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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. You will need some zip program. I recommnd 7zip. It can handle also winzip format. Take a look at this: http://mygamingtalk....tsoundpack1pk3/ Don't mind that it has the pk3 file ending. It is still just a zipped archive with only .zip changed to .pk3. Create something similar on your own. Here is the required folder structure: http://mygamingtalk....p/Silent_Sounds For example adding a killingspree sound for 5 kills. You need to create folder "sound", subfolder "announces" and in there place a wav file named "spree5.wav". After you have added all the files you want, create a zip from the root, in this case from the folder aboce the "sounds". Change the .zip to .pk3 and place it on the server silent folder. Also to the download redirect. I recommend you test the packs on your desktop before putting them on the server. PS. Please remember to use unique name for the addon pack so that it will not confilct with the downloads from other servers.
  2. gaoesa

    map voting

    There is mapvotecycle.cfg included in the silent download. Take a look at that you will see what I mean. Objective cycle looks usually something like this set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 2 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 2 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 As you can see, there is g_gametype setting on each line. Change that 2 to 6 to get mapvoting enabled when cycling through it. Otherwise it will change it to objective gametype. But like I said, there is example mapvotecycle.cfg included in the download and perhaps it would be better if you edited that to your needs.
  3. For killingspree sounds you need to install an additional soundpack. Gather all the extra sounds you like to your server into one soundpack and add it to your server. The silEnT doesn't include those sounds itself. Let us know if you haven't done soundpacks before.
  4. gaoesa

    map voting

    You need to add the g_gametype setting into the map objectivecycle.cfg too. Most likely in that file there are settings for different gametype.
  5. gaoesa

    tab options

    set g_playerrating 0 set g_killrating 0 Should do that. But it will disable both features as well. Also the !howfair will not work after that at all.
  6. gaoesa

    tab options

    You can disable the PRW if you want. But then it will not calculate either. I don't know if it is possible to disable just the scoreboard. Look at: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_playerRating and http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_killRating
  7. The 2.55+ is not a protocol. Take a look at Added: sv_protocolcheck {0,1}: 0-Server doesn't check clients protocols, 1-Server allows only one protocol of sv_protocol. Added: sv_protocol {82,84}: 82- 2.55 Protocol, 84 - 2.6b Protocol, This is shown in getinfo. It is already possible to disable the protocol check.
  8. Using PB on server with ETEng should not be possible. The rebuild of the binary will miss all the interactions with the PunkBuster because those were not released with the GPL source.
  9. Do you have a proposition for a new logo?
  10. Can you check the g_serverinfo setting, http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_serverInfo . Might be related to this.
  11. Sorry for late response. Certainly sounds like a fun weapon option. Unfortunately, at this point it is unlikely that it will be added.
  12. Understandable request. No promises at this point or to the next version. What would be the number of aliases that would suffice the need?
  13. We believe this is caused by a combination of ping and prediction. Possibly lag. We have only been able to reproduce this with high ping.
  14. It seems probable that g_logOptions 128 - "GUID's are logged in the game log" will prevent vsp from parsing the logs.
  15. gaoesa


    I think it will stay as NQ specialty. You can use the push button to push grenades and alike though. So no functionality is missing.
  16. The XP in Jaymod user.db is not in human readable form. This is why we cannot offer you conversion tools for it.
  17. To my understanding this project maintains full compatibility with old clients. All modifications are purely in server.
  18. Source code zip in the downloads. Thank you.
  19. Where is the source code for the 0.3?
  20. The problem with PWR is that it only counts wins and it adjusts very slowly. Therefore, I have seen players with very low usefullness for team having very high PRW and messing the balance that way. In theory, it does sound valid though. Probably part of the issue is in the slowness as it requires the known players playing all the time and it can also give low PRW to better players who intentionally choose the losing team in an attempt to balance. Same applies to KR too, but it adjusts little faster to a reasonable value. Best in my own opinion would be to combine both in a faster adjusting rate that would give value to players who put themselves into the game and also make results. Sorry I'm drifting again. We appreciate even a rough diff how you think the issue is best handled in the Lua. PS. The Active Team Balance that was in the mod earlier used the PRW to make the teams and it actually resulted very unbalanced teams. This has been reported from several servers.
  21. This is a good idea. Though it might some in cases make higher ratio team have too few players, so it should probably effect only when the player numbers are close to even. I'm also interested of the possibility of making some sort of Lua plugin possibility to team sorting.
  22. So helpfull from you dempa! Please keep the trolling out from this forum. Yes I have seen your trolls at the FA forum. If you could have taken a little moment to think, we could have instructed you to do your own changes against ETPub. We could have then reviewed them and seen if they are any worth. Even give the possibility to join our team if you had shown us that you can do good additions without messing up the code. However, even if you would have the skills, which I doubt based on the crap you talk so much, you have no such chance anymore because of your personality.
  23. Yes. That is why it is better to have the defending team being stronger. It gives more chances for uncomfortable games. When it has the correct proportions regarding the map, the mentality and the current level the players achieve. I.e., I don't think it is possible to achieve near perfect teams without the players themselves being active in it. This can be sorted out. One of my back thoughts. I don't think when players keep looking and impoving the current KR they are necessarily good for the game as it is. The kills are inherent and most important part of the game, but I think if they are rewarded with rating when they are actually important is closer to the real kill effectiveness. Then again, what is an unimportant kill. Damage sounds good measurement how effectively the player is inflicting injuries to the enemy. Added with receiving damage, not only 1on1 but overall, may indicate harder circumstances. Think about a player killing the group medic so the others would not get revived anymore and the group is easier to stop. It may well include getting damage from everyone else but not from the medic itself. Still the kill may have a big importance and it is harder to achieve then backshooting.
  24. I often see players defend certain objects by taking positions where they complement each other. Also, saving themselves from unexpected enemies when low on clip it is handy to have a teammate around that can give cover. Sure I have also seen lot of 1on1 and indeed they are a part of the game and have always been. Also, in recent years I have come across a lot on players who won't shoot the opponent because it was "1on1" or even complain on the frag steals when killing their opponents. I wouldn't have thought the 1on1 is a major part of the game though. Certainly it has a relation to how good players are, like I said, it is aiming and strafing. Aiming is important part of the game. 1on1 may even give better factor then pure accuracy taken that it includes the strafe. I admit I don't have statistics for my argument. It was just what I thought. What I was thinking is making a new system that would include the kills, but also would give the value for the kills based on how involved the player is the different objectives in the map i.e. taking damage based on assumption that when doing something important the opponents will try to kill you. Certainly it couldn't be perfect either because some roles may reward players with less kills but can still have significant importance for the objectives. I would include the plain K/D in scores to satisfy the players who want to play only for kills. I like the idea on mixing the winners but this might turn into swap teams quite easily. What I understood was that players are first sorted based on kills. Then paired against the closest enemy. After that, the one of the 2 that has won most maps in a row is placed on the previous maps losing team. And the player with less wins is placed on the previous winning team.
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