Prediction doesn't generate lags. Without cg_optimizePrediction there are lot of full predictions etc. The doublejump makes them even more visible. It is of course something to look into, but since cg_optimizePredicion improves FPS and makes the game smoother, without that amount of predition dublication, I would rather recommend to use it. Thanks for the source. I would like to remind that these jumping style mods there usually isn't for example antiwarp that changes the things a little. This was the case when I imported the TJMod pmove_fixed fix into the mod. Based on the post made at the ETPub forums by dinius and also looking at the TJMod source code. I'll ask from couple seasoned trickjumpers if there are small/significant effects when they are strafing. However, the effects are not that big that I would have noticed them.