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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. Still better than original one.
  2. Could you check if it is used elsewhere? Cause if it is used only as goomba sound I don't think it is necessary to make path configurable, only proper documentation would be needed.
  3. It means it might be outdated. I personally always check online docs
  4. It is not possible to configure it that way.
  5. This is not even official description. Check this carefully: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_inactivityOptions http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_spectatorInactivity
  6. Use this instead: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#G_globalSound et.G_globalSound("playermove.wav")
  7. I requested it over a year ago, it was ignored however. Your only way to add that is by using Lua. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2583-health-regeneration/
  8. I hope there will finally make some cheap smartphone with good hardware and WP.
  9. [players] blocks will not work in this case as they only check the amount of players during intermission afaik. team_maxPanzers is what you should use. Unfortunately cannot help you in making it work as I forgot how to configure it properly
  10. Hmm, and only new phones will get the update . Everyone else needs to depend on XDA cooks...
  11. Yes, you can safely remove mp_bin.pk3.
  12. It was reguested and rejected (?) ages ago AFAIK.
  13. You don't have to use external Lua mods anymore. silEnT mod has a built-in custom vote feature: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg Example (a vote I defined on my server):
  14. What is your server binary? Do you have any of these: pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3 or mp_bin.pk3 inside your etmain folder of your ET server installation?
  15. cg_damagekick is just a kind of built-in no recoil hack... Keep in mind no single mod but ETPub has this. I don't get why all ETPub servers should migrate to silEnT. AFAIK silEnT was not meant to be a replacement for ETPub and what is more, I think variety of mods and their features is only a good thing for players, they are free to choose what they like most.
  16. Also, keep in mind forcecvars are saved in configstrings so it's better to keep the number of forced cvars as low as possible.
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AutoPromo - An Enemy Territory Auto Promoting Mod ---------------------------------------------------------------------- description = "AutoPromo" version = "1.1" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This script can be freely used and modified as long as the original -- authors are mentioned. -- Created by Perlo_0ung, edited by Dragon -- Adapted for silEnT mod 0.5.0 and higher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- lvl15xp = 1000 -- XP needed for level 1 lvl20xp = 5000 -- XP needed for level 2 lvl25xp = 25000 -- XP needed for level 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -- UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) local modname = string.format("%s v%s", description, version) et.G_Print(string.format("%s loaded\n", modname)) et.RegisterModname(modname) end -- TheSilencerPL - To make it better, faster and less aggravating -- for the game, store the XP locally and reuse it function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth) local valXP = getXP(clientNum) if valXP >= lvl15xp and valXP < lvl20xp then setlevel(clientNum,15,lvl15xp) elseif valXP >= lvl20xp and valXP < lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,20,lvl20xp) elseif valXP >= lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,25,lvl25xp) end end function getXP(playerID) return et.gentity_get(playerID, "ps.persistant", 0) end function getlevel(playerID) return et.G_shrubbot_level(playerID) end function setlevel(playerID, newlevel, xp) local name = et.gentity_get(playerID,"pers.netname") if isBot(playerID) or noGuid(playerID) then return end if newlevel <= getlevel(playerID) then return end et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1,"bp \"^nCongratulations ^7"..name.."^n, ^nyou have ^nbeen ^npromoted ^nto ^na ^nlevel ^7"..newlevel.." ^nuser!\"") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "setlevel ".. playerID.." "..newlevel.."\n" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "readconfig\n" ) end function noGuid(playerID) local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( playerID ) local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "sil_guid" ) if guid == "NO_GUID" or guid == "unknown" then return true end end function isBot(playerID) if et.gentity_get(playerID,"ps.ping") == 0 then return true end end Just replaced this: if valXP >= lvl15xp and valXP < lvl20xp then setlevel(clientNum,1,lvl15xp) elseif valXP >= lvl20xp and valXP < lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,2,lvl20xp) elseif valXP >= lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,5,lvl25xp) endWith this: if valXP >= lvl15xp and valXP < lvl20xp then setlevel(clientNum,15,lvl15xp) elseif valXP >= lvl20xp and valXP < lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,20,lvl20xp) elseif valXP >= lvl25xp then setlevel(clientNum,25,lvl25xp) end
  18. If there is no slow down it is not TJ anymore ETPro's official configs always have fixed physics enabled.
  19. silEnT pk3 does not include announcer sounds itself. You need your own pk3 with own wav sounds.
  20. About !finger: What does timestamp stand for? About !ban: If we are talking about cheaters then I agree with you but keep in mind that this command is also widely used for punishing players that misbehave on the server (short bans) and such forced break should not be automatically connected with loosing all privileages.
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