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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. Then the value in the /silent_version is correct. The problem is that the server binary is not replaced with the 0.5.2 binary.
  2. The date in the client is based on the modbuild string which can give false results depending on how you connect. To be sure, you need to already have the client pk3 and do a direct connect to the server. EDIT: Nevertheless, it is clear that the server binary is not changed to 0.5.2.
  3. There is no 0.5.3 version. EDIT: Make sure you have matching client and server versions. When you update, delete old silent pk3 files.
  4. If you are playing from Linux, please connect to my server to test if it works. There is only additional sound pack. I don't use menus in etmain or in silent folders that would screw your installation. The reason we ask this is to get as much information as possible about possible issues with Linux users. Please report to this thread if it was succesfull or not, and some details of the system you used.
  5. That is indeed how it should be done. Execing the map cycle last.
  6. Take a look at this http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Installation#silent.cfg Make sure you do not launch the mod before you have the g_XPSave setting set. This mean that there is no map command executed before it. This kind of problem can happen easily especially if you have multiple config files executed from the command line.
  7. gaoesa


    Bitmasks wor by adding the individual values together. In this case you are interested of 2 settings, 64 and 256. To set only these, use "set g_medics 320" in the config file. The 320 is 64+256.
  8. syringe counts all, revive and poison landmine attempts is ones armed, i think
  9. Some weapons can hit several people with one shot. Such weapons are for example grenades. Hits do not equal kills, but they do equal players get hit.
  10. n = name t = session team (0- FREE, 1 - AXIS, 2 - ALLIES, 3 - SPECTATOR) c = class (player type) (soldier, medic, engineer, fieldops, covertops = 0,1,2,3,4) r = rank 0..10 m = medals string in the order of: batle sense, explosives and construction, first aid, signals, light weapons, heavy weapons, military intelligence and scoped weapons s = skill string (stars) in the same order as the medals df = disguised flag dn = disguised name dr = disguised rank w = weapon lw = latched weapon sw = latched secondary weapon mu = muted (1=yes, 0=no) ref = referee status uci = player flag number, for the GeoIP lc = latched class (class after spawning) tv = ETTV status sc = shoutcaster status Here are the weapon numbers: WP_NONE, // 0 WP_KNIFE, // 1 WP_LUGER, // 2 WP_MP40, // 3 WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, // 4 WP_PANZERFAUST, // 5 WP_FLAMETHROWER, // 6 WP_COLT, // 7 // equivalent american weapon to german luger WP_THOMPSON, // 8 // equivalent american weapon to german mp40 WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE, // 9 WP_STEN, // 10 // silenced sten sub-machinegun WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE, // 11 // JPW NERVE -- broken out from CLASS_SPECIAL per Id request WP_AMMO, // 12 // JPW NERVE likewise WP_ARTY, // 13 WP_SILENCER, // 14 // used to be sp5 WP_DYNAMITE, // 15 WP_SMOKETRAIL, // 16 WP_MAPMORTAR, // 17 VERYBIGEXPLOSION, // 18 // explosion effect for airplanes WP_MEDKIT, // 19 WP_BINOCULARS, // 20 WP_PLIERS, // 21 WP_SMOKE_MARKER, // 22 // Arnout: changed name to cause less confusion WP_KAR98, // 23 // WolfXP weapons WP_CARBINE, // 24 WP_GARAND, // 25 WP_LANDMINE, // 26 WP_SATCHEL, // 27 WP_SATCHEL_DET, // 28 WP_TRIPMINE, // 29 WP_SMOKE_BOMB, // 30 WP_MOBILE_MG42, // 31 WP_K43, // 32 WP_FG42, // 33 WP_DUMMY_MG42, // 34 // Gordon: for storing heat on mounted mg42s... WP_MORTAR, // 35 WP_LOCKPICK, // 36 // Mad Doc - TDF lockpick WP_AKIMBO_COLT, // 37 WP_AKIMBO_LUGER, // 38 WP_PPSH, // 39 WP_GPG40, // 40 WP_M7, // 41 WP_SILENCED_COLT, // 42 WP_GARAND_SCOPE, // 43 WP_K43_SCOPE, // 44 WP_FG42SCOPE, // 45 WP_MORTAR_SET, // 46 WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE, // 47 WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDCOLT, // 48 WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDLUGER,// 49 WP_MOBILE_MG42_SET, // 50 It really depends about what he is doing.
  11. gaoesa

    Wiki Link

    There was a problem when updating the Wiki software. We hope to get it working again. Sorry for this inconvenience.
  12. gaoesa


