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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Do the following commands and post the server responses here: /rcon g_XPSave /rcon g_XPSaveMaxAge /rcon g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp
  2. Admin players cannot be added using the shrubbot.cfg. See my previous post. Also, moved to the correct section.
  3. Try adding set g_XPSaveMaxAge "30d" into the config. But first, if possible, could you post what is the current value when you check it using rcon? Also, moved thread to installation/setup questions section.
  4. We didn't remove any spree options. Death sprees are present. A direct reference to the ETPub cvar would help me check how it is in silEnT. If you ment that sounds are missing from some of the spree events, for instance when the spree ends on teamkill. Yes, we can add sound definitions for those that are currently only text. Do also note that sprees announcements are customizable in the client end in silEnT. Meaning that the players can block announcements if they want to. Maybe these client settings are the cause why the death sprees and spree ends were not noticed.
  5. Ok, I'll assume the question is about silEnT. In silEnT you can't add adminsto shrubbot.cfg. You have to use !readadmins command or if the players are/have been on the server, you can use !setlevel or !useredit commands.
  6. There is no 'y' modifier. Valid modifiers are 'o','O','w','W','d','D','h','H','m','M'. From month to minute. You are right that it is deleting user records from the database during normal map end. This happens because with normal map end, it calculates the records that need to be removed when players go to the intermission. During the server shutdown, it rewrites the files. The g_dbUserMaxAge value is most likely the reason for this problem. Any time modifier should work correctly. I use "90d" on my own server though. I think there are admins who use other modifiers also but can't state that as a fact. The question of the value check using rcon is that if the value is displayed correctly as set when on a live server as an rcon response, it can be interpreted to some modifier calculation error. If you set the value to empty ("") or 0, there is no pruning done, ever.
  7. Sounds too weird to have been the actual reason. Especially since the modifiers have been succesfully in use for some time now. Can you confirm using rcon what is the actual value of the g_dbUserMaxAge now? And what it was before the addition of the d.
  8. What does the log print when the map ends? Specifically about the database. What does shrubbot account mean specifically? Admin levels or XP?
  9. One more thing to notice is that adrenaline has no effect on headshots if the g_dmgHeadShotMin is set on the server and the reduced damage go below this value. Another question would be should this be taken into account before the damage reduction?
  10. I was pretty tired at that point. This is how it is: The g_adrenDmgReduction is a percentage of the damage from the weapon that is reduced when the player is in adrenaline. 0 means no reduction and 100 means full reduction from the weapon damage. Default value is 50 which is the original. Over hundred values are truncated to full reduction. One thing that I noticed was that the class abilities stack the reduction. Resulting for example a situation when a player can survive from direct hit from for example panzer or artillery. By default, both of these weapons give 400 damage from direct hit. First with adrenaline, the damage is reduced to 200. After that, if having flak jacket, the damage is reduced to 100. This is already less then the full health. Being a little bit away from the hit point, the damage is decreased even further. I'm wondering if the reductions should be mutually exclusive? For a disguised covert op, the direct panzer hit damage can go as low as 50 hp if the g_coverts flag 8 is set. This requires that the class skills expand over all classes though.
  11. Ok. I took another look and now with the g_medics flag 512 only half of medics chargebar is used. Players cannot inject again until the old adrenaline is consumed. The g_adrenDmgReduction is now inddependent percentage of the caused damage that is inficted when the adrenaline is on. 0 means no damage and 100 means full damage from the weapon. Default value is 50 which is the original. Over hundred values are truncated to full reduction.
  12. The numbers should not make a difference. Text is all the same. Also, the settings you posted are the same what I use so the problem shouldn't be in there either. If you use only few words, does it work then? Also, when you test, please remember that using flag '*' will grant immunity against censoring.
  13. They can if they use the same shader names as the others, but for different textures.
  14. Unfortunately not. I thought since it is only to reduce the effect of the adrenaline it is ok if it is not allowed more often. Also, since the charge bar effect must be handled in the client side prediction code I didn't want to make the changes lightly. Though I must admit that the flag 512 and the g_adrenDmgReduction are overlapping as it is. Maybe removing the flag is in order.
  15. In the next version added g_medics flag 512, adrenaline only benefits the sprinting and no damage reduction g_adrenDmgReduction , the percentage of damage reduction, default 50
  16. There is no limit to the amount of words.
  17. The artillery proposition is a good one. On XP save servers the artillerys and airstrikes become very long and very powerfull. The teammate landmines are destructible only after they have been spotted. If you mean only the engineer himself can trigger and defuse the landmine, if FF is not enabled on the landmine, has been debated before and I suppose we could add option for it. That is a double edged sword though, and can result mine fields where defending engineers can just walk over them without any penalty from farming the mines more then they could if the mines would trigger.
  18. Like I said, the kill rating is carried from the ETPub. I can't explain the formula better since it was not our design. It takes into the calculation both of the player kill ratings, the usual server kill distance and the kill distance. I don't remember if the map stats have also some weight or are those only for calculting the player rating.
  19. The K/D (kill rating) was carried from the ETPub and no changes were made to the formula. The kill rating is what is seen in the Tab screen.
  20. gaoesa


    He loses his disguise instantly when he shoots. I don't remember any mod where the disguise would drop just by getting shot at.
  21. gaoesa


    It is intenional that coverts are not easy to spot by secondary methods. Traditionally covert ops have been like that. As far as I know, only in Jaymod the hitsounds are designed to blow the cover of the covert op.
  22. Maybe to the overall statistics. We like to keep the actual awards clean.
  23. I tested locally both of the values: g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp and g_XPSaveMaxAge. They worked. This is what I had in g_XPSave. g_XPSave 27 I tested g_XPSaveMaxAge_XP "2m" and g_XPSaveMaxAge "1m" separately. If you test short times, please note that if you reconnect during the samemap, the gained XP is still in the buffers and not resetted. So use !nextmap in between. Could you check the actual used values using rcon commands while the server is online to see if they are in effect?
  24. The forcecvar cl_punkbuster 0 has no effect. In silent 0.3.0 we added a specific system (g_punkbuster) that started the client punkbuster if it was not on. However, it is not possible to shut the punkbuster after the client has connected to the server. Not even manually. This is something worht investigating but for now, I don't know how it could work.
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