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  1. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to MickyP in Questions   
    I did try & do RTCW version but I had a issue getting it to show up, I've just done a new test (just editing text) which did work.
    For RTCW you need to edit mp_pak1.pk3\ui_mp\wm_quickmessageAlt & create a new pk3 in the same directories, its a little bit more hard work as 1 line in the ET menu you have to scroll down 50+ lines in the RTCW version. It looks like it can be done but its a lot of work
    The DMS program was never designed to waypoint from it was rather to add waypoint flags without me having to remember exact command or which key bind it related to, it then progressed to adding goals without the need to open the console to manually type 3 or 4 commands for each one. After that I just added more bit that I found useful.
    If you need there are some ET binds in here that should work fine in RTCW, I used the binds in combination with the DMS
  2. Thanks
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Reading an entity value using its key   
    Thank you very much!

  3. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Reading an entity value using its key   
    I modified C++ code so that GetEntTeam works for spawns. It's in the mod. On Windows you need to compile qagame_mp_x86.dll from project GameInterfaces\ET\src\game\game_2013.vcxproj.
    GetEntTeam is used in many map scripts, but it should not break anything because it is used only in region triggers which are triggered for CLASS.ANYPLAYER.
  4. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Wp.SetWaypointFlag when several waypoints have the same name   
    I will add possibility to set multiple navigation flags in the next Omni-bot version.
  5. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Questions   
    You've converted the waypoints successfully. Now you should create some goals.
    Add a CAPPOINT goal at the ship so that Allies know where to take the documents Add three GRENADE goals to destroy barriers on the beach Enable MOUNTMG42 goals for Axis team Change priorities. CHECKPOINT_beach_flag should have the same priority as FLAG_War_Documents. Create routes.
  6. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Questions   
    Did you read the wiki ? The cappoint must be created by these commands when you are standing at the exit:
    /bot goal_create cappoint transmitter /bot goal_save I attached gm script which disables PLANT_2transmitter7 goal so that engineers do not drop dynamite near the transmitter.
  7. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Goldrush RtCW/ET   
    I made waypoints for KT_G-Rush. You can download them from GitHub.
  8. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Omnibot connecting issue   
    It is compatible. Do you have installed the latest Omni-bot version 0.87 ?
    This is not related to the connection issue. If you have more questions, start a new topic.
  9. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Wiki pages   
    Omni-bot wiki has been moved to https://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/OMNIBOT_-_Enemy_Territory_Modification
  10. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Path through Switch - bot outside WaypointName waypoint radius   
    Oops, there are 2 doors. The upper door is accessible only by trick jump or cheating. The lower door switch position is Vec3(-2277, -521, 292).
  11. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in MLB Egypt and silEnT mod: bots don't ride the Boat outside of warmup   
    The boat initially spawns in a secret room at coordinates (-5730, 1664, -1218). Then it is moved to the river after one time frame.
    I fixed the mlb_egypt.gm script.
  12. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Bot glitching with a specific PLANT goal on Ruins of Acquiesce   
    That ruins32.gm script is for old Omni-bot version 0.71. The Map.Switches table does not work since Omni-bot 0.8. and has to be converted to SWITCH goals. The MOVER_tank goal should be removed. But the most critical bug is that all priorities are extremely high. Priorities of normal high level goals should never be greater than 0.9.
  13. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Handling debugtrigger-less button temporarily disabled once used   
    You can create a region trigger for any player who is near the button. But it is not possible to detect if the player pressed the button or not.
  14. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Question about team_WOLF_objective   
    These entities don't have an AABB, but they have a position.
    GetEntPosition(102) It's not recommended to use entity IDs, because they can depend on mods. It's better to use entity names.
  15. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Giving a goal shared by the 2 teams a role just for 1 team   
    You can create new custom BUILD and PLANT goals for Axis and then restrict neutral goals to Allies. But it is too much complicated. I think it would be better to set a goal range instead of role. Range is useful so that bots don't go to the goal if they are too far away from it.
    Bots get roles only on map load or when they change team (if balancing is enabled) or when some bot disconnects. You can't change roles dynamically.
  16. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Weird issue with a PLANT goal of wolfsrudel_final   
    The problem is caused by a line Util.RemoveGoal( "PLANT_Main_Radiomast" ) which is in OnMapLoad.
  17. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in GetGameState returning Playing while the game is paused   
    The GameState enumeration is common for all games. Each game has its own states. Enemy Territory and RTCW do not support Paused, Scoreboard and Suddendeath.
  18. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Cycling through players checking if they're alive   
    Function OnExit can be called after a player switched team or disconnected. There are too many maps with this "team switch bug". I fixed it in the fueldump map today.
    GameMonkey scripts have simple cooperative multitasking. Threads can be switched only at sleep or yield. That's why no locks or mutexes are needed.
  19. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Cycling through players checking if they're alive   
    Cycle through all players may be slow, so I would recommend to create a trigger region. Then define some table in your script to store all players who are in the region. Add a player to the table in OnEnter and remove him from the table in OnExit. Then build a loop to go through players in that table and count only those who have Util.GetEntHealth(ent)>0.
  20. Like
    Mateos got a reaction from Ray_Wolf in waypoints   
    A first answer was provided here: github.com/jswigart/omni-bot/issues/16
    But most of them are absent from the official repo heh ^^'
  21. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in How to download Omni-bot   
    Enemy Territory
    If you use ET:Legacy, it is very easy because it automatically downloads and installs Omni-bot.
    You can also download ZIP package from the GitHub. You can extract it to any folder and then set omnibot_path cvar.
    Most users need to download only one file omni-bot_0_90_ET.zip, which contains binaries, scripts and waypoints.
    File omni-bot_0_90_ET_waypoint_mod.zip is the omnibot mod which can be used to create waypoints and goals. If you just want to play the game, it's better to install another mod (legacy, silEnT, n!tmod, Jaymod, NoQuarter, etpub, ...).
    The latest development version is available in the SVN repository. You can use TortoiseSVN to checkout http://svn.assembla.com/svn/omnibot/Enemy-Territory/0.8/ If it asks for login credentials, you can enter anything (for example username: x, password: x).
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein
    Download file omni-bot_0_90_RTCW.zip from GitHub. It contains scripts, waypoints and binaries. It is compatible with the latest version of iortcw.
  22. Like
    Mateos reacted to gaoesa in Broken ETPub-based mods client side   
    If it runs ok then I think it is sorted for now. I was just curious to find out what was the cause of it. If you like to test a server, I think creating a separate server instance is better. That way your user configs don't get overwritten by the server.
  23. Like
    Mateos reacted to gaoesa in Broken ETPub-based mods client side   
    Does this happen if you set up your own server?
    NQ is also ETPub based. It reall doesn't make much sense that it happens in ETPub and in silEnT but not with other mods. You should install the game outside of the "Program Files (x86)" and not run it as an admin, it would give you at least a little better security. Overall, you shouldn't run programs as admin unless they really do have some serious reason they would need it.
    Please try to set up your own server locally and test connecting to it.
    ...\etded.exe +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +map oasis Client:
    ...\et.exe +connect
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