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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. So how could you switch between them without restarting ET?
  2. Take a look at http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_spectator
  3. What do you mean with install?
  4. Hmm. So in fact the request is the ability to modify the level benefits in the server config. That indeed sounds interesting. Don't know about it yet though.
  5. We can not know things that are related only to specific server settigs for PunkBuster.
  6. You would have to ask this from the forums of the specific server. Most likely they have relaxed settings for the PB GUID. However, not relevant with the silEnT.
  7. I didn't understand this. EDIT: Oh I think I know what you mean now. I'm not in favour of this. Already with 4 stars in different classes the players gain huge benefits that alter the game play.
  8. 1. ETPub with modifications. Bounding box is modified for proned players and with default settings it's height goes around the head. With g_realBody in 0.5.1, completely new code was made from hit trace to the new G_BulletDamage function (not present in any available source code I have seen) to improve performance and allow more flexibility for any future hitbox types. 2. Uniqueness. The silEnT GUIDs are guaranteed to be always unique. I don't really understand what you mean by you being server admin and wanting to improve. But I didn't mind answering either.
  9. The rate and maxpackets may be forced by server config. If it is your own server, you should check the default.cfg in the mapconfigs folder.
  10. Do you mean the self adrenaline? You can remove the damage reduction effect but unfortunately it is not possible to adjust the amount of needles. All you questions are good but unfortunately none of the values you would like to change are configurable in current versions.
  11. First check the value of http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_forceLimboHealth
  12. exec campaigncycle.cfg // Campaign mode I suspect you didn't modify this for the gametype 6. Also, you don't seem to be setting any values for the xp save or the for the user database. You should check using rcon what are the values it is using. Especially the g_XPSave is interesting in this case.
  13. Please post the startup command line and the server.cfg or the equivalent you have also.
  14. Here is something similar to what you asked. It doesn't intercept !levlist command from chat but instead it will intercept the /levlist console command. Adding the code into a levlist.lua file in the server silent folder. Add the file name in lua_modules like this: set lua_modules "levlist.lua". Once the server starts it will load the Lua modules. You can add many modules into the lua_modules string. -- function body taken from the rules.lua from N!trox function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) command = string.lower(command) --If a client types "/levlist" in his console if (command == "levlist") then et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "chat \""Level 0 - Guest"^7\n\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "chat \""Level 1 - Regular"^7\n\"") return 1 end end I didn't test the above but it is an example how to use Lua. More Lua documentation http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#Lua and more detailed documentation in the server.html which came with the silent download.
  15. @icecom3 I'm not part of the ETEng team. This is sols project. I hope he has time to fix the issue you reported.
  16. gaoesa


    http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_friendlyFireOpts Add 32 to the value and only the engineers that planted those should be able to trip them.
  17. It's not hard. But I don't have any examples I could post. Let's hope if someone who uses it more has something they could post to base the script on.
  18. You could do that with Lua but not with custom commands.
  19. exec = chat "Level 0 - Guest"; chat "Level 1 - Regular";
  20. You could make all of the lines separated prints.
  21. WinRaR? I'm not familiar with this program, but the soundpacks must use the .zip format files. At least 7zip can make them and it is free with nice right mouse button menu. After that the file ending just needs to be changed from .zip to pk3.
  22. Space separated list of levels. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg levels = 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30
  23. You can copy the files from the database folder as much as you like. And on a live server too. During certain moments of map changes the user db files may not contain the actual final values though. This window is extremely short.
  24. Glad to hear you got it fixed. The changelogs can be found from the bottom of the server.html inside the doc folder of the download.
  25. You can pm the db file to me for a look and maybe restore if you like.
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