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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. I made couple tests. Please tell me what you think of these alternatives for the yellow BOT text. First one with * instead of the BOT. NPC stands for Non Player Character EDIT: One more. The bots don't have the ping field at all.
  2. If you reconnect instantly, it can still remember your XP. You should test after map change or if you use campaign, after campaign change.
  3. Ok. So the user database is still working correctly, but the XP was lost. I don't see anything actually wrong with the xp save settings. Here is what i have on my own server set g_XPSave 9 set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "30d" set g_XPSaveMaxAge "30d" set g_XPDecay 0 set g_XPDecayRate 0.0 set g_XPDecayFloor 0.0 set g_maxXP 10000 set g_damageXP 0 Does it now store XP or is it always resetted when you enter the server. What is the gametype you are using on the server (mapvoting, campaign, ..)?
  4. You can edit all the files except the binary files by hand in the database folder. This mean, you can edit all files except the userdb.db and userxdb.db by hand. Editing files in database folder shouldn't wipe out the database. Can you explain more what happened. Also, can you post what is in the log for opening the database.
  5. I think it is safe to say at this point that we are working on to get this feature to the next version.
  6. If you refer to the callvote bug, it is safe. The intermission mapvoting has never been exploitable.
  7. It's a good thought. I can't say will it be added. Probably it will not be supported by all platforms if implemented.
  8. We can change the look of the text of course. I don't think servers are empty because they have bots. Quite the opposite. However, the "BOT" doesn't need to be yelled. We can't change it to 0 because players sometimes have that as a real ping when the g_trueping is set. I think omnibot aiming looks allways like an aimbot no matter how easy they are. This is good also in my opinion. I have heard it many times players accusing easy omnibots from hacking
  9. We will not add anything that would fool players thinking they are anything else. I don't understand what you mean by warning. However, if a player would think some bot is a human and he happens to spec him, he would certainly think that player is cheating and noone does anything about it.
  10. Laser beam would not be visible at that extent and therefore it doesn't resemble one. It looks more like a plastic rope or something. However, seriously, we have allready reworked the wire for the next version.
  11. One problem with "0" ping is that it is not enough to separate bots from players when the g_truePing setting is on. I'm not sure every mod has changed the "BOT" to "0". The "BOT" derives from the ETPub source.
  12. You have to trigger team mines when you're playing as an engineer. This is the only way the engineer can defuse them.
  13. gaoesa


    I thought it would have fallen under generic consumer protection.
  14. gaoesa


    Go to the shop you purchased the game and complain there is something wrong because it doesn't allow installing it. Then they would be required to substitute it to a working product or to an equivalent. At least I think it would work that way around here. Not sure about it though.
  15. There might be some map where the cp will influence the spawn times. After posting my previous post i was thinking a little of the Goldrush and something random memory of what I have heard maybe once. But I'm not sure though. It probably is a map specific thing though. It usually isn't a good idea to mess with the map balances blindly, i.e. without proper understanding of the map requirements, that is why most things are scripted and not in the global settings.
  16. It is not a bug in the silEnT. Each command post will give benefits that are defined in the map scripts. The game doesn't give anything for just because command post is built. Also, I don't know any maps where command post reduces the spawntimes. Most often it reduces the recharge times.
  17. Thanks. I'll change the 0.2.0 to x.x.x.
  18. It should be as easy as changing the silent-0.3.0.pk3 to silent-0.3.3.pk3 and the qagame.mp.i386.so to the one in the 0.3.3 download.
  19. This is not a mod related bug. The !ms and !rs commands are custom to the server you were playing on. Please report the bugs on those commands at the F|A tracker. http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/tracker/ EDIT: I responded to the bug report on the mygaming talk forums. The in custom commands is bugged in the mod. [n] should be used instead in this case.
  20. Do you have the akimbo pistols in the selection or not. Maybe it is this bug http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-77-single-pistol-bug/ . I'm not aware of other bugs related to this. There was also a forum thread about it. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/682-starting-with-a-single-pistol/
  21. Yes. Seems correct. We don't include the PowerPC binaries anymore. Only Intel binaries.
  22. That is common error when the correct binary is not loaded. JamesPlock plays with Mac OSX without any problems. One thing we know is that if the server is configured to disconnect for the downloads, the mod download will fail in Mac. Have you tried manually installing the mod binary. Maybe too many pk3 files is one possibility.
  23. This is a known bug. The bug happens once for each gaming session. Right after the first connect and not between maps. You don't need to select the secondary weapon. It is enough if you open the limbo menu and press ok once. In the next spawn the secondary weapon will be correct one. This bug came to the mod when the bug that changed the smg secondary weapon to pistols with soldier class was fixed.
  24. Dragon, I didn't know you speak Finnish
  25. The database is in binary format. You can edit the files, but it requires knownledge to do it right. Use !useredit command online to edit offline players. It will also ensure the data is properly stored in the database after the edit. With file editing you have the risk the data will not be the same for the next map. The text clips you have pasted have bad offsets. Example how to make the first player level 5. 1. !usersearch name moonwalker 2. Select the 8 character guid of the player you know is the correct one 3. !useredit level 5
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