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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. gaoesa

    Doors - 0.9.0

    I can confirm the change in behavior. Doors that opened away from face in 0.8.2, now change the direction every time they are opened. Doors that open only one direction seem unaffected.
  2. New build updated to private download. Only server binaries changed. This build fixes the country flags issue. Please update your test servers.
  3. The flag issue is resolved and will be fixed in the next build of the 0.9.0 test access binaries.
  4. Looks like a bug. Thank you for reporting.
  5. It's fixed. Maybe forgotten from change log. EDIT: Added to change log.
  6. You need to be in the subscriber forum group. This group is those who have donated and you need to discuss it with hellreturn as he is the one managing that thing.
  7. About the server modules, which contain censor module and the statistics module, full documentation is provided in the doc directory in the zip. The documentation is in .pdf form. The documentation for the statistics module includes the full database definitions for creating client applications that access the collected data. The server modules can be updated separately from the silEnT mod, as long as the bug is not in the silEnT mod side, and thus can use as fast release cycle as is necessary. Don't wait to report bugs about those.
  8. Please take a look at the Wiki and to the following sections: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Creating_Custom_Menu http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_FAQ#Customizing_Loading_Screen The section for creating a custom menu is not yet complete, a full example is coming. EDIT: Example for a server custom menu is now completed.
  9. This is not very modifiable in silEnT. I don't think there are any options currently for controlling popup types. All announcements (sprees, mulkikills etc.) can be disabled through silent menu, but I doubt there are options for more. The font handling is inherited from ETPub and as far as I remember, we haven't made changes to it. So most likely methods that work with ETPub will work with silEnT. I'm not sure what kind of modifications you want for fonts, but there is also a fonts menu for modifying those couple fonts that are in the pk3. True. I don't know if we will ever improve on this area much. Free camera mode is especially something that is missing from the mod.
  10. All SMG weapons give 50 HP damage on headshots. The system works so that if the doubled body damage is not over 50, it will always still give 50. It can be controlled with g_dmgHeadShotMin. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_dmgHeadShotMin
  11. I believe I have found the issue in code. The bug concerns most likely every version of Omni-bot and silEnT mod together. The issue is caused by a faulty map script. Maps with this problem can be identified from "ERROR: No 'script_multiplayer' found in map" entry in the server log. In future versions the crash is fixed.
  12. It is just an alternative. Since the crash is happening on maps without bot scripts.
  13. You can also try to bot maxbots -1 and bot kickall in the map config to work around in those maps and then restore them in default config. Afterall, they are just standing there otherwise.
  14. Sorry I didn't read your walls very carefully until now. FA has nothing to do with the PPSh. It was added by me and silencer. I can assure you we have no disdain against medics. We also understand the game mechanics very well. Also, don't forget that only one person in the team has affiliation with the FA clan (hellreturn) so it is not possible that opinions of the FA clan admins can be overly presented in the development. The spread and spread accumulation is exactly equal to other SMG weapons. So the same players would make "lucky" shots on you with any SMG weapon. Indeed you did. The quote below is from your earlier post. Fine about this part. You can have some other mental issue then. I have just recognized the one I stated from myself and reflected it to you and others who are upset about PPSh. Other things I mentioned were not opinions but facts. Bottom line is the one who has better aim or awareness (starts shooting first) in the situation wins when PPSh is against other SMG weapons. This is based on the gun characteristics i.e. numbers. The weapon is practically irrelevant and I personally don't even notice it anymore if other players use it or not. The situations where it can make a difference is when one player is against many or if both have just terrible aim. This advantage comes from the larger clip size.
  15. Thank you Purple. Indeed, many people have tried, not just me. You're the only one who can "reproduce" it ETSneak.
  16. Can not acknowledge a bug only you and noone else can reproduce. Maybe it is time for you to look into the mirror?
  17. The headshot damage is obviously exactly the same in PPSh and other SMG weapons. In default settings. EDIT: Just for the record, all this PPSh is overpowered is just an emotional thing coming from the players not being able to handle the thought of someone being better in a situation. The gun sound plays a role in that too. I had the same issue myself in the beginning. However, when players I considered good aimers started using it, I got rid of that problem. I noticed it didn't change the gun fights at all. Another fact is that we couldn't make it overpowered. In the beginning I was for making it strong because at the time, playing medic was too easy for me. I've always been quite dedicated medic. I just got hooked into the adrenaline for fast decision making between revives and shooting enemies. That is also the reason why it was not made available for the medics. silEnT mod is a public server mod so all the balance talk of scrims never applies to this mod. On a pub server at least half of the team is not playing exactly for the same objective on the same level. Even on objective style servers. You can be sure that it was carefully looked so that an engineer with a PPSh is not an overpowered rambo engineer.
  18. It is something to do with the omni-bots. I don't know what. They should be able to tell what the bot is trying to do. If it makes calls to the mod that crash the server, we can add safeguards against it. But we need to know what it is doing first. EDIT: Omni-bots don't support etmain so you must mean something else.
  19. There is a client crash we haven't been able to identify. It happens rarely and while in spectator.
  20. Default for Thompson and MP-40 is 18. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_dmgSMG
  21. I think the cofusion is in terms. I think he wants to ban players who have not yet visited the server. The userban would work players who are not connected but have visited the server before. Indeed, on such case the only way is to copy the ban information from the shrubbot.cfg of one server to the shrubbot.cfg of another server.
  22. @Dragonji, It's called spread and bad aim. There is no need to feed an obvious troll.
  23. You're not wrong. The combinedfixes.lua is not needed.
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