I don't know of any parsers. I'm using my own PHP script on my server which has the following selections:
if(strpos($line,'say:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'sayteam:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'saybuddy:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'privmsg:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'tprivmsg:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'mprivmsg:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'adminchat:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'voice:')===0) {
} else if(strpos($line,'^7 called a vote. Voting for:')) {
I'm posting this as a sample of the keywords if anyone wants to do a script for the purpose.