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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. I get the same error. Thank you for reporting. We will take a look to figure out what might cause this.
  2. It's not similar. That one is OS X issue when connecting to dedicated server. It looks like the cgame is not loaded. You say when startng from the menu. Could you please list the full procedure you use when you try it so we can try reproducing the issue.
  3. It all looks good now and it should save the XP. If it doesn't, I can only guess it might remove expired records after some time. To check this, you should keep an eye in the logs for "database cleanup" when the database closes after maps. Also checking the values of the max age cvars, there are 3 different cvars that can delete xp, with rcon can show if there are accidentally bad values in them. Those cvars are g_dbUserMaxAge, g_XPSaveMaxAge and g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp.
  4. Remove these lines. In the beginning If you have all the cvars in this file you don't need to exec silent.cfg. Don't exec campaigncycle.cfg in the beginning of the file. You are executing the objectivecycle.cfg at the end and only one of these cfg files is supposed to be executed. The g_gametype is usually set in the map/campagn cycle cfg files. But it does no harm if it is set in the mod cfg also. Please post the log information of opening and closing the database again. The xp save settings looked ok with quick look.
  5. Move the userdb.db and the userxdb.db files to somewhere else from the database folder. If you tried to use Jaymod db files they will not work. Each mod uses it's own database system and only ETPub database can be converted to silent mod. If you would have database from older version of silent, any version, it would convert automatically to the required format.
  6. I don't know if you have made separate configs for categorizing the settings but if you haven't, remove these lines. Also, a thing to know is that all execed configs should be execed before the objectivecycle.cfg because the mod starts as soon as map command is given. For some settings that may be too late. Could you please read and paste from the log the lines from the map start. There are entrys for database opening and shrubbot parsing.
  7. Is it possible that he is running the ET in PPC compatibility mode. When playing silEnT, the 2.60d patch should be used.
  8. If confirmed this is a bug.
  9. gaoesa


    Yes. This is configurable with g_spectator cvar.
  10. gaoesa


    Check the http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_spectator to configure spectating.
  11. From the documentation: Actually it is good that this came up so that admins can give their opinions for the player count calculation. At the moment, from documentation: If there is something you would,all admins reading this thread, like to add or point out it would be appreciated.
  12. In the next version there is possibility to execute mapconfig settings based on player amounts. That is not exactly what you are requesting and it will remain to be seen if it works well in the end. Mapconfigs are executed in the map start so the player amount can be different just before the intermission. But if we think that the player amount will increase and decrease map by map around the most utilized time, it could also work. This will of course apply to all the possible settings and commands.
  13. When the restart happens, are the players kicked also? You could try reducing the map count a bit in the etmain. With 28 custom maps you have total of 34 maps on the server when including the official maps. The g_excludedmaps does not affect the configstrings. Eventhough the log didn't say anything it might be issues with some limits, memory or configstrings. Especially if you have more additional pk3 files in etmain or in the silent folder.
  14. Have you tried loading the frostbite map directly?
  15. There doesn't seem to be any crash in that position. How many maps do you have in the etmain? Do you have lot of other pk3 files also? What is the com_hunkmegs setting on your server? Does this happen on some specific map or seemingly randomly? If it happens on some specific map, what happens if you load it directly with /rcon map command?
  16. Can you find any info about the frostbite from ./database/mapvoteinfo.cfg?
  17. Do you have access to the logs to see what is in there when this happens?
  18. How many maps in total do you have in etmain?
  19. The gun uses different fov setting. I'm not sure but possibly cg_gun_fovscale. Someone who uses these settings could confirm.
  20. You shouldn't need it for protection. But let us know if something is needed.
  21. It will not work as custom command. /follow is client command and custom commands are rcon commands.
  22. This is somehow related to you kajto3?
  23. So 1. You are playing on the server with one installation. 2. You close the ET. 3. You start another ET installation. 4. You connect to the same server but you don't have the level you were given earlier for this installation. 5. You close ET. 6. You start ET and connect to the server again. This time you have the level that were given to you earlier. Was this description correct? If so there is probably something else that influenced the outcome.
  24. The problem with that is that cheat writers will bypass it. Same thing what happened to ETPro. However, in the next version admins will have option to prevent players with unknown et.exe binaries from playing on their servers. We aim to support all official binaries, known binary edited binaries, patch selector binaries and official ET:L builds. It won't do much but at least it gives some protection to other players.
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