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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. I noticed that title bars in Classmenu, Teammenu and Spawnmenu are still "old fashioned": http://obrazki.elektroda.net/54_1344475659_thumb.png
  2. A max of 90 requests per minute.
  3. Funny thing, looks like our IPTables does not work. I enabled ET 3.00's built-in getstatus fix and so far the game is almost lag-free. Thank you for help gaoesa, will let you know if I have new problems
  4. We use IPTables method on our root with no problems so far. ET process uses around 40% of one thread when server is full (root's CPU got 4 cores which is 8 threads in HT technology). I think it's not caused by ET 3.00 because it would lag/warp other servers as well. Thanks for info.
  5. Our server started lagging really bad some time ago (don't remember when). A lot of players are complaining about lags/warps when there are more than 26 people on the server (I noticed them as well to be honest). I think I tried everything. I was testing fixedphysics, both antiwarp methods (g_antiwarp / g_skipcorrection - second one is better IMO), loaded/unloaded Luas etc... I think I tested everything on server side... Maybe you have any ideas? My userdb.db has about 3MB, can it be too much? By warps I mean that there are moments when fighting 1vs1 that my opponent "jumps" from point A to point B (his moves aren't smooth). Screenshot with lagometer: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/32_1344262380_thumb.png My forcecvar file: forcecvar snaps 20 forcecvar cl_pitchspeed 0 forcecvar cl_timenudge 0 forcecvar r_zfar 0 forcecvar cl_maxpackets 100 sv_cvar rate IN 25000 45000 //forcecvar rate 25000 forcecvar r_clamptoedge 1 forcecvar cl_nodelta 0 //sv_cvar cg_landmineNotifyType IN 1 2 forcecvar cg_gun_fovscale 0 //forcecvar cg_themedCMap 1 forcecvar r_wolffog 0 forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1 forcecvar r_znear 3 forcecvar r_showtris 0 forcecvar r_primitives 0 forcecvar r_drawworld 1 forcecvar r_drawentities 1 //forcecvar cg_drawRanks 0 //forcecvar ui_themedCursor 0 set team_maxPanzers "12%-" set team_maxMortars "12%-" set team_maxFlamers "12%-" set team_maxMG42s "12%-" [players 0-15] set team_maxGrenLaunchers 1 set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:rushers11:mlb_hotchkiss:italyfp2:cathedral_final:tounine_b2:beerrun_b7a:" [players 16-19] set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2 set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:rushers11:mlb_hotchkiss:cathedral_final:tounine_b2:" [players 20-24] set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2 set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:fueldump:" [players 25-*] set team_maxGrenLaunchers 2 set g_excludedMaps ":battery:goldrush:fueldump:purefrag:" [/players] Any thoughts are appriciated!
  6. Useless in my opinion + as Chuckun said it can be abused.
  7. Well, you could consider this idea again since more configurable sprees/multikills on server side are always better than 3rd party Luas which aren't configurable on client side. Installing a Lua just to customize messages is not good. I know this was removed due to problems but there should be some way to code properly Just my 2 cents.
  8. If the problem started occuring on ET 3.00, you should install previous binary again.
  9. BTW, announcehp.lua is not even needed, such a feature is present in the mod.
  10. Unfortunately option 2 works only when friendly fire is enabled on the server
  11. Weird, I did some tests on my local PC too this morning and didn't notice any FPS drops on silEnT.
  12. Unfortunately I have to agree with Sneak about FPS... Just played a bit on an ETPub server and the game looked smoother and my FPS were way higher. One thing which is fastly noticeable: FPS goes down so bad when you use Flamethower on silEnT when ETPub does not have any problems handling Flamethower's flame animation (FPS stable all the time). Everything tested on the same config on the same machine (Intel C2D 2x3,2GHz, GF 9600GSO, 2GB DDR2 RAM). PS. Just wondering, can this be caused by this feature (just a thought)? (yes, I do realize it was my suggestion, shame on me )
  13. I think it's 15000, but the problem is on client side because server can handle more config strings with no crashes.
  14. We run around ~25 custom maps on our server and never had any problems (except with Venice, but removing whole command posts scripting solved the problem).
  15. This project is closed. And yes, its devs do not respect GPL license but they have certain reasons to do so.
  16. You can only prevent people from joining the team with more players AFAIK.
  17. Dragonji


    sv_protocolcheck "1"
  18. It would be really helpful for server admins if there is more detailed info about !warns and !mutes. For example, admin X mutes ETPlayer for 300 seconds for bad language and then his wife tells him to do something so he disconnects from the server . After some time admin Y joins the game and other players ask him to unmute ETPlayer because he has been muted for no reason. Admin Y cannot check this so he unmutes ETPlayer... This is just a simple example of a situation which could be avoided if the second admin could check who gave a !mute to the player and what was its duration.
  19. YCN doesn't provide gameservers in Poland. If you don't know how to remove it, you should ask your host. BTW, QMM is not even needed for mods such as silEnT, NQ or ETPub.
  20. During the game: ESC -> silEnT -> HUD -> Kills Display
  21. File Name: Manu Admin Mod File Submitter: Dragonji File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012 File Category: Mods The Manu-Admin-Mod is a convenient way to administrate your Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War game servers. With it you can run all the important functions directly in the game through the chat, rather than through rcon. Important admin commands are available (such as kicking, banning, map change), as well as commands that can help benefit all of the players on your server. The bot has other functions, it can automatically kick teamkillers, ban weapons (such as martyrdom and grenade launchers, or anything else that you might want to ban), generate a random mapcycle to keep a good mix, or just send simple chat messages. In addition to this, the mod can be extended easily with plugins. Because this is not a normal mod, the server can stay ranked. It is not a game mod, but is a surveillance program, responding to the server using the gameserver logs, reading from the log lines, processing and reacting to events via rcon. The mod features a stats system. Using the !stats command, you can see your Kills, Deaths, K/D ratio, and even more in game. The stats are not deleted after a round, they are saved forever, which is a big bonus for using the mod. License Terms: This software is released under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Additional permissions can be granted individually on request. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind. Installation Requirements: Operating System: Linux, Unix or Windows PHP Hypertext Preprocessor: Version 5.4.0 or higher PHP-Extensions: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, sockets, mbstring Permissions for execution and installation of software are required. Additionally, access to the RCON interface and logfiles is required. Visit manuadminmod.de to find detailed documentation. Click here to download this file
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