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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Try removing all external programs influencing the server. If the autorestart is a bash script starting the server in a loop, then that is not a problem. But I remember you have QMM modules also, which can create weird behaviour. I thought your older issues were resolved already. Now that I'm thinking, since the restart does not look like a real crash, maybe the autorestart tool indeed is doing it on it's own. That is if it is not just a loop script.
  2. It is printed when the map ends normally after intermission.
  3. It could be the ET 3.0.0. But what do you mean with a crash. Everyone on the server gets disconnected and the server restarts?
  4. The crash log is always printed into the log. The point is that this does not look like a crash.
  5. 266:30 Lua API: Lua module [autopromotion.lua] [017DD0B5985CFE2611C39352DAF0A7A6304961CF] unloaded. 0:00 Lua API: Loading announcehp.lua 0:00 Lua API: Loading autopromotion.lua You have one Lua script unloaded but 2 Lua scripts loaded. Did you edit the server someways? Also, 266:30 ExitLevel: executed I don't really see anything out of ordinary. Seems like normal end.
  6. The ETPub flamethrower and silEnT flamethrower is the same thing. EDIT: I did quick testing on my local computer with nightly ETPub build in places I know there are FPS drops, and couldn't notice ETPub having better performance. This is of course not valid benchmarking, but still makes me think that the way better is a result from other things. Also, as a response for the weapon animation fix. I doubt it has significant impact if any. I don't remember it exactly though. I remember the flamethrower causes FPS drops in every mod I have tested, when you step into the flames.
  7. Entity overflow can happen because of players dropping too many medkits/ammopacks after death for example. But it is not related to gamestate chars.
  8. One player takes up to about 150 bytes if I remember correctly. So you can estimate the value a little. Also, if on your server you are used to having 40 players, you can also test by removing just the map that was playing when it happened. Certain maps are more prone to it then others. Also, you can see the config string usage with csinfo rcon command. EDIT: It's actually closer to max 130 bytes/player.
  9. Large amount of pk3 files in the etmain and in the silent folders. Try reducing them a little if you can.
  10. Sorry. If that is the case we cannot allow the links. That is a GPL project which means everyone who can get the binaries can get the source code. Closed source is not an option.
  11. Link to the source code too. Or information how to get it.
  12. gaoesa


    Check what the logs say about it during warmup.
  13. gaoesa


    You put the Lua scripts into the root silent folder.
  14. The problem with the problem is that it is inconsistent. This would look like it is not related to server settings. It looks like some sort of network issue. But you assured it is not. Do you have Lua scripts loaded or something that might operate during the intermission? Also, when this happens, is there anything special in the logs?
  15. This is not possible. It might look like it works for a while, but sooner or later it would show problems.
  16. This is the same as this http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2047-bugs/ Still, more information would be appreciated. If anyone has encountered similar problems.
  17. gaoesa


    The map sprees are found from the file serverstat.cfg in the g_dbDirectory folder.
  18. The issue is only about new connections during warmup. Intermission is not related. Also, it can prevent many mystery bugs so the actual bug should be fixed in the engine for many reasons.
  19. Sorry, the private slots are not mod side features.
  20. If the binary update fixed this, then it was just a matter of luck that it happened on the shuffle. I'm glad it is now fixed.
  21. gaoesa


    Could be caused by connection interrupts. Most likely so. The voting works so that when you press the vote, it is sent to the server and then the vote list is updated to the players by the server. More information of these issues would be appreciated. Personally I have never experienced these sort of issues without connection interrupt.
  22. They should work already. The compatibility in the interface is not broken by the Omni-bot team. The stability is an issue that the release candidate version is for. To test if it is good for a release.
  23. Any admins here who are testing the release candidate version? http://www.omni-bot.com/forum/showthread.php?3163-0-82-ET-Release-candidate-on-Assembla All information of bugs would be very much appreciated.
  24. The console log always has a crash report at the end. Please post this. If there is no report, please post the last lines from the log anyway, just in case. Have you updated the server binary to the 0.5.2 server patch http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/1951-silent-release-052-server-patch/ ?
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