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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. I might still have one from my old server. This is not priority feature though.
  2. I personally don't like the idea at all. My personal opinion is that those were bad for team work by forcing to keep bigger distance to engineers when rushing to objectives. Or alternatively taking self sacrifice to kill the engineer and take the flame before the team engineer. Otherwise the single engineer was able to kill/wound/defend the planted dynamite at the objective too easily.
  3. You can use up to 48 maps in your own risk. This was an undocumented change in 0.3.0.
  4. Converter tool for XP might be possible. I would need to take a look at jaymod user db files to know.
  5. We are working on it but we can't make statements when it will be released.
  6. There is no g_selectedmaps. If you ment g_excludedmaps, then it is working like it should be. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_excludedMaps
  7. I'm writing this post to bring attention since the documentation is not well written around the subject. Since GUIDs are not trustable at all. Not PB GUIDs or silEnT GUIDs. We included admin level protection system into the 0.5.0 version of the mod. This system effectively limits all benefits from GUID spoofing into gaining XP of the spoofed players. Even private messages are not possible without proper authentication with the server. The system uses 2 cvars: g_adminProtection : bitmask 1 Log succesfull authentications to the cheat log 2 Log admin spoofing attempts to the cheat log 4 Report admins waiting for confirmation on their level to the admin chat g_protectMinLevel : integer The minimum level of the protected admins. To use the system, set the g_adminProtection to 7. This will enable all logging so you can see who authenticates to what level and if the authentication is succesfull or not. Set the g_protectMinLevel to the lowest level you want to protect. Don't set this to too low because it causes little overhead and also the credentials need to be given using online commands on the server. When the silEnT notices there is an admin connecting to the server who has protected admin level but no credentials, it will report this admin to the admin chat. When this happens, the admin needs to be confirmed with !confirm command by someone who is able to identify the player identity. This only needs to done once for each admin. In the following connections, the silEnT is able to handle the authentications silently itself. From now on, if someone spoofs the GUID of an admin, he will face the authentication procedure. The silEnT will inform into the admin chat that the player has lost his authentication and !setlevel is required. Do not do the !setlevel unless you know this one is genuinly the correct admin. Also, the !confirm command cannot be used anymore for the reason that the !confirm command can be given to less high admins without risks. If the player spoofing the GUID attempts to spoof the credentials, again the admin chat and cheat log is reported with the spoof attempt. Important thing to know is that the !confirm command and !setlevel commands do not give credentials during the warmup period. Also, authentication does not operate during warmup but player needs to wait until the end of warmup before he gains access to his admin level. If you do !confrim or !setlevel during the warmup and the player is later on reported to not have yet been confirmed, just do the !confirm again. I hope this information helps and brings some light to the subject. Feel free to ask questions in this thread and I we will answer those.
  8. Server restart doesn't have effect unless some changes are made to the shrubbot.cfg file. It is a bug in the !help command as I stated before. It is fixed in next version. We have no control over enhmod and we cannot make any statements of it's workability or help you if it causes problems. Test it on your own risk and if problems occur, reproduce the problems with clean installation before reporting.
  9. It is a bug the last commands are not always printed. You can notice the !time command is also missing from the !help output with '*' set to the level. Fixed in next version.
  10. Custom commands are also printed. EDIT: Does it print anything if you do "!help lagoff"? EDIT2: Also, what is your admin level? I think you have granted yourself the '*' flag but is the level number listed in the levels defined in the command?
  11. Unless there are objections, I would like to remove the flag from the cvar. It is kind of against the mapvoting idea to select the nextmap from the rotation instead of letting people to vote for it.
  12. I forgot that the behaviour depends on a cvar. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_mapVoteFlags Set the flag 16 and it will direct to the intermission. The note about one team being the winner is false, it wil be displayed as a tie. Sorry about the confusion. Indeed if the intermission is not queued, then like you said the map voting information is not udated.
  13. That is not true. The mapvote info is written at the exit of the intermission. If there has not been an intermission before the current map, there will not be any mapvote info stored of course. But this is the same regardless if you use the timelimit or the !nextmap command. EDIT: The values for the map voting info of the last played map is updated when the intermission starts. This is the same regardless of the way, timelimit or !nextmap, to get to the intermission.
  14. The shrubbot command !nextmap works correctly and goes to intermission. The !finmap custom command is not needed.
  15. Nice colors. I'll check to fix them. T the topic, the nextmap vote is a bug, http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-129-map-voting-vote-on-next-map/ . The other votes would break the gametype. As an admin, you should use !nextmap to get to the intermission voting. The nextmap vote will be fixed for the next version.
  16. Yes. The blank menus happen when the silEnT mod is not loaded completely. You are using the menu files from the silEnT mod but not the binary that can read them. This happens, like you said, when the official paks are not found in the client which the server is referencing. Easy way to resolve the error message is using /vid_restart. That will clear the silEnT mod menus.
  17. You can test if the etded is listening by connecting from the local machine. /connect If it works, it is listening. If it doesn't, some other program is using the port.
  18. Yes indeed, you have updated manual in the silent download and also the wiki is indended to have updated information. Thanks and happy new year to you too!
  19. The bitmask works so that flag 1 enables the double jump in general and if in addition the flag 32 is set, the second jump can be done even after the first jump has depleted the upward velocity. It is generally known as Jaymod style double jump.
  20. Since new (official) etkeys are no longer available, players without the etkey files will nevertheless get kicked by the punkbuster and there is no way round this. Except the players manually installing such files into the etmain folder.
  21. You can set the g_dbUserMaxAge to "" (empty) and the records will be never deleted. I just checked and indeed the g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp and g_XPSaveMaxAge do require values to be set. However, the maximum seems to be little less then 73 years. I think in next version these settings should be something that can be also disabled.
  22. gaoesa


    It is empty on purpose. Often admins want to use their own custom sounds anyway if they want to use the spree sounds. However, often more traditional servers don't employ the sounds at all. We used to have a supplemental pk3 file in the downloads that included sounds for those announcements. But I'm not sure if it still exists in the downloads.
  23. Could be that the players are not disconnecting for the download. In the case when the files are downloaded from the game server, the sv_dl_maxRate cvar controls the maximum speed available. However, the used rate will be the smaller value of the sv_dl_maxrate and the client rate. Forcing clients to disconnect when downloading would give download speed that is dependent of the redirect http/ftp server limitations and the players download bandwidth without the ET server interfering.
  24. ETDED.exe has no access to the firewall configuration. Or did you mean that it doesn't start listening the port? If you can connect to it locally, meaning from the same machine, it does listen it.
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