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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. In the video you were requesting artillery. The bitflag values are only for airstrikes. I'm not sure that the fieldops charge should drop. It would be very annoying if by accident player was binocularing something that is not visible. For example with tanks it could happen easily. I suppose using charge even for failed artillery requests could be added as an option if needed.
  2. Prediction doesn't generate lags. Without cg_optimizePrediction there are lot of full predictions etc. The doublejump makes them even more visible. It is of course something to look into, but since cg_optimizePredicion improves FPS and makes the game smoother, without that amount of predition dublication, I would rather recommend to use it. Thanks for the source. I would like to remind that these jumping style mods there usually isn't for example antiwarp that changes the things a little. This was the case when I imported the TJMod pmove_fixed fix into the mod. Based on the post made at the ETPub forums by dinius and also looking at the TJMod source code. I'll ask from couple seasoned trickjumpers if there are small/significant effects when they are strafing. However, the effects are not that big that I would have noticed them.
  3. Have you excluded lag form it?
  4. We chatted through private messages and it appeared the problem largely disappeared when cg_optimizePrediction was enabled in the client.
  5. I tested and it worked correctly. Are you sure you don't have the flag 8 set? I don't see anything else could cause it.
  6. You also had some other time related issue?
  7. The bitflag 8192 is documented in the document that is downloaded with the mod but the Wiki lags behind sometimes. Sorry for this.
  8. You should check the map rotation cfg file. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Installation#Config_Files You need to edit the silent.cfg to start the mapvotecycle.cfg.
  9. gaoesa


    The adrenaline others is also the medic revive needle. This is something many players don't know and it probably should be the adren needle that would be used for it.
  10. gaoesa


    You're right. It will be removed from the default config also. Thanks for reporting.
  11. Only medics can have it. It's been like this the whole time.
  12. gaoesa


    The cvar doesn't exist. I think it was some old cvar that was removed.
  13. gaoesa


    Take off the flag 256. g_medics 192
  14. The poison is in the medic needle when used on the enemies. There is no separate syringe for it.
  15. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21useredit You need to use flags http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#List_of_Permission_Flags Also, you need to edit the shrubbot.cfg file for the level structure.
  16. gaoesa

    adren time

    No it is not configurable.
  17. For generic solution, fixing it from the server browser would not have large effect. Preventing bot's from being in spec, or limiting the amount at least, would have bigger impact.
  18. Bots have '-' ping. But the issue is the server browser.
  19. Having punkbuster enabled on the client side will not have any effect. On the server it might kick for not having etkey. I don't remember the exact error it gives for it but it might mention cdkey. Other then that, there isn't anything in ET or in silEnT that could cause it or anything similar.
  20. It was just a fun thought that came to mind when I was thinking what consequences preventing bots in spec could have. I was thinking it would keep the players at their toes about insults and stuff by fooling them to think there was an admin in spec. Of course we are not pursuing with this.
  21. Just for curiosity. Are you using Enemy Territory server? Because if I remember correctly, the cdkey thing sounds like RtCW issue. So does the crash report of Omni-bot updating. In Enemy Territory Omni-bots don't update. Sorry about the question but this problem sounds very weird.
  22. Are you using a clean ET client?
  23. Sounds very much like something flood protect could cause. Try disabling sv_floodprotect.
  24. Nope. It means that the change takes effect after restart. If you have access to the command line you should put it there. This way it ensures the setting always. The latched cvars are values that cannot be changed in mid game. Memory allocations are one of those. The memory is allocated at server start so it means that a new start is rewuired for the new memory allocation to happen with the updated value. EDIT: I did quick test with local windows server I use for testing. Based on that, map change is not enough for the value to change. But after closing and restarting, the change did take effect. So if your command line is not enforcing certain hunkmegs values, plain restart should be enough for you.
  25. Try increasing the hunkmegs.
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