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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. This forum is not a ban appeal forum for servers or arguments between players and admins of any server. I'm locking this thread now as both parties have had a chance to post once and I remind everyone, that we want to know if the AC is not working correctly. However, it must be a reproducible case.
  2. Are you now referring to how in thirdperson the animation raises the weapon from down to up slowly, but in first person, it is just about instant and the barrel is coming down from slightly up; like the weapon had been on the shoulder? That behaviour in first person animation is not happening with Thompson only, for example all the weapons in that demo have the same path in first person.
  3. I sent him a PM for further information about resolving this matter. About the topic itself, like we have said before, we don't care about any players getting banned on servers by the AC, unless it is reproducible, in which case we can do investigations about the matter. I have no doubt about the AC is getting triggered for a valid reason. The only question is how the installation has been polluted by some binary that will trigger it (and which is loaded, just a file resting on a filesystem is not something that will trigger anything). Since he has been playing on silEnT servers perfectly fine for a long time before this, the point of investigation is targeting the servers he connected and dowloads he had before this started to happen to him. I will use this topic also to remond everyone to never to run ET as an administrator. It is not required and never wil be required as long as you install the game outside of the "Program Files(x86)" directory. It also is not safe.
  4. It would really need to be reproducible to get more information. If it really was a silEnT AC ban, I can say from the start that the number 2 is out of the question. Also, configurations don't matter. It does not care about cvars at all. When sv_pure is set to 1, that is what is supposed to happen. EDIT: I downloaded the official HQ mod pk3 and it didn't seem to have anything inside which would be problematic. Next step would be to backstep everything you did before the ban without restarting the ET, if some server you had been, had something you downloaded and ran.
  5. Can't you describe what I should be seeing?
  6. I didn't see anything that looked bugged. And what is the information you referred? You didn't write anything in that demo. Can you please try to describe the issue?
  7. I haven't heard about this before and I can't reproduce. What do you mean by bugs and what version of silent? EDIT: Even better if you can provide a video of it.
  8. I don't know what you mean by overload server CPU. But it sounds unlikely unless it is made significantly different. As in something completely different.
  9. g_truePing comes from mod. The ping you see on tracker websites comes from the engine.
  10. Hellreturn already offered to help with that. Maybe you should take that offer.
  11. Your engine modification is weird. Try to reduce the size of that string some way. Another thing that you have less than optimal, is that you have limited sv_maxRate to 25000. You shouldn't limit it there. Use 45000 or even bigger. Do note that it does not save your bandwidth to use small values, it just fragments the snapshots into smaller pieces but all the same data is still sent. Increasing the limit may improve the player experience on your server.
  12. Hmm. Do you have Lua scripts running that can change cvars? If it is that consistent, it really starts to sound like a cvar thing. When it happens next time, please use rcon to check the values of g_dropAmmo and g_tossDistance. Those are the only cvars that affect the ammo pack dropping.
  13. Do they make class switching? That is the only thing that could make sense for this bug at the moment. Also, does this happen only on bots or also on humans? EDIT: Please re-check the g_dropAmmo setting. It happened twice in a row in the last clip and it seems very unlikely for that to be random condition.
  14. Your sv_hostname seems to be including HTML javascript. It is probably that what is taking too much space.
  15. I have neer seen this happen. Are you sure they were not close to a wall or something and the packs went through it? Also, if the body is gibbed to pieces they don't drop ammo.
  16. You could also describe what it is. Just download links is pretty little for someone who doesn't know what it is.
  17. Of course, and also preferable. No point advertising your mod if the page that is linked is not up to date. Yes, I know moddb is bad.
  18. Is the moddb.com the official release page? If not, perhaps it would be better to link directly to that.
  19. I'm not sure if you know it and it's a joke, but the spelling would be finishing. Finnishing would mean making it Finnish
  20. NQ forums: http://forums.shitstorm.org/viewforum.php?f=73
  21. I have no idea. The time is missing from a part when the mod was not running and I don't know anything that would put engine to a hold like that either. You probably need to ask your provider what has happened during that time. If you can find out what was the calendar time, they might be able to dig some of the system logs.
  22. I took another look at the log extract you provided and I noticed some weird thing about it. There is a 4 minute gap between the succesful shutdown and the next initialization where the file was found corrupt.
  23. All we can do is to add some more logging. This kind of issue is not preventible by the mod. Good night.
  24. Maybe a hardware or a Windows issue then. Irrelevant, as they didn't run it and it hasn't had any issues with these files either. Though, there is the first time for everything.
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