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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. This error occurs if the server is configured to force disconnect the client for the download. You can either download the silent-0.3.3.pk3 file manually and place it under silent folder. Or you can try connecting to different silent servers until you find one that allows the download directly without the disconnect. This is a Mac OS X specific error.
  2. Can you check the logs if there is any messages for parse errors with the shrubbot.cfg? Or anything related to the shrubbot.cfg file.
  3. Yes, it is just like with ETPub. Except that the file only holds banners. Everything else is removed from it. I think the g_settings cvar should be renamed to g_banners to avoid confusion? If you set the file name with path, you can put it in the database folder. If you use plain cfg name, then in the root. Would you like to be in the betatesting group. I know one of your admins are in it, but looks like you are also active in here
  4. I don't know the problem yet, but this caught my eye set g_msgs "10" set g_msg1 "^0|^1Welcome on *WF* ! enjoy and keep coming back^0|" set g_msg2 "^0|^1SK/SC NOT ALLOWED!^0|" set g_msg3 "^0|^1Play fair,even up the teams when it is out of balance,^0|" set g_msg4 "^0|^1XP will be reset every 40000^0|" set g_msg5 "^0|^1Teamplay = success,^3medic ^1is supposed to heal /revive teammates"^0|" set g_msg6 "^0|^1Advertising servers or voice servers not allowed or we ban^0|" set g_msg7 "^0|^1Do not selfkill to avoid a weapon shot or when poisoned^0|" set g_msg8 "^0|^1Open the console and type /seta com_hunkmegs 128^0|" set g_msg9 "^0|^1No Complaining!!! If problems post on site or contact Admin^0|" set g_msg10 "^0|^1http://www.wf-gaming.net/^0|" These need to be placed in the settings.cfg using banner blocks. Example: [banner] message = ^1Check out our banner! wait = 30 position = bp Place those in a cfg next to the qagame file. Set the g_settings to the name of that file. Example: set g_settings "settings.cfg" Sorry for the lack of proper documentation in the Wiki. We rushed the rc version a little. Please tell the other problems too.
  5. We are thinking of solutions for this.
  6. Possibly the DoS attacker has not configured the attack to search for etmain servers. Or, when the test with etmain was made, the server was not configured to announce it to the ET master list. The basic problem with the attack is that the engine uses UDP. The attacker creates a simple UDP packet in which he spoofs the source address which is the DoS target. Then the attack keeps sending these getstatus packets, which involve no handshaking, to the server as fast as possible and the server keeps sending the target loads of data in the form of getstatus responses. A single response has a significant size as it includes a lot of information of the server. There are always some amount of querys happening to the server as soon as it is public. Different game trackers query the master server for the server list and then query all the servers, usually with slow interval. Also, all the possible joining players will query the server. So there is never a moment when there is noone querying. But the amount of an attacker is usually a huge amount of querys.
  7. The same getstatus problem is in the engine and concerns every server with any mod. Even any Quake3 engine based game to be exact. There are no backdoors or exploits made by us. Fortunately, there are fixes for the getstatus engine exploit. http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/22936-POTENTIONAL-FIX-etded.x86-getstatus-exploit
  8. It is not the player that is killing himself/herself, but the player character. Making this change would require adding female character models and female voice chats for those. To my understanding, currently there is no distinction between the player sex in the game, male and female players are all the same and referred as "players". I'm not in favour of this idea. For silencer, the greetings are already editable by individual basis using shrubbot.
  9. Yes we removed the g_ cvars for the paths. We did that because they were redundant as it is possible to just replace the sounds. This is how every other mod does this. With the exception of ETPub. You are right that if someone connects from server to server without disconnecting, he will maintain the old loaded customizations at least to some extent. The g_ server cvar system doesn't help with this problem, however. You may observe the same problem with the watermarks which do have the g_watermark server cvar. We have to think about the proposition for a moment. Technically it is possible. Creating an optional root folder for the sounds folder. This root would of course include all the possible sounds including the firstblood and so. My biggest concern with this is that it creates complicated system for the admins to use while using any character after the s would be just as effective for the pk3 file. And that has become kind of a standard to use also. I do warn at this point that if you have menu files, you may need to redo them a little in the next version. The version 0.4.0 provides new UI and to get the UI and the aspect ratio fixes done, we needed to make little changes to the menu definition files. This is if you have made custom menus.
  10. I agree that there should be a proper fix for this and it has bugged me too. There are many things that should be done regarding the custom packages. But that is all engine side and I don't know if that could be changed in the mod. However, for custom packages working on your server, you don't need to beat all the custom packages installed by various other servers. Because the client game will only load those pk3 files that the server references. In other words, it will not load the pk3 file contents from other servers pk3 files at all. It is generally problematic only when placing custom pk3 files in the etmain directory, when players load the mod before connecting to the server and when players are watching demos. If players do directly connect to your server, they will not get problems from other clans pk3 files.
