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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. You need to have default setting for the g_excludedMaps that willrestore the value. These are not like forced cvars on the client side, but just like normal server config cvars. Once you set something it will remain until it is set again. Even over server restarts if the cvar is archived type. EDIT: An example set g_excludedMaps "" [players 0-2] set g_excludedMaps ":purefrag:" [/players] The order is important. The commands that are later in the config override the commands already execed.
  2. It looks like the server you are playing is using custom menus that don't include all the silEnT menu options.
  3. Player 0-1 means that when there are 1 player or less on the server. If you want to disable from 2 players, then 0-2 would work. Since you have the flag 4 set aswell, it will count the spectators into the full player count as well. Not only the players who are in teams.
  4. I suggest using [players] blocks that are little off. It should help with having the correct numbers better. For example: [players *-14] set g_excludedMaps ":industry:" [players 15-19] set g_excludedMaps ":purefrag:industry:" [players 20-*] set g_excludedMaps ":purefrag:" [/players] The idea in the player counting is that the player numbers don't jump from 8 to 22 over very short time. But rather 10 -> 15 -> 23 way. But indeed it is possible sometimes the values are off for a map.This needs some experimenting from admins to find the best values for their servers. Also ll suggestions relating to this are welcome, but please post them to the support forum. Also note that this feature is not only for the maps but for any commands admins may want to execute for the map.
  5. The server stores 2 latest counts. When the configs are run and this flagis set, it will count them together and divide by 2. With default settings these values are always the warmup and the previous map. If you disable the warmup counting, these will be 2 latest maps. If you disable the filtering too,it will be just the previous map. If you have filtering disabled and warmup counting enabled. It will always be the latest value. The mapconfigs are executed when map changes and when map starts after warmup.
  6. ESC->silEnT->Themes , the last settting in there
  7. Counting the players during the intermission for the map voting is too late. You should just experiment with the settings and see when it fits your server best. Also, you can use slightly wider values in the players block definitions. The [players x-x] blocks can be put in any of the mapconfig files. For example in the default.cfg where you have already put some settings.
  8. Jowish is the modeller who made the PPSh model.
  9. It's already on the frontpage and in downloads. Just forum announcement is still missing.
  10. The personal greeting and greeting_sound are not stored in the main database file but in the userxdb.db. However, it should create the records even still if those do not exist already.
  11. On top of the silEnT GUID there is possibility to enforce bans using silent idents. This is controlled by g_identOptions. Also, !subnetban is possible. Players can of course change their silEnT GUID. The point of the GUID is to be a reliable way to identify players and therefore every player will get the silEnT GUID. The reliability in this case does not mean unspoofable or static in any way, but it means every player will get unique identification string used by the database. The more serious issues of possible guid spoofing/changing are addressed separately by Admin Level Protection system and with client idents. Admin Level Protection generates authentications for the players if the level they are set to is protected. Client idents are used to recognize if the player has changed their guids and IP addresses and if they are banned. However, this system does not work as a GUID. The ident field is seen in the shrubbot.cfg file. The format and data of the ident may change from version to version and the implementation specifics are hidden from the admins. Using the !finger command admins can see if the ident system is functional for the player.
  12. Next things to check are fs_homepath and fs_basepath. Also, please make sure they are correct using the rcon if possible. Just make sure these paths point to the new installation and not old or any other installations. The issue is without a doubt in parsing the admins.cfg file and the parse error message is direct result from the data it reads.
  13. Sounds like it is reading different file then what you think. Please tell what is the value of the g_dbDirectory cvar?
  14. How did you create the admins.cfg? The file seems rather big as the error is on the line 3394. It looks like that line in the admins.cfg file is corrupted. Please make sure there are no additional " characters on that line. Please do also note that the admins.cfg is read only with a command so if you haven't read it in manualy on your older server it may have been corrupted already in there. Another thing that you might see potentially usefull is that there is no requirement for the admins.cfg to hold all the admins. You can insert just those admins you want to read in at any particular time and it will not affect other stored admins in the actual silent database. For future use, the silEnT does automatically convert the databases between different versions if there is the need for it. So there is no need to delete the old files unless you experience problems and you think it might be usefull for that purpose.
  15. So what you are suggesting is completed objectives without getting killed?
  16. One thing in the autopromotion Lua script I would like to suggest is to change the reading the sil_guid from the userinfo to rather reading the sess.guid field in general. However, in this particular script the guid is perhaps not needed at all.
  17. According to the error message it seems to be an issue with some script. The G_Script_ScriptParse is related to spawning entities. Do you know of any changes you have made to the server just recently. EDIT: I see I was too slow with responding.
  18. gaoesa


    Have you checked the g_inactivityOptions http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_inactivityOptions Especially the flag 4 comes to mind, not waiting until full server to move to spec.
  19. Maybe this difference would be better addressed if the kill/revive would not be considered qualifying for the revive spree? EDIT: But then another thought, maybe the revive spree should end on a kill? I mean that revive spree sounds like a little bit more then just healing teammates.
  20. The default value of cg_gun_fovscale will be "0" in the 0.5.2 and you can remove the cvar forcing for it then.
  21. What I can think of is that the 5 is in use in someones name. Did you try the setlevel using part of the player name? You can also go around such issues using useredit command whic takes the 8 character ids. If that was the case. EDIT: Ok, it seems that the failed issue is related to not being able to fetch from the database. Did you do !userinfo on him. It would display if the issue is that he joined through the 0.5.0 and therefore the unfortunate GUID issue would have effected. In such cases the thing what players need to do is to restart the game and join the server directly.
  22. Indeed interesting proposal. And I too would like to know more what it actually enables in the gameplay ways.
  23. The normal behaviour requires reconnect though.
  24. The private slots are engine side feature. To my current knownledge those can't be manipulated from the mod.
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