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Purple got a reaction from Ray in Scripts and custom fun commands.
Pretty old and hate the bump the topic, but there are multiple ways of making custom commands either by lua or by shrubbot. I could make some tutorials for users here soon, but for the meantime i'm a bit busy if you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see feel free to send me a pm.
Purple reacted to roissgil in AC and SS in 0.9.0
What might we expect to catch on SS in 0.9.0 that AC won't catch? Curious.
Purple reacted to Sol in What was the point of you adding features to the 0.9.0?
Great work as always, but just one question. What is the point of making external library modules without releasing an API?
Purple got a reaction from sageone in Customizing of Loading Screen between Maps
"IF" the silent mod dev team would be kind enough to give me a copy of it w/o subscription I could make a few quick videos on how-to's in English.
or just wait till official release and I may do them then.
( have a tutorial series for silent mod i just havent finished it all yet. e.g remake of them
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Purple got a reaction from sageone in Customizing of Loading Screen between Maps
dont have newest version my self, but what i'm assuming is your original image files should have _silent added to the end of them
IIRC: original names are camp_map.tga camp_side.tga progressbar.tga progressbar_back.tga which are located in gfx/loading/files.tga
AFAIK: rename camp_map to camp_map_silent.tga
Applications: Photoshop, or a more user friendly one is GIMP. but if you already have these files modified this shouldn't be needed. just need to rename them.
but don't quote me on this because I don't have test access to 0.9.0.
Purple got a reaction from clan DIABOLIK in Nametags for Spectators
off topic: as much as i smoke all my posts should be 4:20 :c
Purple got a reaction from Zelly in Nametags for Spectators
off topic: as much as i smoke all my posts should be 4:20 :c
Purple got a reaction from sageone in Nametags for Spectators
This is based off level so admins with minimum of level of " local ADMIN_LEVEL = 10 " will automatically be shoutcaster on the server but once you join a team limbo or not should allow you to join without having to log your self out.
IIRC limbo just sends commands like you would do with binds e.g team r 4 3
ps to adapt to your admin levels just change the number in the lua script.
Purple got a reaction from Zelly in Nametags for Spectators
This is based off level so admins with minimum of level of " local ADMIN_LEVEL = 10 " will automatically be shoutcaster on the server but once you join a team limbo or not should allow you to join without having to log your self out.
IIRC limbo just sends commands like you would do with binds e.g team r 4 3
ps to adapt to your admin levels just change the number in the lua script.
Purple reacted to Zelly in To all with test access to 0.9.0
If they were capable of checking forums this wouldn't be a problem
Purple reacted to gaoesa in 0.9.0 startup missing extra menu
I deleted it because it was completely off-topic, the content didn't make sense, for example, how does "will never be detected" part have to do with protecting players from admins who use proxy binaries to hack the computers of their players. The post was just kid rage from someone who didn't even bother reading the post he quoted. I will let it stay this time. But please, pay more attention to what you post and where.
Purple got a reaction from TheSilencerPL in New Weapons for (Better Game)!!!
Let me fix that for you.
"make silent mod close to NQ as possible since it was a """"""""Great"""""""" mod."
Purple reacted to Zelly in ETPro Support in near future
I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
But I am pretty excited for the future
Purple got a reaction from Krauersaut in Spectators ET closes itself
Sorry for shit quality but yeah, https://youtu.be/iZXQNaxuchs
Purple got a reaction from hellreturn in Spectators ET closes itself
Sorry for shit quality but yeah, https://youtu.be/iZXQNaxuchs
Purple got a reaction from gaoesa in Spectators ET closes itself
Sorry for shit quality but yeah, https://youtu.be/iZXQNaxuchs
Purple got a reaction from hellreturn in ETAC looking to recruit
yeah after his last bust he disappeared and i was warned before hand. Oh well back to me and zelly <3
Purple reacted to Zelly in !levedit
1. Open FTP
2. Navigate to and edit shrubbot.cfg
3. Save/Upload
4. Open ET/RCON
5. !readconfig
1. !levedit 1 add w
Point is not having to do the shrubbot.cfg we already have commands to add remove edit players flags/greetings and stuff, when we used to not have to.
Also you may not want to give your admins access to your whole server but you would want to give them access still to the levedit. Anyways plenty of reasons, it simply would be useful.
Purple got a reaction from Zelly in Admin shortcuts
i beg to differ pretty sure you could do this with lua :> did it in etpub anyways.
Purple got a reaction from twt_thunder in ETAC looking to recruit
Could help and you know I will. Hit me up on xfire.
Purple got a reaction from blackknight8653 in Question on XPSave on silent
here is a open sourced one for php, be sure to read the readme so you can get a full understanding of how things work.
Credits: bulldogDrummond