  11. It is in the mod. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_campaignFile
  12. Glad to hear you found the solution.
  13. Forcing delta compression to all clients happen by adding default.cfg to the mapconfigs directory. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#forcesvcvar There should be a file for it in the download allready. Then, make sure it has line "sv_cvar cl_nodelta EQ 0" or alternatively "forcecvar cl_nodelta 0" these will force the clients to use that. Some server settings that you can adjust for reducing network use in the mod: g_landmineNotifyType 1 (http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_landmineNotifyType) This will send only 1 summary of all the revealed landmines. Option 3 will increase the usage a tiny bit. g_spreeOptions (http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_spreeOptions) Disabling all the messages that are not needed will reduce the bandwidth needed. g_misc 16 (http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#g_misc) Disabling announcing of the killer HP. This has a very minimal effect.
  14. My version of netlimiter only displays the transmission speed for each process. It's not commercial version which maybe has that kind of features. We have decreased bandwidth in some areas. In other places it could have been slightly increased. Namely the g_spreeOptions. Overall, I believe it is significantly reduced from the ETPub. Significantly is a relative term because majority of the traffic is not related to mod features unless something really big is made. However, 6 mbit/s second is still surreal for 3 players. Since you are working this issue on so low level (far from the appication layer), you possibly should check QoS and other things that influence the traffic. For example dropping the network packets will cause retransmissions handled by the game. For network engineering, I'm not the person who has knownledge to help. I will fo some comparisons between mods at some point. I tried to test my old Jaymod 2.1.7 on my server but apparently I have allready deleted the bots so I couldn't create same bot conditions. EDIT: One more thing I must ensure you have set is the delta compression. Without this, the traffic will increase in huge amounts. The delta compression ensures that only changing information is sent to the client. The delta compression is per client setting so you should probably force the setting.
  15. Is the PunkBuster disabled or fully updated on the server and on the clients? One player has bandwidth usage that fluctuates between 2 and 8 KB/s both directions with server having 12 players. Averaging less then 5 kB/s. This was measured using netlimiter locally while on a normal streaming server and PunkBuster enabled. 6 mbit/s is about 732 KB/s and that is not normal for 3 clients. Bot's do not have direct influence to the bandwidth because they are integrated to the server. They do increase the amount of game events that are sent to the 3 players. However, influence of 4 mbit/s, sounds unbelievable. EDIT: It is quite possible the usage is higher then in Jaymod. The silEnT mod has features that Jaymod does not have. Try disabling g_spreeOptions and see if that has an effect. At least multikills is a thing that is not distributed to all clients in the Jaymod. I'm thinking higher values maybe possible also because of the point where it is measured. The netlimiter, as far as I know, will display the actually used bandwidth for the data. When I would imagine, the router will be counting IP frames and more of the stuff that relates to the transmissions and not only the data.
  16. How many real players? The reason for my asking is that all the traffic happens between the server and the players. With the exception of PunkBuster, getstatus and getinfo server querys. How was the 10 to 11 Mbps calculated?
  17. Thanks for reporting the bugs in the documentation. We will fix the documentation to the next version. Sorry for late response, but we needed to rebuild and check the conversion tool before making it public download. Here it is however, http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/files/file/8-etpub-xp-conversion-tool-for-silent-mod/ Please let us know if you have any problems.
  18. File Name: ETPub XP conversion tool for silEnT mod File Submitter: gaoesa File Submitted: 16 Sep 2011 File Category: Software ConvertXP is a console/shell program you can use to convert ETPub 0.9.1 stored XP into a silEnT mod database. The download includes both Windows and Linux binaries and a ReadMe.txt file describing how to use the program. Click here to download this file
  19. 104 downloads

    ConvertXP is a console/shell program you can use to convert ETPub 0.9.1 stored XP into a silEnT mod database. The download includes both Windows and Linux binaries and a ReadMe.txt file describing how to use the program.
  20. I think you didn't understand correctly what I said. You can keep the old shrubbot.cfg, except you need to remove the admin blocks from it. You can add the old admins to the database, even those who haven't yet played on the server, using a separate admins.cfg file. This file has only admin blocks. Those that were previously in the shrubbot.cfg. The readadmins command will read the file and add/edit admins in the database based on the admin block definitions in the admins.cfg file. Silencer, can you please translate? EDIT: We also have a conversion tool that can convert ETPUb XP save to silEnT mod database. But this must be done as the very first thing, because it only creates new databases. After that, adding the admins with !readadmins and you would have the old ETPub database converted to silEnT.
  21. You can use the !readamins command to read hand edited admin block from a file. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#!readadmins Just copy your old shrubbot.cfg to the name admins.cfg put it in the g_dbDirectory and delete all but the admin blocks from the file. When that is done, use the !readadmins command. You can add any amount of admins with this method. Do note, that if you run the command again, it wil rewrite the admins in the database. Possibly removing the edits you may have done using the online commands. The old level definitions should be checked for the new shrubbot flags we have added but level definitions will work otherwise as before. Please let us know if there are problems.
  22. Thanks for reminding. Possibility for Jaymod style doublejump is added to the next version. This is controlled with g_misc flag 32.
  23. One more test now using - in place of the ping. I'm mostly concerned that the players can still easily recognize the bots from the real players. So I would favour the empty or minus sign. Empty because it indicates, that the bot's are run by the server and therefore, they don't have pings. In my opinion the star has a bigger chance of confusion.
  24. There are free programs that can do mp3 to wav conversions. I don't do conversions myself so I can't recommend any this time.
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