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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. Sure, but I think that shorter time would be better - 12o (which is 1 year).
  2. Make sure there are no other cfgs that might overwrite your settings. I'd suggest to use a fixed value for all of these 3 cvars. Because at the moment it is 1825 seconds for g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp, 60 months for g_XPSaveMaxAge and 1825 days for g_dbUserMaxAge.
  3. Today is the day when SGW2 is officially released! I haven't played it yet but I heard graphics don't look as good as in the latest Crysis (same engine)... I hope this will change with time as City Interactive announced they're gonna add full DX11 support later. At the moment SGW2 supports only DX9.0c and DX10.
  4. AFAIK it is an engine bug so you would need to ask Paul for example to fix it in his ET 3.00. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/1914-invalid-guid-bug/?p=7806
  5. A movie as it cannot be seen on a demo: http://www69.zippyshare.com/v/11130802/file.html That's what I mean by warps during jumping. I'm pretty sure I was lag-free (ping around 80) while recording this but on the next week I'll do more tests with more mods (silEnT, ETPub, NQ, Jaymod) and record it once again with lagometer enabled.
  6. After huge number of games I can tell that I've got problems with jumping (which is warping during strafing) mainly at the evenings when my ping becomes unstable (90-100 compared to 80 at another time of day). This isn't related to numer of players on the server as I had same warps even on an empty server (client - cg_optimizePrediction 1, server - g_antiwarp 1). I don't know if it has something to do with the mod but I remember I used to play without any problems on Jaymod even when my ping was unstable. Anyway, I'm gonna check this out on a few major mods to see if there are any differences when my connection goes bad.
  7. If you're not in the closed beta and have wanted to try Grinding Gear Games' free-to-play dark fantasy loot game Path of Exile you'll soon have a chance to. The open beta testing period will begin on January 23, 2013. Yes, tomorrow! Before the open beta's launch, the final character wipe will take place. If you're interested in checking the game out before January 23, you can still sign up on Path of Exile's website, and Grinding Gear will also be sending out additional closed beta keys for current beta players to distribute. What is Path of Exile? Source: IGN.com | Path of Exile
  8. Happened to me on SW Siwa Oasis TE map while g_classWeapons was set to 3. Right after players reported it I changed the value and the problem has gone. Yes, it was the same message.
  9. I don't know if it was supposed to work like this but you are being kicked from the server if you click on Axis or Allies team in limbo menu if you didn't set flags 16 and 32 to g_classWeapons so players are able to join only by class selector or they own scripts.
  10. Not possible AFAIK, you can only see KR (= Kill Rating). http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Sounds
  11. It's just that so called "fast shooting" in ET is a heresy.
  12. April Fool's Day isn't today, right?
  13. Sol and I. We continue it for own needs.
  14. Just curious, what's the value of g_inactivityOptions on your server?
  15. I can't see any reason why one would like to open silEnT's demo in ETPro Back to the topic... I don't think so.
  16. I think it's not possible at the moment, otherwise it'd be documented. I wrote a similar script but didn't find a way to get client's specific cvar so I just used a work-around, I scan for a specific rate amount (userinfo) and if it matches the one defined for disabled sounds, the server doesn't send playsound request to the client. Indeed, it'd be great to have a possibility to check client's cvar value so we can create better scripts! Dzwiek = { [0] = "path/to/sound.wav" [1] = "path/to/sound.wav" -- etc. } client_sounds = { } function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) sv_maxclients = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients")) end function et_ClientBegin(id) CheckRate(id) end function et_ClientDisconnect(id) client_sounds[id] = 0 end function CheckRate(id) local rs = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "rate") if rs == "45123" then client_sounds[id] = 0 else client_sounds[id] = 1 end end function et_ConsoleCommand() if et.trap_Argv(0) == "pfsound" then if et.trap_Argc() == 2 then local indeks = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(1)) PlaySound(Dzwiek[indeks]) else sayClients("chat","^1ERROR: Not enough parameters given!") end end end function PlaySound(sound) local odtworz = et.G_SoundIndex(sound) for i=0, sv_maxclients-1 do if client_sounds[i] == 1 then et.G_ClientSound(i, odtworz) end end end
  17. There was such a script on ETPub forums, but they've reinstalled site's CMS for the third time already so it's gone probably...
  18. http://forums.warchestgames.com/showthread.php/18619-Add-ammo-and-Health
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4SQ0W1LSog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyVUqPVw5Uc Release date: January 15, 2013
  20. You can get the newest PB files for ET from here: http://etkey.org/pages/punkbuster/manual-installation.php
  21. There is no other working anticheat for ET besides PB. (TZAC supports ETPro 3.2.6 only)
  22. EA has released its seminal PC first-person shooter Battlefield 1942 for free on its distribution portal Origin. This is in honour of the series' 10 year anniversary as well as Battlefield 3's premium service acquiring over two million members worldwide since it launched in June. EA noted that Battlefield 3 has been its fastest-selling game in history with 17 million copies copies sold since its release just over a year ago. When we launched Battlefield 1942 ten years ago, we had lofty ambitions to create a first-person shooter that would push the boundaries of innovation, creativity and design. We evolved the FPS gameplay formula by introducing the world to all-out warfare via land, air and sea, said vice president and general manager of DICE, Karl Magnus Troedsson. We wanted to thank our fans who have supported us throughout the years by restoring Battlefield 1942 for a digital re-release and give everyone a chance to play the game that started it all. Since the game has full mod support, here's a great list of mods available for BF1942, courtesy of Redditor Sonic_Dah_Hedgehog: reddit.com - BF1942 mods http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-5jz3VP25s Do note that you cannot play multiplayer with CD version users and vice versa. Origin version has got completely separated server list.
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