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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. The fields reading NEVER were added using the !readadmins command. Please use the support forum rather then the announcement thread.
  2. This patch does not address the issue of players getting diconnected for invalid silEnT GUID if they don't finish connecting by the end of the warmup. However, the problem only concerns players that are new connections. Not the players that have already connected during previous maps, not even if they would be CONNECTING over the whole warmup. This patch addresses server stability and couple other fixes we already made for the next version.
  3. gaoesa


    You don't need to have liblua5.1.so for this script. The Lua interpreter is ibuilt into the mod. If you do need to install external Lua libraries, then you also need to use the qagame that is found from the dynamic_lua folder. It allows loading the external dependencies properly.
  4. I've experienced similar bugs for years. The flag staying on the axis side after the gate is blown in the radar. The tank being unrepairable for a long time after it has been destroyed by the opponents. There definitely is some scripting bug but fortunately it happens very rarely. EDIT: I didn't read carefully enough. In this case the tank was fixed and nothing was stopping it. No I don't think I have seen this one before.
  5. If you only want to change the doublejump style to ETPub, it would be set g_misc "135" (I.e. 167- 32)
  6. Yes. This is an exploit type of problem in silEnT and in NQ as well it seems. I did a comparison between the silEnT and NQ 1.2.9 b6 Jaymod style double jump. Couldn't compare against Jaymod because on my local desktop there was MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS exceeded error and some other config issues as well. We can consider fixing this in the next version. Or you can use the ETPub double jump where the second jump must be done while still in upward motion.
  7. I don't think it is changeable in any mod.
  8. gaoesa


    We will take this into consideration.
  9. This line in the server.cfg seems to be the problem. The campaign cycle does start the mod because it has the map command inside. The watchdog command is probably irrelevant but I recommend removing that one too. It is enough when these are in the silent.cfg. EDIT: The issue is that the server.cfg is executed first and the silent.cfg after. It is better to have only one cfg in the command line to avoid problems.
  10. Please check the server.cfg does not have a map command or exec objectivecycle.cfg or anything. Would be better if you could post it here. Just remove any private data from it if necessary.
  11. This etded +set fs_game silent ... +exec silent.cfg
  12. The cfg looks good. Could you please post the command line also?
  13. To be more specific, non coverts can not spot mines? Or is this change in line with the change log entry * Added: restriction to g_skills 1, non covert players can spot mines for the team only if they are close enough (http://mygamingtalk....lose-landmines/)
  14. The revived player jumps intantly up if set.
  15. Do !updatepbguid [name|slot]. It seems that the PB GUID is not stored in the database. The update must be done manually to prevent exploits coming from two unique keys. The issue in the screenshot happens when your record is first created without PB GUID. However, this would imply that a changing silent guid is not the problem. If it was, you would probably have the PB GUID stored because there would be new record created for you. After restarts, do you still have your admin level or does both XP and admin level clear?
  16. Do you have PB GUID. Just in case your silent guid is changing for any reason. With PB GUID we can be sure that is not the case. Please check the cvar values of g_dbUserMaxAge, g_XPSaveMaxAge and g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp. Also, please make sure that the executed map command is the last to get executed in the server cfg. I.e. exec "objectivecycle.cfg" or what it is that you may be using is executed last. This because the mod loads at that point and if you do not have g_XPSave set to the value before the mod loads it will reset the XP. EDIT: Ment that you should check the 3 cvars using rcon on the server. But I think the most likely reason is wrong order in setting g_XPSave and executing map rotation.
  17. Does the XP save work over map changes? Please post snippets from the log with the database opening and closing. The very first database entry when the server is restarted may have usefull information if the reset happens only on server restarts.
  18. Only use lua_modules cvar. Don't put anything in lua_allowedModules. set lua_modules "autopromotion.lua"
  19. Double jumping is possible in both ETPub and Jaymod style. Look at the settings in g_misc. What is field revive? Landmines are controlled by cvars including how they get triggered. That is correct, no door kicking. Yes there is flak jacket. The engineers need the 4th star for it.
  20. Yes. That will enable shufflenorestart without blocking.
  21. The issue on your server is zz_hhsilentmenu_v1.pk3 You should remove all such files that you have not edited from it. All you need is the menus.txt file and the modified/new files.
  22. Please check the file type using command prompt and the dir command. There really is no bug with opening Lua files by the mod.
  23. Please ensure that it is in the silent folder, there are no typos in the name and that the file is readable. By readable I mean that the file is accessible by the server process. For example you have copied the file there as a root or some other user then the server process is running. You need to chmod the file in such case so that the user account the server is running can access the file.
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