    I would use ban for that. But with kicks the only way to get different times is the g_autoTempBanTime cvar. If necessary, you could make a custom command that would first edit this value, then kick the player in the given parameter and after that restore the value to the server default. EDIT: Something like this set g_autoTempBanTime 1800; kick [1?]; set g_autoTempBanTime 120; I haven't tried to make anything lke that so it may need some adjusting. Also, the ? will only work with names and not with slots.
  13. Understandable request. I personally scroll the console so that the line I want to look is the bottom one or very close it.
  14. Implemented for Windows and Linux. Under the silEnT menu, there is a new button to open screen resolutions dialog. In this dialog there are autodetected resolutions that include widescreen resolutions. Indeed, we cannot test this with great many systems, so be aware there could be bugs in this.
  15. This is imported from the ETPub Lua in the next version.
  16. The gib, lol, pip and pop no longer do it to everyone. The target must be specified. !giba works as before.
  17. Same thing annoys me with !pip and !pop too.
  18. The shrubbot.cfg file is loaded on every map change. Or you can use the !readconfig command which will read it even in the middle of the map. Having the commands still there suggests that the file you edited is not the same what the mod reads. Just for confirmation, is the shrubbot.cfg file you edited located in the folder pointed by g_dbDirectory cvar? If you have VPS or dedicated server, another source of weird problems could be that you have accidentally started 2 processes of the same server.
  19. One more thing you might want to know. If the player plays until the intermission and then disconnects, the WeaponStats string will be printed twice with same values. Just in case you are planning to do some sort of += arithmetics with the data.
  20. Unless you parse stopwatch you can ignore the round counter. Or maybe you can ignore anyway. The "WeaponStats" string is printed every time the player disconnects. You need to track the client numbers from the ClientConnect to ClientDisconnect. After ClientDisconnect if something is printed for the client number it is different client unless the player reconnects to the same slot.
  21. Recheck the post. I forgot one of the values from it. The round counter between the client number and the weapon bitmask.
  22. You read the numbers from that line like this: client number, rounds in session, (for stopwatch games) weaponmask, (this is a bitmask of the weapons that are presented in the string) n * [hits, attempts, kills, deaths, headshots], (the n is defined in the weapon mask and the weapons are in the smallest set bit to the highest set bit order) damage given, damage received, team damage given, team damage received, skillpointmask, (this is a bitmask of the skills that are presented in the string) n * skillpoints The weapon mask values, I've put the hexadecimal bitmask for single weapon as a comment: WS_KNIFE, // 0x01 WS_LUGER, // 0x02 WS_COLT, // 0x04 WS_MP40, // 0x08 WS_THOMPSON, // 0x10 WS_STEN, // 0x20 WS_FG42, // 0x40 -- Also includes WS_BAR (allies version of fg42) WS_PANZERFAUST, // 0x80 WS_FLAMETHROWER, // 0x100 WS_GRENADE, // 0x200 -- Includes axis and allies grenade types WS_MORTAR, // 0x400 WS_DYNAMITE, // 0x800 WS_AIRSTRIKE, // 0x1000 -- Lt. smoke grenade attack WS_ARTILLERY, // 0x2000 -- Lt. binocular attack WS_SYRINGE, // 0x4000 -- Medic syringe uses/successes WS_SMOKE, // 0x8000 WS_SATCHEL, // 0x10000 WS_GRENADELAUNCHER, // 0x20000 WS_LANDMINE, // 0x40000 WS_MG42, // 0x80000 WS_GARAND, // 0x100000 // Gordon: (carbine and garand) WS_K43, // 0x200000 // Gordon: (kar98 and k43) WS_PPSH, // 0x400000 WS_TRIPMINE, // 0x800000 The above is read so that the if the value is for example 12 , then there is weapon statistics for colt and mp40. First colt, then mp40. The skill bit mask values are: SK_BATTLE_SENSE, // 0x01 SK_EXPLOSIVES_AND_CONSTRUCTION, // 0x02 SK_FIRST_AID, // 0x04 SK_SIGNALS, // 0x08 SK_LIGHT_WEAPONS, // 0x10 SK_HEAVY_WEAPONS, // 0x20 SK_MILITARY_INTELLIGENCE_AND_SCOPED_WEAPONS, // 0x40 This works exactly the same way as the weapon mask.
  23. I don't understand how an empty/only bots server can have a huge popularity at the same time. So this sounds like a contradiction. However, I have seen this discussion before and I hope it will not be started here. At least not at the silEnT subforum. Like Dragon said, there is nothing we can do to the fake information in the masterlist. Putting large numbers of bots to the spectators is of course something we can address. Sorry, no news of this yet. This is not among the highest priority tasks because there are so many other ways for adding the fake information to the list.
  24. gaoesa

    PPSH bug

    If I remember correctly, Jaymod pk3 includes the ppc binaries too. At least the older ones. This means that they might be running the ET using emulator. If they are not using Intel Macs, then the 2.60d patch is not an option of course.
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