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  1. Like
    Zelly reacted to gaoesa in Get winning team during intermission   
    It is in a configstring. Number 14 (CS_MULTI_MAPWINNER). Read value of the key "winner", values: 0 - Axis, 1 - Allies, -1(minus one) - Tied.
  2. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from SadNesS in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
  3. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Tweek in User Edit   
    as auth
    /sudo update theirusername password newpassword Example: /sudo update Zelly password secret123as rcon/console
    lua update theirusername password newpassword
  4. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Tweek in players get kicked when they call a kick vote   
    You should probably confirm it is happening and not just people saying so.
    Screenshots if possible mod version etc. also any hooks + luas you running to give us an idea 
  5. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Boosted in How to change loading Screen?   
  6. Like
    Zelly reacted to Spyhawk in Progress on next version   
    I'll let you know if we achieve something on the SQL side then.
  7. Like
    Zelly reacted to Spyhawk in Progress on next version   
    Still no lighter version planned?
    What about using real SQL database support?
  8. Like
    Zelly reacted to Sol in What was the point of you adding features to the 0.9.0?   
    Great work as always, but just one question. What is the point of making external library modules without releasing an API?
  9. Like
    Zelly reacted to Purple in Nametags for Spectators   
    off topic: as much as i smoke all my posts should be 4:20 :c
  10. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from sageone in Nametags for Spectators   
  11. Like
    Zelly reacted to Purple in Nametags for Spectators   
    This is based off level so admins with minimum of  level of " local ADMIN_LEVEL = 10 " will automatically be shoutcaster on the server but once you join a team limbo or not should allow you to join without having to log your self out.
    IIRC limbo just sends commands like you would do with binds e.g team r 4 3 
    ps to adapt to your admin levels just change the number in the lua script.
  12. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from clan DIABOLIK in To all with test access to 0.9.0   
    Not sure if I fully understand, so correct me if I misunderstand.
    If I connect to a plain 090 server and then I try to connect to a 082 server, I would get an error? And to fix it I would have to manually delete the dll/so ?
    If so I understand you wanting everyone to upgrade but like purple said people are not going to upgrade right away for various reasons.
    I also don't recall this being a problem in other mods, in the past(has been a while though).
    If this is the case then this puts a lot of unneeded stress on the small amount of remaining players, most people just simply will not understand why they can't play.
    I am not talking about supporting an old version am just saying they should still be able to load the old version.
    EDIT: a word, a sentence
  13. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Purple in To all with test access to 0.9.0   
    If they were capable of checking forums this wouldn't be a problem
  14. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Tweek in admin commands on higher levels option   
    could make a makeshift version of this in lua I think.
    if has shrubbotflag somerandomshrubbotflagthatisntbeingusedyet and playerlevel < targetlevel and targetlevel not equal highest_level and not target_is_bot then
      do shrubbot command from console
    also could only allow this for a specific list of whitelisted commands like throw, gib, burn, etc. (So they would not be able to ban or kick)
  15. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Bluemax in ETPro Support in near future   
    To an extent yes.
    You will be able to use most of the LESM commands blacklist(ban/kick),warn,mute,finger,freeze,ignore,pm etc.
    It isn't like I am adding some uniquely identified hardware guid to everyone though so them coming back if they have access to multiple ip's is still an issue.
    If you would like to test it I can give you a package, haven't worked on it in a while can't remember where I left off.
  16. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Bluemax in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
  17. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from SadNesS in NQ XPsave   
    I believe in noquarter it is
    !give bob skill
  18. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from alex in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
  19. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Kaco123 in HP   
    Are you using this for NQ or silent. (Sorry if obvious question seeing how you have "NQ health", just not sure if you are using that as reference or you are actually on NQ)
    Cause there are two ways to do this and its easier in silent mod.
    EDIT#2: If you are on silent I am pretty sure all you need to do is:

    local MAX_HEALTH = 140 -- Change your max health here. function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth ) et.gentity_set( clientNum , "ps.stats" , 4 , MAX_HEALTH ) endThis will make all classes start with 140. But it isn't this easy on older mods. 
    EDIT#3: Actually this code MIGHT work for other mods. Maybe it was just legacy mod that it crashed my server.
  20. Like
    Zelly reacted to Night Hunter in Hello Everybody   
    Hello i joined just today to this nice forum i see familiar names over here well
  21. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Purple in RIP XFire   
    A lot of applications also have little addons to add steam chat to them.
  22. Like
    Zelly reacted to roissgil in is there a command that will...   
    dump to file the userdb?   I can do !userlist , but if I have 100 pages, I have to do it 100 times, then condump.
    it would be nice... I'm a spreadsheet type person.   lol
  23. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from twt_thunder in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
  24. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from Purple in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
  25. Like
    Zelly got a reaction from hellreturn in ETPro Support in near future   
    I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5
    Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now.
    Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional.
    But I am pretty excited for the future
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