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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. They changed something which then broke the running server. It is not about the mod.
  2. Sounds like the bug is/was in !showbans command. Is that the way you checked the bans after adding?
  3. It is normal. It equals to ETPub cvar g_chargeType 2 - ETPro behaviour. Each class has its own charge bar, which fill up independently.
  4. It looks ok. Could you check if there are parse errors from the log. Also, you can use [n] and the actual nickname of the player is used in the greeting.
  5. It originates from clanbase configs. It is your own choice if you want to edit it.
  6. Do you have g_identOptions flag 16 set? Forgot to mention one more bug introduced in 0.5.0. Because the ban checks were moved later in the 0.5.0. The g_identOptions 16 was autocreating bans even when the player was already getting dropped otherwise. After disabling the temporary bans (g_tempbans) and removing the g_identOptions flag 16 there hasn't been any problems with the bans.
  7. The bug does not appear to happen on my server. There is a bug that with g_identOptions 16 (creating new bans automatically based on ident checks) does not handle the PB GUID correctly. Also the temp bans had a bug regarding the silent GUID.
  8. Thanks for reporting. There has been couple fixes made to the bans already. I'll check this one also.
  9. Yes. Look at the mapconfigs folder under silent folder and there is default.cfg. There is a sv_cvar setting for the com_maxfps. You can of course remove it or change it to what you like.
  10. Did you try /cvar_restart already?
  11. You probably have g_doWarmup set. Set this to 0 and it should always start the countdown. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Generic_Server_Cvar#g_doWarmup The old description was wrong. I corrected it just before posting the link.
  12. Played couple maps. The maps don't autostart but require players to be ready before warmup countdown starts. After the game starts, everything looks normal and the g_friendlyFire 1 is taking effect. Did look like it saved my XP too. The splatterladder is not finding new server because the ET masterlist is down at the moment. That is why your server does not show on their list. On trackbase you can add servers manually and it appears to be there now http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=39378 .
  13. What are your warmup settings? EDIT: Played there and the problem is that it is on warmup. After pressing f3 the game started.
  14. Is the server public and whats the IP if possible? I would like to see it first hand.
  15. We can build the Lua (5.1 this is the version most Lua's use that I know) into the qagame in the next version. This would resolve the problem with installations having problems with it.
  16. That is not a possible combination. Usual problem is with the Lua module being misplaced. However, you indeed should use up to date server software. Provided that 2008 is up to date as now it is the year 2012.
  17. We have confirmed information that dedicated servers run without problems on Windows 2003 and 2008 64 bit servers and Windows 7 64 bit version.
  18. silEnT 0.2.0 and above supports Windows and Linux servers. Quick Install for silEnT version 0.2.0 and above, All Platforms ================================================================ 1. Backup old etmain and silent folders if you have them but do not delete etmain folder. 2. Unzip the silent.zip found from inside the silent-x.x.x.zip. 3. Upload the contents inside the silent.zip to the root of the ET installation. Next to etded. 4. Start your server with command line "etded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +exec silent.cfg". After your server is running ============================= Add your rcon password to the command line like this "+set rconpassword ", or change the name of the silent.cfg in etmain folder to something unguessable and edit your rcon password there. Also, visit http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/ to get more help from silEnT developers and other admins. Found in the file named install. You can skip the step 1 if you do fresh install. For the compatibility with windows we can do nothing. It is completely a Microsoft issue if any.
  19. I'm using Windows 7. This is only an installation issue, not a bug. Moving to proper section.
  20. Thanks for the report. The 'h' was for !help and 'C' was for !time. Both of these are granted without flags in silEnT. We will fix the sample/default levels.
  21. Didn't find it from the downloads but this thread discusses it http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/995-kspreelua/
  22. The documentation you got with the download lists all possible shortcuts Server supports the replacement of the following keys in say messages [a] last player who gave you ammo [d] last player who killed you [g] the last 8 characters of your GUID [h] last player who gave you health [k] last player you killed [l] your location (letter,number) [n] your name [r] last player who revived you [p] last player you looked at health remaining [w] name of current weapon [t] ammo for current weapon I assume you are using Lua for the custom sprees. I don't know if the shortcuts work with it.
  23. Players often time disconnects to the intermission. Landmines: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_friendlyFireOpts
  24. Yes. Rename should be enough for keeping the old server feel. We try to make changes so that they don't break old configs unless necessary. The qagame_mp_x86 must be replaced with the new one.
  25. If you can manually change the jaymod database to ETPub format you could use the ETPub converter tools.
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