weapons, just bit change the weapon into something else or something. I don't know how it would work.
  3. Yes. Normally medics can't pickup PPSh. Do you have g_mode 8 set? That would explain the behaviour.
  4. You can force the port with command line parameter net_port, for example "+set net_port 27960".
  5. Looking at the forcecvar functionality, I think it could possibly happen, in the client, if the forcecvar command is not written full in the config. We will need to check this.
  6. This is most likely a programming error of some sort, but it is very hard to know what causes it. If it is something that only clients suffer, then it is probably something what the server is sending or triggering on them. In what version of the mod this happened the first time. Just to know if this could be some recently made bug in the mod. Is there anything on your server that you would consider rare among ET servers. Do you have Lua or anything that could be sending commands to the clients.
  7. This is a generic error message which tells that an uninitialized C-string was fed to a string manipulation function. In this case copying a string to a new location in memory. Just in case, these details help solving the problem further. However, the information is not sufficient to tell where it happened or what it tried to do. Furthermore, based on the error message it is not possible to even determine if the error happened in a mod function or in the game engine. And as a finishing touch, the error doesn't allow crash, but it still closes the game. I.e. there is no backtrace/debugging information available. This is in effect the worst kind of bug to have without knowing before hand in what function it happens. Try to figure a way to reproduce it somehow. Maybe it happens in some map or you have Lua scripts or something custom made. Which would narrow the possibilities. Hopefully you could find a way to reproduce this bug.
  8. Additionally if you want to override the script defined spawn times, the g_userAxisRespawnTime and g_userAlliedRespawnTime will do that. Thoe spawn times are set always when the scrip attempts to change the spawn times. If they are set to above 1. These cvars use seconds, not milliseconds unlike the g_redlimbotime and g_bluelimbotime. I'm not really sure what you're trying to do. But if you want to make it dynamic, then there is no way to know the original times after they are changed. I.e. you need to save the original times in the script. However, if the mapscript changes the time to the value you have set yourself, there is no way to know it has done that and then the re-adjustment would perhaps not trigger.
  9. Sorry, I started looking this but forgot it. Indeed these values can't be changed from rcon. For some reason these cvars are latched. However, it is possible using et.trap_Cvar_Set function. Using the g_redlimbotime and g_bluelimbotime works.
  10. Yes, to the silent folder and it will be automatically loaded. Added this to the WIki page as well.
  11. The order of settings is not important. All of those cvars are loaded into the engine before the mod starts. Provided that the map command, which launches the mod, is not issued in between. Do you get multikill messages if you set the g_spreeOptions to 5?
  12. The sprees can be disabled in the client as well. You should check the ESC->silEnT->Config->Announcements that they are not disabled client side. You can add the cvar into the config. For some reason it has been forgotten from the default config.
  13. It depends of the network connection to the server. The vote is sent to the server and then the updated vote list is seen a second later or something. Interruptions to the network can slow it more. However, one click should be enough because the communication doesn't really loose these kind of packets. If it constantly takes more, there could be some problems.
  14. 1. You need to enable this feature http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_spreeOptions Additionally since you want to hear sounds, you need extra pk3 with them. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Sounds There might be some ready made packs somewhere, but I looked from our Downloads section and didn't find any from there. 2. The above options include the end game spree stats. However, there is also g_extraStatistics cvar for more stats. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_extraStatistics 3. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_dyno not the best name for cvar searching 4. You need to download the GeoIP database. In fact, this database changes a little bit every month. Because of the license, it cannot be included in the download by us, but you can find it from here http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/ Place the .dat file to the silent directory. If you have done it already, the issue might be that your IP addresses are not in any country range. Might be if you're playing in an internal network behind NAT.
  15. One possibility could be that the watchdog triggers. This would take the rotation back to the beginning. It could happen if the name of the map has typos. I.e. the server doesn't find the map and after the watchdog time of inactivity, the watchdog command would execute. I didn't find UJE_Oasis_xmas map so I couldn't check if that was the case. However, if you already tested to change the order then that might not be the issue. I don't see any other typos either. The cvars settings will not limit the rotation length. In fact, it is possible to have even excluded maps in the rotation. Have you made sure that the map that is not loading works ok if you give /map command in the console?
  16. I don't know the intent. This is how it has been in the original source as well. But one reason for this could be that it is easy to ensure everything is cleared when new client connects. I have added the bone of the Lua document to the Wiki. It is intended to be a complete reference of the Lua API for silEnT mod. I would give you the permissions to the Wiki if I knew how. For adding documentation and fixing English.
  17. Ok. I reread and sol was talking about the script not getting the ClientDisconnected callback. If that is the case, then the "pers.connected" would have wrong information also.
  18. Incorrect. The client data is cleared when new clients connect. The Lua does not check if the player is connected or not when accessing the data. You can check if "pers.connected" has exact value "2". et.gentity_get(slot, "pers.connected") Maybe this is a place to extend the Lua a bit. With a new function for checking the clientnumber. Additional info could be if the client is bot also. I don't think that that information is available anywhere.
  19. There is always some hitsound as long as friendly fire is enabled. If the friendly fire is not enabled, the hitsounds will not play if the enemy is disguised. Just like there isn't hitsounds from teammates. EDIT: If the question was unrelated to this topic, then g_hitsounds 1 will enable hitsounds. There is large explanations of the cvars related to hitsounds at the Wiki and at the document within the download.
  20. Important bug information to all who are using 0.6.0 or 0.6.1 versions of silEnT! If you use rcon to mute, it will crash the server. This bug is fixed in the next version.
  21. You didn't post any information in the post I replied. Of course it was a troll post. Especially in the light how the discussion turned at the F|A forum. I will close this thread now. Because the discussion about the actual topic dried and opening it again for this sort of discussion is not desireable. I'm sorry if you feel mistreated or that I misunderstood you.
  22. Server redirecting works with 2.60 version. I don't know the exact details of the feature. Some servers use this feature to redirect 2.60 players to 2.55+ servers when they don't have server facade for those servers. Of course, this feature can also be abused. And in any case, these servers are usually giving false information (bots in spectators or the ping can be in reality completely different because of the different server location) to players through the in-game serverbrowser. Seems your server is 2.60b version so I don't really see why you would need this.
  23. Yes. This will be fixed.
  24. The quotes disappear when the custom commands are parsed in from the shrubbot.cfg.
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