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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. How about SELinux? Do they really need outsiders to do it? http://www.selinuxproject.org/page/Developers EDIT: Just to make it clear. I'm not seriously suggesting that SELinux would have backdoors.
  2. The intent by default is to show it only to the own team. This is because the other team should not get too much information. The bugs were typos, duplicated prints with no additional data and in some cases wrong words used, that didn't match with the map scripted texts.
  3. gaoesa


    None of those "Omni-bot looking" strings matches what it should read in the log. However, you don't need to set the omnibot_path cvar at all, if you place the omni-bot folder on the same level as silent and etmain folders are. That is just an option. There is really no programmatic reason why it wouldn't succeed on the first try though. Maybe you have the path unset on first try and later some config that executes, sets it. The cvar is archived type and therefore, the server remembers the old values.
  4. gaoesa

    HP for medic

    Wiki has the possible fields you can read and sometimes write with player entities. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#gentity_get Not all of the fields can be written with gentity_set. EDIT: Notice that your G_ClientSpawn is missing parameters. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_ClientSpawn
  5. I suppose this is because of TrackBase and your involvement with the ET 3.00. I believe you're personally just trying to be practical as ET Legacy doesn't support multiple protocols. But I also think that TrackBase had no reason or grounds to break the GPL to protect couple tiny features integrated into a very large code base for it's own benefit. Especially since there are no security related reasons for it.
  6. I also would prefer it as a standalone. I don't like the idea of getting my ET.exe replaced by a third party. Also, the method of distributing it in a custom silent pk3 with modified silent binaries makes it harder to be sure of the content. In the worst case, there will be a lot of different silent pk3 files that players have to download.
  7. If only some players lost XP but not data that is linked to them, it can happen because of settings for the played map. For example, playing a map with comp settings and then returning to pub settings. That could reset the XP from players who played on the map. On these cases, it is important to first take a look at the server log, the end of the previous map and the start of the next map. That can give some details of what has happened. The ET server crashing, but not the actual server, can cause corruption to the db files. There is a very small window at the end of the maps when the db files are being updated. I would expect if that happened, it would result wider issues. The whole server crashing can corrupt the file system in any way as there can be data that is not actually written to the disk. Another weird case that could happen is if the server time was changed to something in the far future. If the saved XP has time limit. One thing you can try if you suspect the DB integrity is to perform dbcleanup. Make a backup first. Issue the command with rcon and it will perform it during the next intermiossion. The server log will hold all errors that it finds and if it fixes anything. But do make a backup of it first.
  8. Only possible customization is to enable g_realBody. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_realBody
  9. Set this: set lua_allowedModules "chat.lua rename.lua" to this: set lua_allowedModules "" This is common misunderstanding with Lua configurations. The allowed modules is an option which allows adding SHA1 signatures of loaded modules. I.e. it checs that the modules are proper. But if you don't have the signatures, then this can be left empty and all modules are loaded.
  10. The 0.7.2 pk3 does not work with 0.8.0 server binary. You need to have both those the same version. The binary hellreturn gave was specially built and fully compatible with the 0.7.2. If there comes a case when the GUIDs change. Like in between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0 if I remember right, we will write proper notice about it. You don't need to unzip the silent.zip to the root of your server if you already have a running server. You can indeed just extract the pk3 and the qagame to overwrite old and deleting the older pk3, and nothing will be lost.
  11. You did change the client pk3 though? Yes, when updating it is enough to change the qagame and the client pk3. That is enough, apart from sometimes adding some new cvars into the server config. Like hellreturn said, we can't fix enhmod if that is kicking your players. Maybe there is an option to enable disable that feature in the enhmod.
  12. At least http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Client_Cvar#cg_effectDistance can be used for this.
  13. gaoesa


    Try !updatepbguid when he is on the server.
  14. The command takes 8 characters from the end of the silEnT GUID. Same that you can see with !list command.
  15. If you do !userinfo on a player that can't send private messages, whats the output?
  16. Do other admin commands work correctly?
  17. Added to the next version as g_disableComplaints flag 32.
  18. Implemented in the next version, with following syntax: The votes are seen and executed with the /callvote command. The levels are optional and if it is left empty, players with any level can call the votes. EDIT: These blocks are defined in the shrubbot.cfg file.
  19. The detections are mostly heuristics so it is not possible to name the cheats, but for the information, the first versions of the system were implemented several middle versions before this. And we have yet never had false reports. Also, the system does not send any names or such information to the servers. In case of suspected false report, it must be reproduced in a controlled environment. Additionally, the heuristic methods are not prone to detecting malware, as the process boundaries are not stepped over.
  20. You might have fast shooting enabled. The g_weapons flag 16384. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_weapons
  21. It is configured in the server config. http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_warningDecay
  22. Thanks for reporting back. We will fix the ETTV support for future release so that is doesn't need Lua scripting.
  23. Are you sure the server side settings didn't have affect on the sounds played? This could be cause also if some admin would go against the advice in the document, and place his custom sounds to replace the mod sounds. Similar effect was formerly know when switching from one server to another that had custom made sounds.
  24. Thanks for the report. Could you elaborate what you mean with bugged settings? This could be something not related to the mod version. There were no changes to these settings between 0.7.2 and 0.8.0.
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