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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. The admin commands are in serious consideration, as always. I wouldn't call missing the levedit or levdelete flaws because the admin levels are supposed to be configured through the config file. However, the levlist and levinfo I can see they would be usefull. The abbreviated commands would require rewriting the whole admin command system and that we won't do at least yet. Thanks for the nice compliments.
  2. In Finland everyone knows the camps located in Poland were created and operated by nazi germans. Even when they know the location. The emphasis is on nazi german. EDIT: Now looked the video related to the linked video, the original part of the speech. Certainly that was a huge mistake to mix "Polish" and "in Poland" even if it would have been necessary to state at all in the whole context.
  3. They will be optional. You need to add them with the ones you currently have.
  4. We will see what can be done. There is another request for even larger table of known aliases. However to the version 0.5.2 we will probably not start that big feature additions anymore. Will most likely need to be the one after that in whatever way we approach this.
  5. Indeed were not added in 0.5.1 eventhough I promised then. Maybe went to another test branch or I forgot. At least one other feature disappeared that was in the changelog also. Sorry about this. Now added to the 0.5.2 version: "sound/announces/deaths10.wav" "sound/announces/deaths20.wav" "sound/announces/send.wav" "sound/announces/sendtk.wav" "sound/announces/sendsk.wav" "sound/announces/sendenv.wav" Where "send.wav" is spree end by enemy, tk is teamkill, sk is selfkill and env is just spree ended.
  6. gaoesa


    set g_campaignFile "folder/file.campaign" Folders start from the root of the pk3 file.
  7. gaoesa


    To get it downloaded you need to set this http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_campaignFile cvar. If I remember correctly. I haven't used custom menus on my server in a long time. Hopefully hellreturn can confirm.
  8. If it happens when connecting to a working server it usually indicates the player is not running the game as administrator while the game files are under Program Files folder. The game can also be installed outside of the Program Files folder where it doesn't need the administrator privileges. Nevertheless, these issues are not related to this topic.
  9. I ment not every server. The Jaymod body hit sound is the same as the etpro body hit sound.
  10. Not everyone is using the "etpro" body hit sound or the killingspree sounds. The body hit sound you refer to is additionally really annoying. Like hitting kettle with a spoon.
  11. Sorry no, you can use !userinfo to see all stored information.
  12. Those are not editable. For that level of customization you need to use Lua scripts.
  13. set g_spreeOptions 7
  14. It looks like the crash originates from the eteng binary. If you know any changes you made last week you could try reversing those changes to further narrow possible sources.
  15. It works exactly as you think. Adding flag numbers together to form one value.
  16. To get the different hitsound from teammate you need to enable g_hitsound flag 8. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_hitsounds About the custom menu problem. Remove the custom menu from server, test if it works now, then compare the official menu with your custom menu and make the changes to the script. I don't remember what were the changes but indeed there were some in the 0.4.0 version that broke some old menu script definitions.
  17. Obviously their program is defected. Nothing wrong with the cfg in relation to the errors you have reported. Just request them to remove the hack, then remove the current database files just in case. Until that is done there is no way we can help with issues on your server because we can not fix third party softwares.
  18. They have some hack that attempts to read the files directly? Please be sure they have not been in contact with us and have had no access to our source. Eventhough, reading the database files is easy to figure, it is very likely that the program they have made can create unpredictible results. It is possible even if it doesn't attempt to manipulate it depending on how they have done it.
  19. Do you mean you used rcon to use database commands? Or some other method? I'm asking how did you check the database.
  20. Can you please explain what this means.
  21. On sols server the issue was resulted most likely from the QMM mod he used or some other customization. The conversion itself has not been buggy. What I mean is that i some players have the 0.5.0 loaded before connecting to your server. What do you mean with checked the db? You used !userlist command? What is the IP of your server?
  22. It's a good suggestion. However, for new players opening the console is not as simple as experienced players might think. It might result players getting cut messages that they don't know how to read. As a method of limiting the chat spam while allowing long messages it is very good proposition.
  23. This would become very messy with cvars. You could try using Lua to add maps to the excluded list.
  24. If you have QMM mod, uninstall it. There is no way to avoid problems when using it. It might be related also to guid change between 0.5.0 and 0.5.1, if that is the case the issue is solved by players having this problem deleting the old 0.5.0 pk3 from the silent folder.
  25. I'm not sure what is the expected behaviour but the host game startup does work if the server dll is placed to the folder.
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