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Everything posted by TheSilencerPL

  1. Nice weather, maybe I should go out?
  2. If it was implemented it would be in windows for starters, because it's the most popular platform. But since I play on linux I can do something like this for linux. There is no timeframe for this for now however.
  3. It is intentional. In normal world you can see the wire too. The main reason for them to be visible however is that they are powerful enough, besides they can be planted practically everywhere. So to get real use of tripmines you have to be clever.
  4. Wouldn't it be easier to try to download with firefox or chrome?
  5. New tripmine wires will be available since 0.4.0
  6. Don't bother anymore. We made the wires on our own But thanks for your help anyway
  7. Stay tuned and don't worry. We are working on the next version
  8. LOL, I assume the panzer thing is a joke, isn't it? Regarding the mines, it's a nice idea. We'll think about it. Thanks
  9. Here is silEnT mod 0.3.3 There wasn't 0.3.2 public release, so 0.3.3 covers also things done in 0.3.2. Here is the change log: Version 0.3.3 Fixed alternative fire bug introduced in 0.3.2. Version 0.3.2 Readded class awards. They should work now correctly with XP save.Added possibility for server admins to enable teamhit sounds.Added flag 8 to g_identOptions. Actions taken based on client identifications are reported in the adminchat.Added default silEnT watermark.Fixed bug with missing hitsounds (http://mygamingtalk....my-with-mortar/).Fixed bug with class stealing (http://mygamingtalk....-change-weapon/).Fixed bug with soldier secondary weapon changing to akimbos.Fixed throw last knife bug (http://mygamingtalk..../587-knife-bug/).Fixed fireteam overlay bug.Fixed server list server name filter bug/crash.Fixed bug with say_teamnl command that allowed muted players to write in team chat (http://mygamingtalk....-muted-players/).Fixed bug with g_classWeapons cvar (http://mygamingtalk....g-classweapons/).Fixed bug in the TDM timebar.Fixed some bugs with the win probabilities. Not in algorithms, but with the calls to calculate them.Removed Active Team Balance.Removed g_teamForceBalance_playerrating.Removed !balance admin command.The g_XPSave flag 8 will no longer kick guidless players for duplicates.The !howfair command now uses K/D determining fairness.Possibilities for invalid kicks for spoofed client identification reduced. Click here to view the article
  10. Here is silEnT mod 0.3.3 Download: http://mygamingtalk....nt-release-033/ There wasn't 0.3.2 public release, so 0.3.3 covers also things done in 0.3.2. Here is the change log: Version 0.3.3 Fixed alternative fire bug introduced in 0.3.2. Version 0.3.2 Readded class awards. They should work now correctly with XP save.Added possibility for server admins to enable teamhit sounds.Added flag 8 to g_identOptions. Actions taken based on client identifications are reported in the adminchat.Added default silEnT watermark.Fixed bug with missing hitsounds (http://mygamingtalk....my-with-mortar/).Fixed bug with class stealing (http://mygamingtalk....-change-weapon/).Fixed bug with soldier secondary weapon changing to akimbos.Fixed throw last knife bug (http://mygamingtalk..../587-knife-bug/).Fixed fireteam overlay bug.Fixed server list server name filter bug/crash.Fixed bug with say_teamnl command that allowed muted players to write in team chat (http://mygamingtalk....-muted-players/).Fixed bug with g_classWeapons cvar (http://mygamingtalk....g-classweapons/).Fixed bug in the TDM timebar.Fixed some bugs with the win probabilities. Not in algorithms, but with the calls to calculate them.Removed Active Team Balance.Removed g_teamForceBalance_playerrating.Removed !balance admin command.The g_XPSave flag 8 will no longer kick guidless players for duplicates.The !howfair command now uses K/D determining fairness.Possibilities for invalid kicks for spoofed client identification reduced. Download: http://mygamingtalk....nt-release-033/
  11. Great Good luck! And thanks for advertising here.
  12. Here is the funny description of ET. Unfortunately it's in polish, so those who don't speak that language, please use the second link http://nonsensopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Enemy_Territoryhttp://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnonsensopedia.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FEnemy_Territory:lol:
  13. Yes. There is an install.txt file inside the release zip. You can follow those instructions.
  14. This concerns only windows. @gaoesa can elaborate on that
  15. We don't have much of expertise in this area yet, so if you know some tricks with the shaders, feel free to experiment and provide the results, of course as you have already done. We decided to use the old tmines in 0.3.1 because the new ones are still not perfect. But tmines in 0.3.1 are now shader based, so you can continue your experiments on 0.3.1 without need to change the binaries to specially prepared for this purpose.
  16. Here is the silEnT Enemy Territory mod 0.3.1. It's the patch release which fixes some issues with the mod: Bug fixes.Added: g_votedMuteLength which controls the lengths of the voted mutes. Default is 3 hours.Reworked: The tripmine shaders. Visually still defaults to the old look.Some code cleanup and minor optimizations.Binaries compiled with optimization settings. The silEnT mod team. The download is no longer provided. Please use 0.3.3 instead.
  17. Here is the silEnT Enemy Territory mod 0.3.1. Download link: http://mygamingtalk....nt-release-031/ It's the patch release which fixes some issues with the mod: Bug fixes.Added: g_votedMuteLength which controls the lengths of the voted mutes. Default is 3 hours.Reworked: The tripmine shaders. Visually still defaults to the old look.Some code cleanup and minor optimizations.Binaries compiled with optimization settings. The silEnT mod team. Download link: http://mygamingtalk....nt-release-031/
  18. Yes, the option when the player is unmuted after some defined time when admin forgets to set the mute time is good option, I think. I would go for it.
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